the MOST growth actually seen from MTG

how much growth have you seen for MTG on your own head?


    Votes: 10 14.7%
  • 1/4 inch-1 inch

    Votes: 28 41.2%
  • 1 inch-3 inches

    Votes: 23 33.8%
  • 3 inches-5 inches

    Votes: 5 7.4%
  • 6+ inches

    Votes: 2 2.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My hairline at the nape is filling in and the texture is really different. It was crispy dry for some reason but now it is smoothing out and not dry anymore. It was in the shape of an inverted W and I want to see if I can get a blunt shaped hairline with this MTG. I am also working particularly on the hairline. It is filling in. One area in particular in the upper temple area is thinner than the rest so it needs intense therapy!!lol. It is still thickening all over. I am doing the moisture thing as well but only every other week now so that my hair has a chance to really absorb the MTG mix for the full three days at a time. Meaning I can wash every third day and reapply if I choose or wash once a week and reapply during that week. Now that it is getting colder up here, I have to take that into consideration because you have to watch out for getting chilled from having a wet head. My hair is a lot shinier and I am also using a homemade WG combo or rich heavy oils on the shaft and particulary the ends a couple of nights a week to make sure that my hair is getting its fats. Protein, Acids, Moisture, Fats is a sure thing for me. Bonjour
I agree with Mahalia... I noticed thickness first before growth.

My hair is still getting thicker. I wonder if I should lay off a while. How thick will it get?
Mahalialee4 & Blossssom-Ive noticed that as well with my hairline and roots..its crunchy..i know its not damaged because I keep that area well oiled..and then it started to smooth out but it definitely took some weeks...With my hair line I want to grow it in real close to the forehead because I think I have a rather large

Im working on the hairline too cos i noticed receeding I also noticed that this area along with the front portion of my head need more hair cos my hair is shaped weird after some horrible hair cuts..and theres this really long section too for som reason so I could use some length up front. I leave it on for that long as well..AND i reapply up to 3-4 times a day...because I know my scalp and hair sucks it up...

Yeaaa you know what? I used to wash my hair in the winter time and go outside and my hair would become crunchy..i think because actually strands and my whole damn head started to FREEZE ahahaha...I remember then i would go into the hot school bus and my hair would defrost and let go of all this was ridiculous..

good to see yall are getting similar results! hehehe...i definitely got to keep up with it!
Totally off topic...

Cowlick - I thought a cowlick was like the piece of hair in the top of your head that grows a different direction. You can see it on all little babies heads it coils around in a circle and you always can see it on little white boys heads- it sticks up in the top and won't slick down sometimes. It is hard to see on the scalp of a kinky haired person. But if you look at your boy's scalp (kinky hair) with a low low shaved haircut (like for waves) you can see it.

The deep hairline in both temple areas is called a receding hairline, damaged hairline, or just genetics. Isn't it? My grandma use to say cowlicks when referring to her hairline and I use to chuckle to myself because she always said things differently being from the south.

My little cousin's cowlick is on the back right side of his head. His hair is cut short and I was noticing that last time I saw him. Some people have 2 or 3 of them. I think since our hair is kinky we don't notice them and our hair gets beat into submission no matter what direction its growin' (black girls know we can beat some hair!) That is.... before LHCF.

This is TMI, huh?... especially for an off topic reply. Sorrryyy....
hahaha i got a DAMAGED, RECEEDING, and GENETICAL (is that a word? lol :grin: hairline)..ahh f*** that..i got a big ol apple head..hahaha...

awww dont worry girl!! off topics are usually fun!
well i have a big ole apple head too - I couldn't wear a hat to save my life--I would die of head strangling. Actually I can wear one, my husband's that is.

