what's the one thing you WON'T do to your hair?

I'd love to have a weave one day. I think, if properly taken are of, it can be a great protective style and obviously a way to wear a style I wouldn't be able to achieve with my own hair. But I don't think I can upkeep it. And having access to my hair is important. Also I'd need it to be super realistic looking. So, for now I would not install a weave.
- Dye it

- Bleach it

- Put any sort of whale semen on it

- Dreds

- Micro braids

- Jherri curls
Age and experience have taught me, the hard way:

Never say never, even with something as simple as hair.

So I will just say:

I do not INTEND to damage my hair beyond repair with a tool called a flat iron, anytime in the near future.

I do not INTEND to stop being a complete DIYer.
I have done so much to my hair and for experimental purposes would try many other things but... I've learned from the past haha.
-I know I will never rip a brush through my hair ever again like I did when I was relaxed.
-I'm quite sure I won't relax/texlax my hair.
-Leave anything organic and staining on my hair under a baggy for more than a day :nono:
-Wash my hair RIGHT before work- unless it's an emergency. Bad experiences.
-Let hibiscus powder sit on my scalp :cry: it burns!!
-I will not quit using Monistat just out of the blue. That stuff helped my scalp recover from that hibiscus powder, allow my hair to grow with ease, clear my skin and strengthen my nails.

... Oh and I will not straighten it on high heat (if any heat at all for a long, long time)
I will NEVER:

1. light my hair a fire (intentionally)
2. dye my hair a rainbow of colours all at once
3. get a jherry/S curl etc
4. wash my hair loose, not condition it, not detangle it, then air dry it (unless im planning to start free form dreds ... which I dont intend to do any time in the near future)

There are new bkts on the market do not contain formaldehyde or aldehyde. They use an amino acid complex. I love them so far

Napp could you give some deets on the brands you have used and liked please
There are new bkts on the market do not contain formaldehyde or aldehyde. They use an amino acid complex. I love them so far

True! I used one and love it too. I didn't know they're still called BKTs, I thought they're called Alternatives. So, maybe I should just say I won't use a BKT with Formaldehyde.
-I will not quit using Monistat just out of the blue. That stuff helped my scalp recover from that hibiscus powder, allow my hair to grow with ease, clear my skin and strengthen my nails.

Dayummmm! Coochie cream did all that?! Did you put it on your face and nails too? What's in it that stimulates hair growth? Someone else here said that she got 3/4 to an inch of growth per month! I remember those threads floating around sometime ago. Maybe I need to read them! :lol:
I will never....

Micro braids/plaits
Bantu Knots
Coffee rinses
Tea rinses
DC overnight
Glued on lace fronts
Shave the left/right side of my head
Clay mask
Wash my hair with black soap

......then again, never say never. ;)

:lachen:Ok then!!!! Your list would have been shorter with the opposite question......less is more. That explains why you have such long beautiful hair!!!!
Dang it!.....I recently put Monistat on my scalp a few times......nothing bad happened. This thread just reminded me to continue using it. I totally forgot all about the mix I did with monistat:spinning:

Now for the one thing I won't do to my hair again is stretch 5-6 months if I am going to continue relaxing my hair:nono::nono::nono:! NOPE....NO Way No HOW!!! It ain't happening!
I can say I've done a lot to my hair... Monistat is one of them... And I got great growth from it as well... In fact I still have a tube of it kicking around here...
It gives me about 3/4"inch to an inch of growth consistently when I use it...

The one thing I'm thinking of but can't bring myself to do is shave one side of my hair off a la chante Moore/Cassie...

Right, people can say what they want but Monistat has always given me a good 'kick' in growth, lol.

I have done everything, but I wont use HIGH heat on my hair.
Permanent hair color - I really want a new color, but don't want to double process (color + relaxer). I'm enjoying lightening my hair using natural honey though! ;)

- I'd worry about processing the right amount of time to get the same look each time. Nope, I'd just go natural.

Go more than four days(preferably two) without shampooing.
Get braids, a relaxer, texturizer or BKT.
No relaxing or texlaxing.
No permanent hair color.
No monistat.
No weave.
No unrealistic challenges. After 12+ years of being natural and really taking good care of my hair I know how my hair grows, what my hair likes, etc. Patience is key for me.
Off the top of my head, I'd say I will not dye my hair again.. Back in undergrad I received blond highlights, they were cute for a little while but not for long the streaks turned into some dry, damage mess and eventually my hair fell out..
Dayummmm! Coochie cream did all that?! Did you put it on your face and nails too? What's in it that stimulates hair growth? Someone else here said that she got 3/4 to an inch of growth per month! I remember those threads floating around sometime ago. Maybe I need to read them! :lol:

Yes ma'am!:yep:
Well, when I was putting the Monistat on my scalp, it got on my nails and I noticed after about a week, my nails were a lot stronger than they usually are, and like hair, the stronger it is, the less it breaks, the more you see after a while. My nails grow fast to start with but they peel and are super thin making them prone to breaking, but when I use MN I have to cut them with nail clippers if I want them short.
I do put it on my face though. Before when I used to dilute it with water and pour it on my scalp, I always found that my forehead was clear of acne. I tried it on my cheeks and it continued to clear my acne relatively quick (within a week I had clear skin and you could tell it was working every day).
I got about an inch of growth when I used it ~once a day/every other day. I could tell it worked because I remember I trimmed my hair to a half inch above my waist, next month it was a half inch below my waist. I did shed a lot the very first time I used it... It stopped shedding after a month and came back thick. After like 3 months though my growth rate of a half an inch a month returned.. So I now only use it every other month. Some people get accelerated growth from anything (JBCO, biotin, algae, etc.).. I've tried almost everything and the ONLY thing that works is coochie cream (lol).
I am not quite sure what's in it that makes your hair grow.. I did read on another hair board that its something about nitrogen that aerates your scalp and allowing it to grow hair easier, as opposed to killing any fungus on your scalp "inhibiting growth". Still not sure but I'm still researching it. I'm curious.
It's a wonderful cream though.
Anything wreck less or impulsive whether its speech or action with my hair. Even experimentation has its limits.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together
I will NEVER:

1. light my hair a fire (intentionally)
2. dye my hair a rainbow of colours all at once
3. get a jherry/S curl etc
4. wash my hair loose, not condition it, not detangle it, then air dry it (unless im planning to start free form dreds ... which I dont intend to do any time in the near future)

Napp could you give some deets on the brands you have used and liked please
SimJam I liked qod organiq and arosci intensive restructuring foam so far but I wouldn't consider them "the one". I plan on trying Inoar argan oil next because it is one of the safest formulas on the market.

True! I used one and love it too. I didn't know they're still called BKTs, I thought they're called Alternatives. So, maybe I should just say I won't use a BKT with Formaldehyde.

Stormy the biggest difference between a new age formaldehyde free bkt and an "alternative" is the ratio of ingredients and the format of the formula. The alternatives are usually foams while bkts are liquids or creams. Since they eventually do the same thing I call them both "smoothing treatments". Which one did you use?
I will never get braids or put weave in my hair again. Been free since 2007 ain't going back.

I'll also never lighten my hair. I'd only go blacker.
  • Use permanent color or bleach
  • Wear a wig
  • Get a weave, braid, or any other style that requires hours to put in and hours to take out
  • Cut it
  • Stretch more than 10 weeks
  • Go natural
  • Baggy
  • Overnight DC
  • DC without heat
  • Not go more than a week without shampooing
  • Anything involving garlic (Ugh)
  • Spend tons of money on something "all natural" in a tiny 6 oz jar with a shelf life of like two weeks :nono: I've been traumatized before