What's the latest time you'll accept a phone call from a man?


Well-Known Member
Speaking of being a "b!tch" and setting ground rules for men, what's the latest time you'll accept a call from a man that you're casually dating?
Casually dating I would say 10:00pm. Even if I'm not sleeping I won't answer the phone, I don't know why I do this, I just don't like starting a phone conversation late.
9:00 PM. I used to give them the same time frame as telemarketers. Plus, since we're casaully dating, I don't need him infringing on someone else's time. :grin:
I'd say 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. Wow, if he calls after that (unless you just left each other and he's trying to see if you got home safe)...I'd say that's a wee bit rude. :look:
Those of you that have a time cut off for calls...Do you feel the same way about text messages???

Just Curious:yep:

Pretty much, you can text me after 10pm, but it will get ignored. Unless theyare my man and I will answer the phone anytime for them (if I hear the phone ring) and depending on the text I may not respond to my man's either, if I'm awake yes, but if I'm sleeping and he sends me a message about something stupid it will be ignored.
This guy I've been semi-dating consistently calls after 9 PM. I used to take his calls, but now, I just ignore them. He tried calling me last night around 10:30, and it really annoyed me. I think 9 PM is going to be my cut off time now.

Thanks for your input, ladies.
Just dating? 10pm. If it's my boo-boo (and I know his schedule is whack) I will answer any time. I won't be happy about it if it's after 1am though. (I'm a night owl, I'm usually up until 2am or so.)
Casually dating = 9 AM - 10 PM

I've had more of a problem with men calling/texting REALLY early in the morning versus late. :nono: I don't want to chat it up at 7 AM and there is nothing that important if we are casually dating. :rolleyes:
8 am-10 pm and I tell them this upfront. And if they get bold and want to test the limits and make the mistake of waking me up :nono: Lord help them...
Casual? I'm NOT looking for my phone to ring after 8pm. Frankly, for me, 9pm is stretching it. For a seriously relationship...I don't care...9:30pm is the CUT OFF during week nights. I work hard and need my rest. Point blank.
Yeah I'm not with that calling at all times of the night if we just started out. 10p is the latest unless we've made an arrangement for a later call. If you text me late, I won't answer. Now the only exception is when I worked 3rd shift..I wanted somebody to talk to me 2-3am b/c I was bored at work.
i'm in school, and hate how everyone thinks everyone else is awake... i HATE getting group meeting reminders, or random forwarded texts at like, 3 a.m....

but anyways:

a male friend - won't pick up after 9, 12 on weekends
a male who is interested in me - won't pick up after 9, EVER
a male who is just as interested in me as i am in him - won't pick up after 11
a boyfriend - i'll pick up ANYTIME, provided he does the same for me. but if, say, i call him 3x in a row after hours (on separate occasions), and he doesn't pick up, i'll go three separate occasions and not pick up when he calls.

however, if they call more than 5x in a row (like the last guy who was interested in me) after 1 am, i will pick up and give them a sharp piece of my mind. poookie don't play dat.
I am sure that i am the odd one out onthis one... I take calls whenever usually.

From the time i get home until about 10 pm i am busy with my son and can't really talk on the phone. But after 10, everything is done and i can talk and not be interrupted by someone who needs something. I am a night owl so i love being up late and talking on the phone late.

Can i ask why he can't call after a certain time? outside of sleeping, what is the big deal?
I am sure that i am the odd one out onthis one... I take calls whenever usually.

From the time i get home until about 10 pm i am busy with my son and can't really talk on the phone. But after 10, everything is done and i can talk and not be interrupted by someone who needs something. I am a night owl so i love being up late and talking on the phone late.

Can i ask why he can't call after a certain time? outside of sleeping, what is the big deal?

I can't speak for everyone else but it's rude to me. It shows total lack of respect for my time. I don't think it's proper to call after a certain time and it is poor etiquette in general to call someone's home too early or too late and certainly during mealtimes.
I used to stay up really late with some of my exes. I have really bad insomnia so I'm always up. One ex and I used to talk really late (loved the convo) on the phone because he had a night job and I'd fall asleep talking to him. My male best friend used to call me real late, I miss him. DH dont play that noooo more.:nono:
I can't speak for everyone else but it's rude to me. It shows total lack of respect for my time. I don't think it's proper to call after a certain time and it is poor etiquette in general to call someone's home too early or too late and certainly during mealtimes.

I agree with this^^^^^^
for casual relationships it would be a 9:30p cut-off time, 10:30p on the weekends (this goes for text messages too). With my SO anytime he wants. If I am up I will answer.
i'd say my cut of of a guy who isnt my bf is 9pm

funny this thread came up cause this guy who wants to date me called me at midnight last night...like 5 missed calls and i didnt answer obviously, this morning i told him in a txt that its rude to call that late and he proceeded to laugh at the fact that i think its late and say I am the rude one :wallbash: im too through i told him to lose my number
Honestly, I don't care; I work nights and I close, so the time I get off isn't really set in concrete. I get people calling all times of night, and I actually found it flattering when one guy called at 1:01AM. (One minute after I got off work, lol!)
Yeah basically it's out of respect if we aren't in a relationship. I don't want to be missing some good sleep (I work 1st shift) for someone I'm not serious with yet. What was going on at the earlier hours of the day that you couldn't call me?
well Im a night owl...so i dont have a specific time. they usually text first to see if i am awake...if not they dont bother calling. But my calls are not about asking to get some a$$ they know better.
Not past 10. If they call around 9:45 ish I probably won't answer.

ETA: If it's a night that I work and somebody texts me, I'll usually answer.
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Can i ask why he can't call after a certain time? outside of sleeping, what is the big deal?

It's in poor taste and not proper phone etiquette. You shouldn't call peoples homes after 9 pm or too early in the morning (not sure the exact time) or say during dinner time. With cell phones being so common these days it's like people are available or expected to be available at all times but it shouldn't be like that.
9:30...cell is shut off, house phone has caller ID...I do not answer unless it's family cause if they are calling after 9pm something is up.
If it is a guy I haven't known for very long and we are casually dating (this goes for guy friends too) I wouldnt pick up after 10 pm. I feel like at that point in the relationship calling earlier is more conciderate.

If I get a call from my boyfriend (Or in my case my best guy friend) I will pick up any time. 2:30 in the morning. 4:00 in the morning..whatever. It's the dynamics of our relationship that it is fine with me.
If we are in a relationship, no later than 12am. If we are just talking, I don't like calls after 9:30. I think it's so rude how some of these dudes try calling you in the wee hours of the morn, like it's cool, and be all "so what are you up to?"..Fool, I was about to enter REM sleep until you interrupted me.

I was once kinda mean to this dude once who called me after midnite. "I was like..err...what do you want..do you realize that I am in bed now..."..last time I ever spoke to him.