What will your length be by this time next year?

Hopefully bra-strap. Wow!! If I got at bra-strap then I could rub it all in everyone's face that all this money and time AND effort actually paid off.
I_Dream_Hair said:
Hopefully bra-strap. Wow!! If I got at bra-strap then I could rub it all in everyone's face that all this money and time AND effort actually paid off.

ITA, bra stap or somewhere close to it hopefully, if not i'd settle for an inch or 2 past APL :D
By Febuary I should be at bra strap so but this time next year I shouldbe a little below. I'm going to try to maintain it at bra stap though. I love a healthy, full ,trimmed look.

Oh yeah, and uh, I will be rocking Southerngirl style bangs :grin:
bra-strap by May-July. Somewhere around there. I am hope I will be there soon, but I have to be realistic with myself. My hair grows fast, I did not know this until I tried to grow it.
shoulder length....it took aboput a year and a half...so maybe sooner provided that i dont hack all of my hair off again.
Cincysweetie said:
LOL stoooooooop! You're a mess. And you know I'ma have pics! I'll probably chicken out and not do it in the end, but we'll see! :grin:
Okay!!! Quit Playin! YOu betta post pics...Don't get LHCF all hyped up 4 nothin'!!!
lovechic said:
Okay!!! Quit Playin! YOu betta post pics...Don't get LHCF all hyped up 4 nothin'!!!
LOL sorrrrrry, lol. I want to do it, but we'll see if I do. Cause knowing myself as I do, I won't be able to stand my hair long.
If I retain everything but, a quarter of an inch if I do a duster, and receive 8in tops and 6 minimum, (and Lord I would take more ameen) then I should be at BSL, Oh my GOD, I just measured and never exspected to hit BSL w/the measuring tape, this is exciting and very motivating to keep up the moisture and protective styles, Plus I'm 14wks post relaxer major shrinkage, soooo BLS or below here I come, God willing.;) :) :D :grin:
Tee Tee2 said:
Provided it stays healthy and strong.

I'm guessing if I get the normal 6 inches a year,by this time next year I should be just 1 inch from waist length,just 1 inch!!!!!.......thats kind of exciting. How about you ladies,what will your length be by this time next year?

Tee Tee

I should be about the same place, give or take a few inches. Still blunt cut everywhere except my bangs. I'm still debating whether or not to grow those out.

Hopefully blunt cut bra strap if God spares life. If I retain enough and MTG is good to me I should be at brastrap w/ layers in May. June - December I will just keep trimming to grow out my layers.
I'm really just making the conscious effort to grow after a few months of just letting it do it's own thing.

So, I'm going to say somewhere in the broad range of armpit-bra strap.

Bra-Strap length, with a tail, two layers, long bangs.......

I have long since given up having my hair all one length for the time being. The back of my hair grows so fast I already have a "tail" :)

We'll see.....my one year goal is BSL so hopefully I will reach it!
Tee Tee2 said:
Provided it stays healthy and strong.

I'm guessing if I get the normal 6 inches a year,by this time next year I should be just 1 inch from waist length,just 1 inch!!!!!.......thats kind of exciting. How about you ladies,what will your length be by this time next year?

Tee Tee

I'm getting very good growth at the moment, so I should be passing shoulder-length, well on my way to bra strap by this time next year.

halfway between bra strap and waist i guess! im on the waistlength by 2007 challenge. not too sure when in 2007 i'll get there.
Well I would probably be nearing waist length if I let it grow out, but I don't want my hair that long b/c it starts to make me look short if it's too long. So I plan to keep it trimmed at 1" below bra strap. But by this time next year, hopefully I can grow it out of this V and trim a U into it with long chunky layers.
Wow, by October of 2006, my hair should be in the middle of my lovehandle( you know that crease) lmao...

hopefully by then, that crease will be gone.
Wow, that'd be long. I'm going to add this thread to my favorite and check it Oct. 9 of 2006 :).A lot should change by then...