Hello Everyone! New here.

I am also going off to college soon (go tarheels!!!) and is fairly new to LHCF. LHCF has been a dream come true for me. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep up my good hair care when classes start :)
Hi Brittany! I'm new here too (actually I need to do a intro post like you too). I graduated from college a few years ago, and was relaxed in the beginning. At the time, I was taking really good care of my hair and roller setting and sitting under this bonnet dryer I had for a few hours every week or every other week. It's doable (and fwiw, my roommate and ALL 60 of my floormates were white). Not sure about the demographics of your college, but I found that a few ppl wondered and ask what I was doing. I was happy to explain as long as they weren't rude about it ... anyways, I don't think you should have a problem maintaining your pretty hair without putting a lot of heat on it. My roller sets usually lasted a while and I would just put it up in a clip and scarf at night :). HTH!! Sorry if I repeated any info, I haven't read through the thread.