the MOST growth actually seen from MTG

how much growth have you seen for MTG on your own head?


    Votes: 10 14.7%
  • 1/4 inch-1 inch

    Votes: 28 41.2%
  • 1 inch-3 inches

    Votes: 23 33.8%
  • 3 inches-5 inches

    Votes: 5 7.4%
  • 6+ inches

    Votes: 2 2.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I just received my MTG today and I actually brought the box into work with me because it was near the stairs so...I grabbed my peppermint oil and I can't wait! to go into the bathroom and apply. I am cccrrrazy because I was looking at the bottle all scared to open it because I am afraid it's going to repulse me. Let you know what happens.

I want to know if:

I should apply this and leave it on overnight? My scarf usually slides off in the night? :( If I put a shower cap and scarf on and that thing slides off I will be in a TIZZY in the morning if I wake up with the smell of MTG everywhere.

ANYWAY---VERY HAPPY I GOT IT!! I am like a little girl can't wait to see the results. THe bottle says results in the very first use growth in 5 days or less....:look:
I use it 4 days a week (consecutively, before washing), and my hair has gotten noticeably thicker and longer. The last four months everytime I go into the Domincian salon (where Ive been going for 5 1/2) years they just cant believe the difference in my hair. I just smile and tell them that Im trying a new hair product.

I am NOT giving up my MTG any time soon, and the smell doesnt bother me one bit. Love this stuff, man!!!! :grin:
The most I seen is probably an 1-1/2 inches maybe. That was on my personal every other day challenge for March. I will try it again this month until the end of the month and see what results I get.

Well in March, my regimen was to apply every other day and then massage into scalp. Wash twice a week, cw on Wednesday or Thursday and regular wash on Sundays and air dry / bun as usual.
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If I had a dollar everytime I read a thread on MTG and inspired to to give it another chance.

I'd have enough for a premium chicken sandwich meal at mcdonalds. Real Talk.
Its exactly a mnth today! i am sure i got more than half an inch..i wnt say one inch tho! i lost track! i have also decided to stop this product! its caused my hair to shedd alot!...i have bought normal sulphur n i will add it to my other hair products!.
Nappy-hijabi said:
Its exactly a mnth today! i am sure i got more than half an inch..i wnt say one inch tho! i lost track! i have also decided to stop this product! its caused my hair to shedd alot!...i have bought normal sulphur n i will add it to my other hair products!.

So you got pretty good growth, but also shedding? I wonder what could be done to maximize that growth and decrease any shedding? Perhaps using a bit less of the mtg?

I checked out your album and noticed that you had braids while using the mtg. I wonder if the shedding was just a natural result of the braids, and the hair not being combed for that time period? Seems a shame to give up the mtg altogether if you experienced almost an inch of growth in a months period, ya know?
angellazette said:

Are the results still there once you stop using MTG?

Someone posted that the MTG made their hairline thick but once they stopped, it thinned out and has since thickened up since using.

The results are still there. I stopped for 2-3months after applying it faithfully for 4 months and at first i noticed constant shedding at the ends for a week then it stopped and my hair was fine for the 3 months. Then i restarted feb 21 mtg daily. These past 2 weeks i started an experiment i wanted to catch up a lil bit with my sides that grow slow so for 2 weeks i plaited my hair in lil braids and applied a mix of 80% mtg and 20% (palma christi, gueyes growth oil and wgo) every single day and plastic cap. without washing the hair:eek:
i just took out the hair yesterday i was in shock:eek: the sides were way longer reaching the end of my neck!!!!!!!! i had refused to measure anything during the 2 weeks. i think its frustrating when i measure i feel like i gained a good inch its unbelievable i m redo this but wash at least once a week. Like plait the hair put mtg at the scalp daily cover with plastic cap do that all week and not check anything. i just want to see progress cause my one year anniversary is coming at the end of june so i m trying to gain the most. but i wont lie the vits too play the part and i dont use heat and very low manipulation. But my hair stay moisturized with the plastic cap MTG IS REALLY A KEEPER!!!!! im glad i purchase like 2 bottles i should be good at least till my anniversary. Then i m count what i gained:p
lol wowwww....i haven't been on the hair forum in such a long time! i seem to STAY on other forums but i've been neglecting my hair lately so that might be why...

when i made the poll i just meant in general over however long you all have been using MTG. There were so many threads at the time that i made this one that i wanted to ask how much growth anyone had actually obtained during the life of them using MTG...there wasn't any particular evaluation period like a month or tow or three...

since usage (i've used it on and off but i'm going to start using it because im getting cornrows tomorrow) i've gotten about 3 inches in various places in my hair... and i've grown back my hairline many times but i'm noticing that it takes persistent use for the hairline to fill in or if you only use it twice the hair seems to thin again or fall out? maybe im just crazy but i've noticed

i'm going to keep the braids in for about two-four weeks if i can manage without tearing my scalp open (this is the first time im trying to make them last so i can really grow out my hair! i've got some special event coming up in the beginning of june and i want to be SET! lol:lol:) without washing (maybe water rinsing with baking soda or something non abrasive) but for the most part im just gonna keep my head stinky for a while and just bite the bullet...

i'm lovin how everyone on here was posting regimes! very helpful and i thank all of you ladies for making this such a successful thread filled with information!

THANK YOU ALL!:grin::grin: