What's Wifely Duties To You?

^^I've heard old people refer to it mainly as sex but also

Keeping the house clean
Entertaining his friends by cooking when they come over
Cooking healthy meals
Keeping the finances straight
Ironing his clothes for the week
Fixing him balanced meals/leftovers to take to work
Keeping your appearance up.

I just wondered what other people thought
That's a lot. I come from a traditional background also, but the wife usually had hired help. I can't do it all by myself. Laundry is the only task that I do by myself without fail, every weekend rain or shine.
^^I've heard old people refer to it mainly as sex but also

Keeping the house clean
Entertaining his friends by cooking when they come over
Cooking healthy meals
Keeping the finances straight
Ironing his clothes for the week
Fixing him balanced meals/leftovers to take to work
Keeping your appearance up.

I just wondered what other people thought

Well, dang. What does the man do for the woman? Is she working in this scenario?
Def agree on the long money. I have already decided hired help is a necessity. Not daily, but his money has to be right (or be willing to take on half of domestic duties and even then, hiring someone to handle my share :look:)

My ex's money was right, which was the only way our marriage would work because his domestic abilities were non existent. He didn't necessarily expect his wife to do it but someone has to!
well the word "duty" implies something you dont want to do but are honor bound to anyway, so i would say boning him when he wants to and i dont.

i would probably also consider it my duty to be his cheerleader even when the subject is stupid as fock and/or i really dont want to. those are two things i figure a wife is duty-bound to oblige.
Keeping the house clean
Entertaining his friends by cooking when they come over
Cooking healthy meals
Keeping the finances straight
Ironing his clothes for the week
Fixing him balanced meals/leftovers to take to work
Keeping your appearance up.

Wow. Doing all that, get up go to work, go to gym and come home to do this and take care of the children. I feel tired already!
Yes I try to do ask this and it's a killer. Had to put the gym on the back burner for a while as it's expecting too much.
ETA. Fuuuuuggg ironing his clothes. I guess I should count my blessings as that's one of the few things he does for himself and our DS without complaining or expecting praise lol

Wish I had the desire and energy.
No room for an entrepreneur.
You think so?
Cooking-you would do this anyway for yourself. Eat leftovers one or two nights. After you cook fix tubber ware for yourself and hubby for tomorrow.

Iron on Saturdays/Sunday's while watching tv or lounging

Sex whenever it fits makes everyone happy lol

Cleaning- do a little as you go. Not necessarily spic and span army style but just keep it live able and clean

Stroking ego- lol for some it just comes easy. Not for me

Most of these tasks are just a mind thing. They only take a few minutes a day. It's just how we choose to think of them.

I do it whenever I can. I don't stress about what I can't do (if I'm ill, paper due, outside obligations) but I'm Tryna get to the point where I plan ahead if I need to to get stuff done. As time goes on (and surrounding myself with people that do) makes this easier and easier. I would hope one would still have plenty of time for themselves/their passions
I also feel that it's a wife's duty to stay interesting.
- Develop your own friendships, hobbies, career, etc.
- Have more to talk about then your relationship, problems, bills, etc..
- Keep some things private...yes...even as a married woman.
- TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!! I can not emphasize this enough.
- Get your hair and nails done on a regular basis, keep your skin soft, workout and maintain your figure.
- Keep your youthful spirit. Life is hard, we all know this but your home should be a place of love, solace, and relief.
Add kids to the mix and life is a lot more complicated. If you work outside of the home and you're the person who maintains the household, maintains the schedules, helps the kids with their homework and baths daily, entertains the kids, gives your man time, give your children time...whats left for you at the end of the day? Thats a second fulltime job. I see a lot of over simplifying here. You will drain your tank trying to be everybody's everything.
^^I've heard old people refer to it mainly as sex but also

Keeping the house clean
Entertaining his friends by cooking when they come over
Cooking healthy meals
Keeping the finances straight
Ironing his clothes for the week
Fixing him balanced meals/leftovers to take to work
Keeping your appearance up.