I use to braid hair a lot and the receding/damaged/genetics or whatever hairline people who want cornrows actually takes less for some reason...
ftballwidow- i know what you mean girll hahaha...the only hat i can ever wear is a skully or maybe a fitted cos they big-- i wear a 7 3/4 in fitteds hahaha with this big ol head..funny you mention that you can wear your husbands..i wear my boyfriends with his watermelon head hahahaha..

yeaaa i did conrows a couple times that my friend did..never do it again..i was mad the whole time i had them all though they were beautiful and then i figured "the braids too damn tight.." hahahaha
MTG is still doing it for me, I've an 8 week update in my fotki, and cant wait for this weekend to post my 9 weeks MTG Phyto relaxed hair :D
If I am reading what I think I am reading...I can get my receding hairline thickened up with MTG.:woot: I don't know what to do with myself. That's my ONLY fault with my hair. My hairline was deep on my temples, actually the rounder just above the temple, but since braiding it's worse.

I must order MTG at once :yep: , it's like prenup.."it's something that you need to have"

Anyway with surge and MTG it sounds like I can finally get out of this baby ponytail.:bouncegre THANKS FOR THE INFO! :)
MTG definitely works on the hairline. I stopped using MTG for a while and noticed that my hairline began to beome thin again. A couple of my relatives told me I needed "some baby hair", too. I started putting it back on my hairline again about two weeks ago and I can see the fuzz sprouting again.:lol:
Suri said:
If I am reading what I think I am reading...I can get my receding hairline thickened up with MTG.:woot: I don't know what to do with myself. That's my ONLY fault with my hair. My hairline was deep on my temples, actually the rounder just above the temple, but since braiding it's worse.

I must order MTG at once :yep: , it's like prenup.."it's something that you need to have"

Anyway with surge and MTG it sounds like I can finally get out of this baby ponytail.:bouncegre THANKS FOR THE INFO! :)

no problem girl! one recommendation though..throughly research MTG by using the search link on the menu..that way you can really get a good idea of what youre working some people they have allergic reactions, they find the scent unbearable, etc., etc.,...ohhh and by the way, most women buy the 9 dollars (with shipping but i live on the east coast) trial size bottle..its enough to determine whether you like it, without spending a ridiculous amount of money to get it!

good luck!!!;)
I know! i have done all the research I can do about MTG on this website. I have squatting on this for a minute, but you sealed the deal with this info.

Only concern is that it seems that if you stop using it, it stops growing :( ? Say it ain't so
I hope that's not the case. Do you lose the hair you gained if you stop using it? That happened to me with rogaine and my edges. I'm almost back to being bald there again even though I've been babying it. I hope mtg isn't the same way.
Why would your hair stop growing. Maybe not at the same rate as using MTG but wouldn't it go back to your natural growth rate when you stop using it?
I just want to say that I had anorexic eyebrows before I started using MTG, now they've FOR SURE filled in. So this junk works...
Suri & secret diamond- the only time it seems any of the ladies have noticed the accelerated growth stopping/losing the NEW hair that has grown is with the hairline unless you frequently use it...

so far as the roots, they go back to your regular growth rate when you stop no hair is lost there..just expect the hairline to go back to the way it was if you stop using recommendation? use mtg on the hairline as frequently as possible and as long as possible so it grows in full and thick..then stop..the only reason im thinking the NEW hair is falling out, is because its new baby hair that wasnt there before that must be getting its nourishment through the assuming upon not using mtg on the hairline, the baby hairs fall out because the same stimulator is there anymore..

lkg4healthyhair- your hair doesnt stop growing..nothing makes your hair stop its natural growth..but with the new hairs that spring up (a LOT of ladies have noticed new hairs on there head in places there wasnt any before)..the new hair on the hairline stops growing/falls out (im talking about the new hair that mtg helps to grow in the hairline)..

so far as the actual roots and the way your hairline looked pre mtg?? it stays at the exact same rate and goes back to its normal growth pattern..minus the new mtg baby hairs..everything goes back without prolonged use..

i hope that made sense:look:
offthechainliz said:
wow everyone seems to be getting great results. I just purchased mine online and I can't wait to receive it!

ohh yeaaa...ive used it 4 times ( on ocassion although now that im fall break for school ima use it more often...) for 2-3 days a piece and ive gotten 1 1/2 inches of growth! and my hairline is getting fuller..i think every night im going to start applying it to the hairline to keep the results coming..

good luck!!
Well I don't want to say too much because I don't have a completed album yet, but I must say that this is what MTG has done so far:

1. It has given me 1 inch of growth in a month....(hopefully I can get this each month). My hair hasn't grown this fast since I was a child.

