What The Heck Is The Problem With Quiet Women

He's probably intimidated. Some men are more comfortable with women who wear their personalities on their sleeves. It gives them less work to do in trying to approach/get to know, know what form of game to spit, etc. A quiet woman can be seen as more of a challenge and some men just aren't up to it.

But that's more HIS problem not yours. There are men who prefer a little mystery and have the confidence to try to break the ice with a quiet woman they're attracted to. These types of men usually also prefer to do the chasing and in my experience make better mates.
I'm quiet in person too, in general. I've had people ask me why I'm quiet or make all sorts of asinine assumptions as a result. I don't care. Part of it is shyness when first meeting people, and part of it is just that I don't like talking a whole bunch. If I don't want to talk to you, I won't. I don't like being around people who are always talking.

I've learned that I will open up to certain personalities more quickly than others, though -- I figure I'm just more compatible with these people, especially if we have things in common that may spark a conversation.

I have heard that people feel intimidated by my quietness. I just think that's silly :spinning:
I'm very quiet myself, and my boyfriend has no problem with that. Different men like different things. My boyfriend doesn't like extremely talkative women, but there are men who love extremely talkative women. So pay that man no mind.

I never really ran across too many men who had a problem with my being so quiet. My unapproachability, however, is another issue.
I've learned that I will open up to certain personalities more quickly than others, though -- I figure I'm just more compatible with these people, especially if we have things in common that may spark a conversation.

I've noticed this too. If I feel inherently comfortable with someone, I'll talk A LOT.
I am quiet and shy except to the people that know me, well even to them as well.. Dh is a somewhat a talker, he definitely talk to others more than I do. I have had some guys not approach me thinking that I already had a guy and some felt I was too quiet and made them feel I was unapproachable, I was totally single at the time... :( Some women will be catty no matter what the situation is, so I'm like whatever.. Sometimes I have to force myself into conversation just make a casual conversation..

I stepped out of my comfort zone with my husband and now I am wife and mother.. ;)

I would definitely say that it is a matter of choice on all parts..
Ok, I know I'm not a guy and neither are you ladies but I must know: do men have a problem with quiet women? Have any of your guy friends make a comment about women that don't speak and/or are shy?

I just found out this guy at work likes me (but I wouldn't date him because I vowed to never date a coworker) but he says that I'm too quiet. Hello, if you freakin' talk to me, I will talk; I'm not one to run my mouth 24/7 but I can hold a damn conversation about pretty much anything.

You know what OP?? When I read your post I got a completely different opinion about him than some others have. I wasn't there when he said his comment, so I can't really judge what he meant or know 100% the context of his comment, but honestly...I really don't think his comment was that serious. :look:

I think he was just being a typical GUY who has a crush on you, and was just expressing his interest in you, but your quietness makes him nervous. In other words, he WANTS you to open up and talk to him and converse w/him more (because he LIKES you), but the fact that you're quiet makes him feel insecure, and so he wonders in his mind whether or not you really like him. Guys who liked me in the past have done this and said this about me when I was growing up, so it's nothing new.

I don't think he was really trying to offend or criticize you, I just think he was feeling insecure around you, and so if you DO like him back, I would make things a little easier for him and maybe ask him some questions, or talk about topics that interest you.

Personally, I don't think there is anything WRONG with a quiet woman in the least. In fact, I think men LOOOOVE the mystery and intruigue of a "quiet woman". :giggle: I think it makes us appear a little more "mysterious". :yep: But at the same time, a man doesn't want to feel like you are not interested in him or like it's pulling teeth just to get you to open up. I don't like being around someone like that...especially someone I may have an interest in. :nono:

Just smile more, laugh at his jokes, ask him a few questions here and there, yet keep your "mysterious" vibe. He'll loosen up if he's REALLY into you. :yep:
I always thought the opposite...reserve women get more attention because they appear mysterious *shrug*
I always thought the opposite...reserve women get more attention because they appear mysterious *shrug*

I wish:look::lachen:

Anyway I am very shy and quiet myself. I hate that people assume I am sneaky, or rude or whatever. I pretty much keep to myself, if you talke to me that interest me I will open up.