I just wondered what other people thought

Agreed. You know I'm southern too so we have the same outlook lol. But most of this stuff I did long before I met my SO anyway. I'm surprised so many people think cooking and cleaning is so demanding. Like, I like stuff cleaned a certain way so I naturally do it anyway. I only deep clean once a week and the rest is just wiping down the counters or loading the dishwasher. That's pretty simple...And cooking doesn't take long. On average, it's about 20-30 minutes of prep work and the rest is just letting it finish. He irons tho lol that's the only chore I hate so I don't do it. I also don't entertain his friends. We stay out the way so they can have guy time. The rest is simple.

I guess it depends on priorities. Home is my first responsibility and work/everything else comes after that. I have a laid back job so I balance finances and all the planning while I'm there, but if my job is ever too demanding I'll leave it. My SO gives me that option, but idk if I'll ever take it. I like working and my own money.
I also feel that it's a wife's duty to stay interesting.
- Develop your own friendships, hobbies, career, etc.
- Have more to talk about then your relationship, problems, bills, etc..
- Keep some things private...yes...even as a married woman.
- TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!! I can not emphasize this enough.
- Get your hair and nails done on a regular basis, keep your skin soft, workout and maintain your figure.
- Keep your youthful spirit. Life is hard, we all know this but your home should be a place of love, solace, and relief.
Could you expound on keeping things private. Could you give examples
Could you expound on keeping things private. Could you give examples

Sure of course @PrissiSippi ...

Many people think this means to keep secrets from your husband and that's not necessarily the case. If he gives me shopping money, he doesn't need to know that I put half of it in my savings account. I don't necessarily need to tell him every...waking...thought. Other ways I keep some things private is by not telling my husband all of my girlfriends' business, not letting him see ALL of my grooming habits, and not letting him just bust into the bathroom if I'm on the toilet. :lachen:
Sure of course @PrissiSippi ...

Many people think this means to keep secrets from your husband and that's not necessarily the case. If he gives me shopping money, he doesn't need to know that I put half of it in my savings account. I don't necessarily need to tell him every...waking...thought. Other ways I keep some things private is by not telling my husband all of my girlfriends' business, not letting him see ALL of my grooming habits, and not letting him just bust into the bathroom if I'm on the toilet. :lachen:
Love this post. Your posts are always so inspiring.
I also feel that it's a wife's duty to stay interesting.
- Develop your own friendships, hobbies, career, etc.
- Have more to talk about then your relationship, problems, bills, etc..
- Keep some things private...yes...even as a married woman.
- TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!! I can not emphasize this enough.
- Get your hair and nails done on a regular basis, keep your skin soft, workout and maintain your figure.
- Keep your youthful spirit. Life is hard, we all know this but your home should be a place of love, solace, and relief.

Sure of course @PrissiSippi ...

Many people think this means to keep secrets from your husband and that's not necessarily the case. If he gives me shopping money, he doesn't need to know that I put half of it in my savings account. I don't necessarily need to tell him every...waking...thought. Other ways I keep some things private is by not telling my husband all of my girlfriends' business, not letting him see ALL of my grooming habits, and not letting him just bust into the bathroom if I'm on the toilet. :lachen:
My ex wanted to know every thought in every corner of my mind at every moment of the day. As someone who is fiercely protective of her privacy I should've known better. :nono:
I hope I don't get banned for this one..when it comes (pardon the pun) to bjs do ladies swallow the results? If yes, do you notice you behave differently in the days after? Been married almost six years and finally did it. Thought I was going die, but he's been asking for over five years! I survived lol but notice I'm different when I do. Is it chemical? Magical? Idk please chime in:cowgirl:
I hope I don't get banned for this one..when it comes (pardon the pun) to bjs do ladies swallow the results? If yes, do you notice you behave differently in the days after? Been married almost six years and finally did it. Thought I was going die, but he's been asking for over five years! I survived lol but notice I'm different when I do. Is it chemical? Magical? Idk please chime in:cowgirl:
How do you act after doing the do. :look: I haven't noticed any change.