2. My hairline (temples) have filled in and now looks much better.;)

3. My hair is thicker.;)

4. My wet hair no longer sheds when combing. However I comb it anyway when it's damp.;)

5. The ranch where I purchased it, they say that people use this stuff all of the time for their hair...blacks are always buying it, and horse owners use it for themselves and their horses.

BTW, I use my MTG every Thursday and Sunday...just in case you want to know.:D

I plan on increasing that to 3 days a week now.;)

I hope you try it and love the results as much as I do.:)
High Priestess said:
The ranch where I purchased it, they say that people use this stuff all of the time for their hair...blacks are always buying it

:lol: Now see? How they know them Blacks ain't got horses? :lachen:

Oh well this Black agrees, MTG rocks! :grin:
High Priestess said:
Well I don't want to say too much because I don't have a completed album yet, but I must say that this is what MTG has done so far:

1. It has given me 1 inch of growth in a month....(hopefully I can get this each month). My hair hasn't grown this fast since I was a child.

2. My hairline (temples) have filled in and now looks much better.;)

3. My hair is thicker.;)

4. My wet hair no longer sheds when combing. However I comb it anyway when it's damp.;)

5. The ranch where I purchased it, they say that people use this stuff all of the time for their hair...blacks are always buying it, and horse owners use it for themselves and their horses.

BTW, I use my MTG every Thursday and Sunday...just in case you want to know.:D

I plan on increasing that to 3 days a week now.;)

I hope you try it and love the results as much as I do.:)

This is very good news! I figured that white people use MTG just like the horses. I mean, WHY NOT?

Thanks for sharing, HP!
This is an actual email I received August 12th from Shapley's (The Original MTG) HTH:

Thank you for your email regarding Original M-T-G and human use. We too have been hearing about the wonderful growth people are seeing.

I understand and appreciate your request for further information regarding human use of Original M-T-G. Let me begin by giving you a bit of background on the product and company.

As you may already know, Original M-T-G was originally formulated by a barber for use on psoriases, dandruff and dry skin on his customers. This was in the 1930’s and that product is essentially the same formula that we are currently using. He also started marketing this formula for use on skin problems for horses. When he sold the company, the new owners pursued the animal market, where it has remained.
During the 14 years that I have owned Shapley’s, I have spoken to several people who have used it successfully to treat skin problems on humans. Over the years, we have received reports of many others using it with no negative effects.

When I was first made aware that people were using it recently for growth purposes, I was interested to see what results they would obtain. As this has not been our intended market, Shapley’s has not performed any efficacy testing for human hair growth. What I am hearing and reading is that people are getting good growth from using Original M-T-G. Because of the results I have seen, I have begun research on marketing it to the human market. This, of course, will take time and effort, and any feedback that we can receive will be helpful and appreciated in bringing the best product to the market.

Shapley’s is very conscientious of what we formulate for animal use and are recognized in the marketplace for using the finest quality ingredients. I can tell you that the current formulation doesn’t contain anything that is known to have detrimental effects on humans or animals, unless it is an allergic reaction. (The ingredients are petroleum distillates, sulfur, zinc sterate, cade oil and glycerine). As recommended and stated on the bottle, we always suggest performing a patch test for sensitivity on any new product before use. People have been using it on their animals for almost 70 years with unbelievable success. The reported negative reaction using Original M-T-G since I have owned the company is less than 1%.
I hope this helps to answer some of your concerns. Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns or feedback. I will be happy to answer them to the best of my knowledge and ability.

Best regards,

Cindy S. Carfore
President, Shapley, Ltd.
11650 Chitwood Dr.
Fort Myers, FL 33908
Phone: 239-415-2275
Toll Free: 800-982-2017
Fax: 239-415-2277
Experience the Shapley's Difference online today at

High Priestess said:
This is an actual email I received August 12th from Shapley's (The Original MTG) HTH:

Thank you for your email regarding Original M-T-G and human use. We too have been hearing about the wonderful growth people are seeing.

