What's the best advice you've gotten . . .

I guess because my hair was relatively healthy looking nobody ever gave me advice on how to style, maintain, etc. Hands down my BEST advice has been on this board. :yep: My hair is the longest it has EVER been! However, like Barbara mentioned earlier, the only BENEFICIAL advice was from the Wanakee Hair Guide. First time I learned about air drying, deep conditioning, etc.
It was from a hair board don't remember if it's BHM or LHCF but it's LISTEN TO YOUR HAIR, i find this works all the time especially since recently.
My advice has come from Motown Girl, protective styles and oils also LHCF has been a God send. I have learned about not blow drying:fart:, dc, prepooing, no shampoo (love it), oils, moistrizering conditioner, streatching my relaxer with molases, honey, acv, oils, acv rinses, how to combat breaking, how to help with shine (honey), hair growth, protective styles, good weaving, things my hair hate (ors, shampoo, grease) and my favorite BLACK WOMEN CAN HAVE LONG HAIR......................:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::grin::grin::grin::yay::orders::orders:
Three things I learned from my mom:

-Use cold water as your final rinse
-Use coconut oil in your hair