what's the one thing you WON'T do to your hair?

I will never:

Let any African braider put micros in my hair. Cornrows are fine though (so far)
Use a flat iron above 400, in fact I may drop down to 380 myself
Get a Dominican blowout
Use Monistat or honey in my hair
Use permanent dye, rinses are fine, but that's enough for me, although I have thought about Henna
Get a bone straight relaxer
Wear my hair in a twistout or bantu knots for more than a few days... for some reason my hair starts to shed badly, but it's fine if I mix hair in for the twists
Use hair grease
Wear weaves
Wear wigs for more than a day or two
Wear lace fronts
I will never....

Micro braids/plaits
Bantu Knots
Coffee rinses
Tea rinses
DC overnight
Glued on lace fronts
Shave the left/right side of my head
Clay mask
Wash my hair with black soap

......then again, never say never. ;)

pre_medicalrulz, I think a Bantu Knot Out would be pretty with your hair, nice following waves.
I co-sign on never putting any of the following in my hair or scalp:

Coochie cream aka Monistat
Weave or wig
Micro or yarn braids
Bleach or permanent color
Anything offensively pungent, overbearing or stinky. I'm really sensitive to smells!
Oh yeah.... I don't think I will ever
Use Bkt
Use an egg ( I'm scared it would fry)
Use clays
Wear a lacefront
Use glue
Use crisco
I think I've done just about everything! Weave, braids, glue, perms, monistat... gosh darnit I went hard when it came to hair! Now I'm keeping it simple. I (hopefully) will never do weave and perms again.... I will try my best to leave sulfur and oils alone as well. Just conditioner and shampoo. I will leave it at that. :D
I will never:

Relax my hair again
Use henna in my hair again
Use a curlin iron
Use monistat :L
Let a stylist cut my hair
^^ I agree. I probably won't relax again, only because it wreaked havoc on my hair for years! I was relaxed since I was seven, btw. Definitely won't abuse it with daily heat again either :nono:

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Have to agree on the monistat one. I could never bring myself to try that and I have tried a lot. :lol:

I bought sulfur and could never use it. I was always so terrified so needless to say I would not be making any sulfur concoction for my hair. I have used (and may use again) Qhemet products that have MSM though.
I can say I've done a lot to my hair... Monistat is one of them... And I got great growth from it as well... In fact I still have a tube of it kicking around here...
It gives me about 3/4"inch to an inch of growth consistently when I use it...

The one thing I'm thinking of but can't bring myself to do is shave one side of my hair off a la chante Moore/Cassie...
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one thing I can say I will NEVER do again, relax my hair. ill loc up before I relax again.
I dont think I would ever dye my hair again either. lately ive been in love with my natural.color anyway.
I want to.try henna but dont want to.change my color so probably won't do that either.