"A female's intelligence etc. is irrelevant to me..."

I agree. I think alot more men think like this than we want to believe..but most have the common sense not to vocalize it.

:yep: I always think of this when I go to an event where men are there with their wives and it's like meeting the same woman, over and over again, because they exhibt so little personality.
Regarding the man in the op, there are plenty of women who will fit exactly what he's looking for and will be happy with things just as he described it. Though the "just listening to him talk" part makes him sound very self-centered, like he just wants an accessory to his life. How does he feel about mail-order brides? :look:
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I am surprised that he said it, but not surprised that he feels that way. If a woman is of normal intelligence a lot of men don't care whether or not she falls on the smart or dumb side of normal, he's more worried about looks and personality.
In case it's not clear in the OP, he's not interested in a woman's personality. He's not interested in a woman's inner attributes at all. Being "nice" just requires to her to not complain about anything he does, including ignoring her when she wishes to speak.

I am not surprised he has this personal viewpoint. Just shocked he would express it and then look like a confused dog when I concluded aloud he wasnt interested in me as a person. He wasn't intentionally doing me a favor by informing me of his preference, in other words. By his reaction I could tell he couldn't see why a woman might be offended at the notion of her sitting there, listening to him talk about football or whatever, while her own opinions and ideas are treated as useless, unimportant noise that should be kept quiet.

Yes, this what he basically said.
In case it's not clear in the OP, he's not interested in a woman's personality. He's not interested in a woman's inner attributes at all. Being "nice" just requires to her to not complain about anything he does, including ignoring her when she wishes to speak.

I always side-eye men who emphasis this "being nice" thing. For the 95% of men I've heard this emphasis from, their mindset applies to the bolded above.

Slightly Off but Related to Topic, but I bet 95% of men with this mindset are really average and below when it comes to satisfying women in the bedroom.
I asked him to define nice, just to make sure he wasn't being as shallow as he sounded. By nice, did he mean she is sweet and compassionate? Forgiving and kind-hearted? Charitable and selfless? No. A woman is "nice" when she doesn't nag, argue, or challenge a guy. That's it. Someone who makes zero demands and only expects the bare minimum from a man.

So yeah, "nice" is one of those words you gotta keep an ear open for. Just like "females".