What's the latest time you'll accept a phone call from a man?

it depends on the guy. i know current works whack hours but he doesn't really call cause his phone is prepaid :look:

but my phone is usually turned off around 9ish anyways. most people in my life know by now not to even bother calling...
I am sure that i am the odd one out onthis one... I take calls whenever usually.

From the time i get home until about 10 pm i am busy with my son and can't really talk on the phone. But after 10, everything is done and i can talk and not be interrupted by someone who needs something. I am a night owl so i love being up late and talking on the phone late.

Can i ask why he can't call after a certain time? outside of sleeping, what is the big deal?

So do I. I've never had to give anyone a cut off time. If I'm available I'll answer, if not..leave a message. Never thought it was that serious.
I don't have a specific time. If my phone rings and/or text message I answer it usually. I generally don't care the time of night. I just hate the phone call/text messages in the a.m. I will not answer the phone or text message between 6-10am; esp. on the weekends, holidays, and the summer...:rolleyes::rolleyes: that ticks me off.....I am a night owl not a morning person....:look:
If its my man then anytime i feel it vibrate or hear it ring

any time after 1am i will think its an emergency anyway
This guy I've been semi-dating consistently calls after 9 PM. I used to take his calls, but now, I just ignore them. He tried calling me last night around 10:30, and it really annoyed me. I think 9 PM is going to be my cut off time now.

Thanks for your input, ladies.


thats early hun, i'm sure the sun is still beaming this time of year around 9

why make it so hard to fall in love with your sexy night voice huh? :look:
if iwas dating someone - depends i would be into him anyway to date him over a period of time

if its somebody i'm not sure about

then probabley about 11pm

who knows man might have something exciting to do, and why am i staying in BORED over my "pride?"

i just wont come see YOU at you HOME anytime after 9 if were just dating
I don't have a cut off time for established friends. If I'm available, I'll answer...if not I won't.

Newbies (you don't know me like that!) get ignored if they call too late (after 11pm) or too early (b4 9am).

I usually don't call people during business hours, unless it's business related, or I need a quick answer/bit of info pronto.