So.....what you think about a 17 yr old........

Don't want to be harsh and I know this is not true for all men.........but I feel that men that are around the ages of 22 and higher dating a person in there teens or even early 20 (say 36 and 21) is a lame. He probably can't get someone around his age or older because he's a lame. He is not mature and someone younger would probably not put him in his place as someone his age or older can or will. A male (notice I said male and not man) that age can disguse his faults and make himself seem like the "it" guy to a younger female. I'm sorry, again not to be harsh again, just be careful.
What could you two possibly have in common? .

my concern isn't the age gap, but where you are in your lives right now... At 17 you're looking forward to highschool graduation, prom, starting your life, your friends... you're still (for the most part) dependant on your parents and mature as you may be, not an adult. He, on the other hand is 22, an adult, and his focuses are work, maybe school, maybe going out, no curfews, he's probably sexually active, maybe drinks, goes out, hopefully independant...
You may have interests that are the same, but you more than likely aren't on the same page. I don't know... I don't want to discourage you due to your age, but at this point, I don't see how it would be cool...
I agree with what has been said previously. When I was 17, I always wanted the older dudes and felt oh I can handle it. Now at 21, I realized that we wouldve been (or at least we should've been on two different levels). I'm sure it can be done and I wouldnt call him a loser (the age difference isnt that extreme) but I would proceed with caution. A 5 year age difference worked for my mother at 18 so who knows. You guys can hang out. Identify what your values are and make sure you are not swayed from them though.
I am 22 years old and although I am still young, I was a completely different person at 17. I personally don't think its a good idea being your age, it would not sit well with me if I had a lil sis or cousin or something dating a 22 year old. Not to sound harsh, but it bothers me that he is interested in somebody in highshool. Looking back I was relieved that I never had a serious relationship in high school, its too much unneccessary stress. Focus on school, graduating, having fun with friends.
I'm sorry but I don't agree. Please tell me why a grown man is wanting to date someone that can't even go to a club with him? I'm not taking away from anyones maturity but I wonder about grown men dating younger women. I think that in most cases they just want to take advantage. I'm sure most ladies did it (I have) but I would never advise you doing it. Why is this grown man interested in dating someone just out of highschool. At a young age there is a big difference in experiences. Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean you should.
Don't want to be harsh and I know this is not true for all men.........but I feel that men that are around the ages of 22 and higher dating a person in there teens or even early 20 (say 36 and 21) is a lame. He probably can't get someone around his age or older because he's a lame. He is not mature and someone younger would probably not put him in his place as someone his age or older can or will. A male (notice I said male and not man) that age can disguse his faults and make himself seem like the "it" guy to a younger female. I'm sorry, again not to be harsh again, just be careful.

ITA, not that he's lame but I know older guys try to manipulate younger women. You maybe mature but trust and believe that this man has been around the block a lot more. I can't see what he could want from you other than to take advantage of your age.You can have things in common but most of the time it won't work. Don't do it, please don't do it. :nono:
Well I know it's immature but you know, I'm not interested in him anymore, mostly because he's not attractive to me....... I'm such a picky person, but I'm not worried about it yeah....
Well I know it's immature but you know, I'm not interested in him anymore, mostly because he's not attractive to me....... I'm such a picky person, but I'm not worried about it yeah....

I knew you would make a wise decision.:kiss:
I think the fact that the young man IS 17 is the *only* reason why you won't spend some time in jail (depending on the statutory rape laws in your state)....he's not old enough to drive, he's not old enough to vote...has he even graduated high school yet? :perplexed Does he even know what he plans to do with the rest of his life? Is he emancipated from his parents? Does he have his own place? Does he have a job in which he can be promoted to a better position?

Not a good idea.

:nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:
Well I know it's immature but you know, I'm not interested in him anymore, mostly because he's not attractive to me....... I'm such a picky person, but I'm not worried about it yeah....
Nessa, you're always coming up in here giving me a heart attack! :lol:

Nessa is 17 and in high school. The guy is 22.
So......what do you think about a 17 year old dating a 22 year old????????? And Ladies, please take this in a mature way...

Before you have your opinion's on this:
Please answer my questions,
What are the requirements or attitude you should possess while dating an older man?

What is there to be expected?

Please be RAW with me ladies, I can handle it.....


I did it! And I'm married to him now. When I met DH, I was 17 and he was 22. We did go through some ups and downs though because I was so young when I met him and we both needed to mature.

I do remember not liking the fact that he used to talk down to me as if I was his child or something.:perplexed
So......what do you think about a 17 year old dating a 22 year old????????? And Ladies, please take this in a mature way...

Before you have your opinion's on this:
Please answer my questions,
What are the requirements or attitude you should possess while dating an older man?

What is there to be expected?

Please be RAW with me ladies, I can handle it.....


A 22 year old man is trifling to date someone that is not of age my opinion. He's not really that much older, but in a different area of life. I think it's too easy for them to take advantage of you, and would rather you date someone under 21. IMO.
That 22 year old would have nothing in common with you as far as stages in the career.

Why would a 22 year old want to date a 17 year old anyway? Technically he would be finished or closed to finishing his college education, and you've barely started.

You and him should both find someone your own ages.

Best Wishes.


Nothing against all the ladies who dated older men when they were 17-19, but I have to think that these men have issues themselves. I'm 26 and I wouldn't want to date a 23 year old......LET ALONE A TEENAGER!:nono:
That 22 year old would have nothing in common with you as far as stages in the career.

Why would a 22 year old want to date a 17 year old anyway? Technically he would be finished or closed to finishing his college education, and you've barely started.

You and him should both find someone your own ages.

Best Wishes.

Exactly my point....they know the young bunnies are less experienced and easy pickings (easy to "handle"). An upstanding man wouldn't want to date someone below drinking age.

ETA: Seeminglysweet, no offense taken. I was dating a 23 year old at 17 and...I got had :sad:. I was mature in a sense but not mature in the ways of MEN. That's a whole 'nother ballgame.
I'm sure it's possible but most cases it's not. My hubby is younger than me and he fibbed about his age before we got married, :rolleyes: I guess that's what I get for marrying so young. If I wasn't at the point I am in my life now I would have left him by now. I mean that in in some ways he is mature but in others........well you get what I mean. Anyway I was silly and immature at 21 so now I have much more patience but at 22 I would have just been having fun.
I think that a grown ass man dating a high schooler is a LOSER. I'm sure there are exceptions to that rule, but that is my first impression without knowing any other facts.

You've got to be really careful with these older guys. Lots of them are looking for young girls who are easier to manipulate and control. I know you think you are mature for your age, but you are still developing whether you know it or not. Don't try to grow up too fast. Take your time and enjoy these years of your life.