What would u do if you fiance did something at his bachelor party?


Well-Known Member
like.....literally the night before?
<this is not about me BTW>

My SO went to a bachelor party last night. And told me that the groom had strippers of course. But towards the end...the groom wanted to get a lil action from one of the strippers. Not sure if it was the lickity lickity...or the stickity stickity:lol:....but it was one of them.

All in all.....nothing ended up happening cuz the strippers were not down with doing it. Plus they were requiring a pretty high fee to do it....and them dudes did not have that kind of change.
But, I asked my SO.....would word get out to the fiance later. And he said most likely not, cuz there was nobody at the party who was close to his wife to be. So she really wouldn't find out.

But for me, I'm just like:perplexed. I feel bad for the girl going to the alter (today actually) and about to marry someone who was okay with getting his stuff messed with by some strange woman.

(yes i know what your thinking, if he's okay with doing all that, he probably is a cheater. And ur prob right , but i don't want this thread to be about that)

I wanna know what YOU would do if this was your man, you are about to marry, and you found all this out the night before your wedding?

We see this on tv and in movies play out, but IRL, what would you be willing to do? Cut off the wedding? Cut off something else:lol:
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I really don't know what I would do. It is hard to say when you are not in that position.

and ya know what. I thought the same thing too. When u think about all the money u just spent. everybody you know is in town for your wedding. Would i just cancel it? Would i go thru with it and give him hell later? It really is a tough situation IRL. In a movie, you just leave and cancel it. But IRL....:ohwell:

its a tough call
Well as long as he would 'nt know what I did at the bachlorette party ITS ALLLLLL GOOD lololol
Sounds like a future divorce to me. The stipper won't be the last woman he wants to do some lickity or the stickity.
Let me get this straight? He proposed? Correct? He felt in his heart that this woman he proposed to is the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with? Correct? So he has a party with indecently dressed women acting provacatively and then proceeds to penetrate a particular stripper her with his tongue or crayon? What about that says, "I want to spend the rest of MY life with YOU." To be perfectly honest I don't get involved with dudes that frequent with strip clubs. People can say ALL men go but that's just a lie that is perpetuated to the point of total belief.

The wedding would be off.
and ya know what. I thought the same thing too. When u think about all the money u just spent. everybody you know is in town for your wedding. Would i just cancel it? Would i go thru with it and give him hell later? It really is a tough situation IRL. In a movie, you just leave and cancel it. But IRL....:ohwell:

its a tough call

Sounds like one of those going through with it, embarrassing his @ss at the reception and getting an annulment kind of deals.
Meh. He prolly just wanted some last minute head...you know. Just to calm his nerves. And he was pretty drunk too I'm sure. (That was a joke ladies) Would I call off the whole wedding? Probably not. I don't think its wise to make life altering decisions in times of high stress. Would our honey moon be ruined? Probably. We would have a lot of talking to do. Would we stay together? Would it get annuled? Who knows.

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I think if he was ready cheat on his wife the day before the wedding he probably has done so in the past. I don't think a good, honest, faithful man would just cheat on his wife on a whim the day before his wedding. If I found out my fiance, had sex or did anything that would be considered cheating in my book, I would most likely cancel just because he probably was being unfaithful all along.
Called off. No hesitation. I could imagine finding it in my heart to forgive a husband after SEVERAL years making a slip up because of marital issues, but not before we've even said the I dos.
I am positive I would call the wedding off. He may not have done anything but that was only because the strippers weren't interested and/or charged too much. Outside of that, he had every intention of having some sort of sexual contact with another woman and that is all that would matter to me.
I would cancel the wedding. If he is willing to cheat THE DAY BEFORE our MARRIAGE; he very well may cheat after wards.

I don't accept the excuse "It's my last night of freedom." If you feel that marriage was a prison sentence. STAY SINGLE!!
I don't understand the whole "last night of freedom" thing either because you're still IN A RELATIONSHIP! With that said, I don't know what I would do. My first reaction as someone who is not in that situation is to call the wedding off. But it's not that easy.
Meh. He prolly just wanted some last minute head...you know. Just to calm his nerves. And he was pretty drunk too I'm sure. (That was a joke ladies) Would I call off the whole wedding? Probably not. I don't think its wise to make life altering decisions in times of high stress. Would our honey moon be ruined? Probably. We would have a lot of talking to do. Would we stay together? Would it get annuled? Who knows.

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Wouldnt getting married under these circumstances be exactly what you said you dont believe in? :perplexed
I think its worth postponing the wedding and finding out if the relationship can be salvaged, rather than paying for an expensive divorce later...(on top of the expensive wedding, that would leave a bitter taste in anyone's mouth).
My husband and I made an agreement while we were still dating....

If you cheat I leave. Period. No explanation needed. That's it.

If you want to ruin your chance with me for something like that then you have an easy out.

That applies b4 and after marriage.
Some people say Christian guys are dorks. But I'd rather a dork going to a comedy club or bowling with his boys the night before the wedding than getting lap dances from scantily clad women. Him having sex, oral, vaginal or otherwise would convince me he was doing the do all along with other women.
I think I'd be pretty devastated :sad: And violent :look:

And this is neither here nor there, but what kind of loser wants head from a stripper and can't even afford it? Loser.
There would be NO wedding, NO relationship. I would be hurt but grateful for the early exposure.

I wouldn't even be comfortable with a bachelor party in the first place. A night out with your boys, drinks, music etc. is all.

No need for puzzy bearing women.
Let me get this straight? He proposed? Correct? He felt in his heart that this woman he proposed to is the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with? Correct? So he has a party with indecently dressed women acting provacatively and then proceeds to penetrate a particular stripper her with his tongue or crayon? What about that says, "I want to spend the rest of MY life with YOU." To be perfectly honest I don't get involved with dudes that frequent with strip clubs. People can say ALL men go but that's just a lie that is perpetuated to the point of total belief.

The wedding would be off.

Just because your man don't frequent strip clubs, don't mean his boys won't hire a stripper or set him up to go to a strip club the night before and then he gets a lil to drunk and next thing you know, he done had sex with a stripper. Sometimes those be the ones you have to watch because they are in awe of the strippers.
I don't know why strippers have to be at a bachelor party. I'm just happy that I wouldn't have to deal with that mess so it's hard to put myself in that situation.

I must admit though, it makes me wonder that if he'll proposition a stripper for sex then what else he's doing in his spare time.
I don't believe most would call the wedding off. Most women would convince themselves nothing really happened or they "need more proof".

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I don't believe most would call the wedding off. Most women would convince themselves nothing really happened or they "need more proof".

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I would not call off my wedding. I would need more proof, i.e a video, and I would have to do an investigation. Yes, I would still get married, go on my honeymoon (no hanky panky) and while I am gone I would be making calls, sending emails and what not. There are some jealous people in life or people that just want you to be as miserable as them. I would not go off that he said she said without real proof.
You'd be surprised how many people get a little action before the big day.....I'm not sure what I'd do IF I was told this information.
In a perfect world, I would wish I would have the strength to call it off, but in reality I would probably go through with it but get it annulled later after getting all the facts and thinking things through. It's just so hard to call off a big production like the wedding at the last minute. Weddings are so stressful anyway and I think I wouldn't be able to think straight in that moment.

Maybe if it happened a few days or weeks before I would call it off.