What things should you NOT do before marriage?

They might talk like that with their "boys", but they might sing another tune when they're with their girlfriend :lol:

You might be right. Same goes for some women, probably. Or, the women will just stay driving POS cars and living in busted apartments while their men will stay hungry wearing dirty drawers :lol:
I am really side eyeing cooking.:look: What is wrong with cooking for your man? Maybe I'm missing something.

I do not think anything is wrong with it if you are doing it for the right reasons and your SO is not demanding/requesting you do it. I mean cooking is a cheaper way to bond especially during this bad economy. I would expect my SO to take me out to eat EVERY time we had a date.
I wonder if men have similar thoughts. Like, do they talk about what types of things they absolutely will not do for a girlfriend? Can you imagine?

Guy1: So she called me the other night wanting me to meet her on 55th street to help her fix a flat.
Guy2: Aww, hell naw! Please tell me you didn't do it, man.
Guy1: What kind of b!itchazz you take me for? My mama didn't raise no fool! I told her to call AAA and see what's up.
Guy2: See, that's what I'm talking 'bout. If you'd have gone, no telling where you'd be today.
Guy1: Probably over at her place sanding her wood floors.
Guy2: Dude, STFU! Ain't no way I'd sand a woman's floors unless I popped the question and she said yes. My lady has plumbing problems and she's been dropping hints at me ever since I told her I fixed my sister's pipes.
Guy1: Don't do it, man. Wait-- has she even cooked for you yet?
Guy2: No.
Guy1: Definitely don't do it.

:lol: I believe it!

As for the ladies questioning the cooking and cleaning, my opinion is ... cooking might happen but not on a regular basis. Again, not all women enjoy cooking so it would be a farce to keep a big koolaid grin on while slaving over the hot stove (lol) Now cleaning, is an absolute no-no to me. We don't live together, there is never a reason for me to clean someone else's house. Period. He better call "Merry Maids"
IMO the only thing you shouldn't do before marriage is have children.

I agree... every relationship varies and differs from person to person. There are some dudes that don't really want to do anything for you and then there are dudes that don't have a problem with being helpful. It all depends on the dynamic of your relationship. It's the small things that a person does that really shows you who they are. I think some of these rules are def helpful but they can also be a hindrance too b/c they are not applicable to all. Truthfully, a lot of kangs don't even deserve for you to be cooking for them, you will cook and they will fill up there belly, fling up their legs all comfy and shyt in bed and don't even get up to wash the dishes. You have kangs that don't even wanna budge if you ask them to do something. Then you'll have a king that will tidy up your place, you give them food, they'll clean up and offer to help you with other things... Point is... some dudes are just USELESSSSS :down:
I wonder if men have similar thoughts. Like, do they talk about what types of things they absolutely will not do for a girlfriend? Can you imagine?

Guy1: So she called me the other night wanting me to meet her on 55th street to help her fix a flat.
Guy2: Aww, hell naw! Please tell me you didn't do it, man.
Guy1: What kind of b!itchazz you take me for? My mama didn't raise no fool! I told her to call AAA and see what's up.
Guy2: See, that's what I'm talking 'bout. If you'd have gone, no telling where you'd be today.
Guy1: Probably over at her place sanding her wood floors.
Guy2: Dude, STFU! Ain't no way I'd sand a woman's floors unless I popped the question and she said yes. My lady has plumbing problems and she's been dropping hints at me ever since I told her I fixed my sister's pipes.
Guy1: Don't do it, man. Wait-- has she even cooked for you yet?
Guy2: No.
Guy1: Definitely don't do it.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: This is TOO funny! And I KNOW they have these conversations.
I'm on the fence about some of this stuff and about having hardcore "rules". I think the problems generally come about from doing these things for the wrong reason and for the wrong person. If you are cooking, cleaning, lending money, having unprotected p0rn star sex, being personal tutor/financial/life advisor for Tyrone who is your "kinda sorta man"/f--k buddy in hopes that he will see how great you are and one day upgrade your relationship status, thats a FAIL.

But if you are in a committed serious relationship with someone who truly is special and worthy, I don't see anything wrong with doing things FOR EACH OTHER (as in no one is being used), and would think that would come naturally that you want to support and uplift each other.

