What's The Best Thing You Ever Put On Your Hair?

Hairveda Moisture 24.7, Hairveda MoisturePRO, Hairveda Red Tea Conditioner and Hairveda Sitranillah Deep Conditioner.

I would also give a shout out to Megatek Coat Rebuilder--- if it didn't give me a terrible headache. I think it is due to the preservative in it...

With Hairveda, my hair has NEVER been this moisturized yet strong. But my hair also loves a good dose of protein so I'm looking to purchase some liquid keratin to add to my Sitranillah once in a while.
1. Steam treatment
2. NaturelleGrow Protein-free Marshmallow Slippery Elm Root, Cinnamon, and ____ Deep Conditioner
3. DevaCurl Decadence One Condition
4. Naturalicious Moroccan Rhassoul clay wash/treatment
5. Oyin Hair Dew
6. Jojoba oil

Too-new and weird but maybe will take the number 2 or 3 place: Especially Hair Moisture Foundation