whats the average length of everyone here? part 2

My length is:

  • Bald - 3inches

    Votes: 28 2.7%
  • 3inches - shoulder

    Votes: 258 24.4%
  • shoulder - underarm

    Votes: 411 38.9%
  • underarm - brastrap

    Votes: 206 19.5%
  • brastrap - waist

    Votes: 131 12.4%
  • waist - longer

    Votes: 22 2.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


back from years of hiatus
i wanted to start a new thread so we can see where majority of our members are in their hair progress as of now. the other thread is over a year old and im sure alot of people have changed categories since then
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Shoulder blade I think. I haven't pressed my hair in a minute, but I plan on doing it tonight or tomorrow morning.
Between shoulder-length and underarm... same as last year when I voted! :look:
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i havent straightened my hair in a month now..but today after i shampooed and let my hair airdry it was an inch or more below my shoulder ..and thats with 6weeks of new growth:)
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my hair is to the small of back ,close to waist length(finger crossed)by end of summer.however i'm about to get a small trim this week..so we will see.
I'm a baldy @ the time. lol: BC'd about two months ago. Wanna do it all naturally this time(triple good foundationing: Thickness, natural/unprocessed, and healthy-all it can do now is grow!!!) I'm currently about 3 inches.
My is chin-lenght @ the sides and mid-neck @ the back. a bit scanty
My goal is to have healthier,thicker hair first. then all the rest can follow.
close to underarm length in the back but I have bangs in the front and it gradually gets longer towards the back. Im having a time with my hair right now and debating on cutting it to my neck for a fresh start. I have some breakage at the crown and in the back, which is my problem area and dont know what do to with it right now....:(

oh well Ill probably just wear a lot of rollersets for a while, then it looks shorter anyway and blends better.