I understand and appreciate your request for further information regarding human use of Original M-T-G. Let me begin by giving you a bit of background on the product and company.

As you may already know, Original M-T-G was originally formulated by a barber for use on psoriases, dandruff and dry skin on his customers. This was in the 1930’s and that product is essentially the same formula that we are currently using. He also started marketing this formula for use on skin problems for horses. When he sold the company, the new owners pursued the animal market, where it has remained.
During the 14 years that I have owned Shapley’s, I have spoken to several people who have used it successfully to treat skin problems on humans. Over the years, we have received reports of many others using it with no negative effects.

When I was first made aware that people were using it recently for growth purposes, I was interested to see what results they would obtain. As this has not been our intended market, Shapley’s has not performed any efficacy testing for human hair growth. What I am hearing and reading is that people are getting good growth from using Original M-T-G. Because of the results I have seen, I have begun research on marketing it to the human market. This, of course, will take time and effort, and any feedback that we can receive will be helpful and appreciated in bringing the best product to the market.

Shapley’s is very conscientious of what we formulate for animal use and are recognized in the marketplace for using the finest quality ingredients. I can tell you that the current formulation doesn’t contain anything that is known to have detrimental effects on humans or animals, unless it is an allergic reaction. (The ingredients are petroleum distillates, sulfur, zinc sterate, cade oil and glycerine). As recommended and stated on the bottle, we always suggest performing a patch test for sensitivity on any new product before use. People have been using it on their animals for almost 70 years with unbelievable success. The reported negative reaction using Original M-T-G since I have owned the company is less than 1%.
I hope this helps to answer some of your concerns. Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns or feedback. I will be happy to answer them to the best of my knowledge and ability.

Best regards,

Cindy S. Carfore
President, Shapley, Ltd.
11650 Chitwood Dr.
Fort Myers, FL 33908
Phone: 239-415-2275
Toll Free: 800-982-2017
Fax: 239-415-2277
Experience the Shapley's Difference online today at

hmmm all this talk makes me wonder if thats why my skin is clearing up...i had little bumps that looked like heat rash but it was more of an irritation type thing..

when i started up using mtg the other day, it worked amazingly on my skin...cos i made a spray out of it and it kinda ran down my skin accidentally..i look in the morning and my skin was definitely clearing..i think its the sulfur cos sulfur is really good for skin issues..

i know it has to be the mtg to cos i havent done anything different than normal and a few days before that, my skin was flaring up..hmmm anyone ever try it on their skin at all or scared? it hasnt had any bad effects on the scalp so im curious..
Eiano said:
I just want to say that I had anorexic eyebrows before I started using MTG, now they've FOR SURE filled in. So this junk works...

lol holy shi*t, someone else posted that their eyebrows and sideburns thickened up :eyebrows2 , uhhhh, I dunno about that. But honestly I don't care. My temples need this, it's not that bad but it could use some help.

Well, I'll be purchasing my lifetime supply of MTG. Quick question for users:

1.How do you apply it. Do you wash your hair and saturate your hair?

2. Can you apply it to your hair while it's dry?

3. Do you wash it out?

*again very happy about this news.
I received my MTG today. I doesn't smell as bad as I thought. It smells like Glover's Sulphur 8 that my mother used on me as a child. I toned the smell down by mixing it with my hair oil blend. I put it in an applicator bottle to get to my scalp(I have a sew-in). Hope this works out!!!
Nita81 said:
I received my MTG today. I doesn't smell as bad as I thought. It smells like Glover's Sulphur 8 that my mother used on me as a child. I toned the smell down by mixing it with my hair oil blend. I put it in an applicator bottle to get to my scalp(I have a sew-in). Hope this works out!!!

I can't wait to get mine, I just installed braids so that I could see if this product is really effective. I hope that I get better results with this than I did with surge.:)
Alli77 said:
I can't wait to get mine, I just installed braids so that I could see if this product is really effective. I hope that I get better results with this than I did with surge.:)

I'll cross my fingers for you and me both!!!:)