And other things are just personal preferences. Some women say they won't have sex before marriage. Others say only certain types of sexual acts they wouldn't do before marriage. Some don't believe in "shacking", etc.
You have to know what works for you based on your own standards. God gave us women an intuition for a reason. There are no 'rules' in life and if you end up trying too hard, you will come off phony anyway.

Every guy is different, so get to know him and trust your own instincts to not get played.
You'll funny.

It originated from "Sex and the City" the movie. The girls were talking about sex but Charlotte's daughter was with them and so they used kid-friendly words to talk about sex.

Sending BeautifulFlowers from my iPhone
You'll funny.

It originated from "Sex and the City" the movie. The girls were talking about sex but Charlotte's daughter was with them and so they used kid-friendly words to talk about sex.

Sending BeautifulFlowers from my iPhone

Oooooh thank you!! I never knew

How old was Charlotte's daughter? (never seen the movie/show - sorry if that seems like a "duh" question)

I'm asking because...I'm assuming the youngest person on LHCF is a teen....right? What's this coloring stuff about here?

OP sorry to go OT in your thread.
It's ok.. most threads on here end up the same way :ohwell:

Oooooh thank you!! I never knew

How old was Charlotte's daughter? (never seen the movie/show - sorry if that seems like a "duh" question)

I'm asking because...I'm assuming the youngest person on LHCF is a teen....right? What's this coloring stuff about here?

OP sorry to go OT in your thread.

I understand. I think it just a less offensive way of to discuss a very adult act.

And the child was like 4 or something. :lachen:

Oooooh thank you!! I never knew

How old was Charlotte's daughter? (never seen the movie/show - sorry if that seems like a "duh" question)

I'm asking because...I'm assuming the youngest person on LHCF is a teen....right? What's this coloring stuff about here?

OP sorry to go OT in your thread.
I think it depends on what kind of relationship you hope to have AFTER the marriage (if you even want to get married. Some women apparently are cool with being a GF forever :look: )

Like, I personally knew I had zero plans to cook during marriage, not on any regular basis. So I didn't try to fake the funk and cook beforehand just to get a ring. Ditto on the cleaning. :yep: So, if you are one of the women who really gets off on being over that hot stove, scrubbing floors on your hands and knees, fixing his plate and stuff... then sure, go ahead and do all of that for each BF you have. :yep: Because that's how you actually ARE. For women like me, though you are setting yourself and your union up for disaster if you try to force yourself to do things you intensely dislike to trap a man.

eta: oh yeah, giving a man money and having OOW kids for him... that stuff is just too :drunk: that's a given!
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Thank you! just because the thank you button wasn't enough.
Some of you girls sound like you're setting yourself up for bleepin disaster. If any of my male cousins or friends were dating someone for a while and had a blockbuster night at her place and asked her to cook and she said no, she'd get the hardest side eye, and probably get left shortly thereafter.

Cooking for someone, and tending to someone does not equal being used.

If you're only cooking and doing these other things you mentioned in order to "buy" a wedding ring from a dude then of course you're going to feel used when he dumps your manipulative arse.

If you're in a relationship, and you like to cook, how are you not going to want to cook for the man you are liking/loving?

I think what needs to be assesed is if you're in an actual relationship. How long have you been together, what kind of monogomy/commitment have you discussed, is he available to you, is he shady, have you met his friends/family... etc

The ladies who seem to get "used" are the ones putting out all this effort for men they think they're in relationships with... who are not in relationships with them.

Anyway, I'd say the no-nos before marriage are: having children, combining money, joint bank accounts, also large scale loans and co-signing on large scale purchases. Some women fall in love within a month, and in month 2 of a relationship are cosigning on motorcycles and what not. (PS - if he needs a cosigner for a motorcycle...maybe rethink the dude....)

But yeah, cooking, cleaning, living together, sex, being "available", meeting family/friends, i think these are all things that happen in a normal long term relationship.

I'm sure everyone here would be up in arms about a man who only took you on free walking dates to the park during your 2 year courtship because he didn't want to be "used" by buying you dinner, a movie, wasting gas money picking you up, etc...etc.
