What things should you NOT do before marriage?

Great post!

I think it depends on what kind of relationship you hope to have AFTER the marriage (if you even want to get married. Some women apparently are cool with being a GF forever :look: )

Like, I personally knew I had zero plans to cook during marriage, not on any regular basis. So I didn't try to fake the funk and cook beforehand just to get a ring. Ditto on the cleaning. :yep: So, if you are one of the women who really gets off on being over that hot stove, scrubbing floors on your hands and knees, fixing his plate and stuff... then sure, go ahead and do all of that for each BF you have. :yep: Because that's how you actually ARE. For women like me, though you are setting yourself and your union up for disaster if you try to force yourself to do things you intensely dislike to trap a man.

eta: oh yeah, giving a man money and having OOW kids for him... that stuff is just too :drunk: that's a given!
I wonder if men have similar thoughts. Like, do they talk about what types of things they absolutely will not do for a girlfriend?

Your dialogue is not far off at all. I ease drop on dh when he talks to his cousin (who is a virgin and very inexperienced with dating). I just want to snatch the phone and say "your cousin is an a$$hole, don't listen to anything he's saying if you want to still date this girl!" oh well. :ohwell:
Are you talking about you dh? If so, what sort of bad advice is he giving?? :perplexed

Your dialogue is not far off at all. I ease drop on dh when he talks to his cousin (who is a virgin and very inexperienced with dating). I just want to snatch the phone and say "your cousin is an a$$hole, don't listen to anything he's saying if you want to still date this girl!" oh well. :ohwell:
I wonder if men have similar thoughts. Like, do they talk about what types of things they absolutely will not do for a girlfriend? Can you imagine?

Guy1: So she called me the other night wanting me to meet her on 55th street to help her fix a flat.
Guy2: Aww, hell naw! Please tell me you didn't do it, man.
Guy1: What kind of b!itchazz you take me for? My mama didn't raise no fool! I told her to call AAA and see what's up.
Guy2: See, that's what I'm talking 'bout. If you'd have gone, no telling where you'd be today.
Guy1: Probably over at her place sanding her wood floors.
Guy2: Dude, STFU! Ain't no way I'd sand a woman's floors unless I popped the question and she said yes. My lady has plumbing problems and she's been dropping hints at me ever since I told her I fixed my sister's pipes.
Guy1: Don't do it, man. Wait-- has she even cooked for you yet?
Guy2: No.
Guy1: Definitely don't do it.

I know I'm late but this is funny as hell!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen: