What sort of questions do you ask?


New Member
I ask a lot of questions to any man who wants to be in a monogamous/celibate relationship with me, in the hope of getting married if we are compatible. Here are a few questions I ask;

1) Do you have a strong connection with God or do you follow satan?

2) Do you have a degree, a masters? Tell me your educational background.

3) What are your short term, and long term goals?

4) Are you a Virgin? If not, I want to see your medical history and see if you've had Herpes, STD's or any sexual transimitted diseases.

5) When will you want to have children, and if so.. how many?

6) How much are you making right now? Please provide a bank statement for validity.

7) Are you a mummys boy? If there was a fire, who would you save first. Me or your mum.

8) How is your stamina? Can you take part in physical acitivites for a long time Or are you a 2-minute man?

9) Did you have braces as a child? Or are those natural pearly whites genetics :grin:

10) Will you be willing to take a lying detector test upon request?

A friend of mine leaked my questions to the wider public, and many men don't approach me because they know they don't fulfill my criteria.. I'm happy. Some guys are intimidated, but I've had many answer every question, and I've received copies of their medical history and bank statements. I must say I was impressed. I have 3 at the moment that have passed the 1st stage of assessment, and I will reply to them in 14 days to let them know if they've passed or not.

What sort of Qs do you ask?
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Here are a few off the top of my head

1) What are your (religious) beliefs?
2)Where do you work? Do you enjoy your job? (I wouldn't ask how much he makes, I'd just figure it out)
3)What are your goals for the future?
4)How do you feel about children/large family?
5)How often do you travel to visit family/relatives..are you close or distant?
6) What extra curricular/recreational activities do you enjoy? (I'd figure out how lazy/active he is in his spare time)
7) What is your work schedule like?
8) Do you have a blog, website, facebook etc. (You can REALLY get to know someone by looking through their posts etc.)
9) How to you like this area (city)? do you think you'll settle here, or move in the future?

I'd also leave room for him to ask questions as well...lots of great convo can come out of these! :grin:
ChocolateLove, when do you ask these questions?

If they fit my height requirement, and I like their overall look, then I proceed to ask these questions between the time span of 30-60 days. If they pass everything, then they're put on probation for a further 30days whilst I continue to assess them.
I ask a lot of questions to any man who wants to be in a monogamous/celibate relationship with me, in the hope of getting married if we are compatible. Here are a few questions I ask;

1) Do you have a strong connection with God or do you follow satan?
:lachen::lachen: Have you ever met a man that said he follows satan? :lachen::lachen:

2) Do you have a degree, a masters? Tell me your educational background.

What are your education requirements?

3) What are your short term, and long term goals?

4) Are you a Virgin? If not, I want to see your medical history and see if you've had Herpes, STD's or any sexual transimitted diseases.

5) When will you want to have children, and if so.. how many?

6) How much are you making right now? Please provide a bank statement for validity.

7) Are you a mummys boy? If there was a fire, who would you save first. Me or your mum.

You're hoping he says his mom, right? Seeing that yall only just started dating.....right? :lachen:

8) How is your stamina? Can you take part in physical acitivites for a long time Or are you a 2-minute man?


9) Did you have braces as a child? Or are those natural pearly whites genetics :grin:

10) Will you be willing to take a lying detector test upon request?


A friend of mine leaked my questions to the wider public, and many men don't approach me because they know they don't fulfill my criteria.. I'm happy. Some guys are intimidated, but I've had many answer every question, and I've received copies of their medical history and bank statements. I must say I was impressed. I have 3 at the moment that have passed the 1st stage of assessment, and I will reply to them in 14 days to let them know if they've passed or not.

Ohmygawd!! This part did me in girl! :lachen::lachen::lachen: Shoot, your whole list did me in!! :lachen::lachen:

I'm sure you were serious, but your post had me DYINGGG!!

What sort of Qs do you ask?

I can't respond right now. I'm incapacitated with laughter :lachen::lachen:
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I think it doesn't seem serious because they seem more like an interview rather than casual conversation in trying to get to know someone.
Op no disrespect but I just don't see suitors feeling warm and fuzzy about a potential future with you after your inspection process. Maybe this works for you and who am I to question it but you seem to have driven off the edge of sanity with some of the things you've said. I see based on your response that these things are important to you but I think there may be a better way to approach your list of needs that will leave you feeling relaxed and in control without giving others the impression that you are hard, bitter and focused on perfection and in pursuit of a mate to make genetically perfect children.
lol I have a 150 item checklist. The first ten things are mandatory. Everything else I check off as I get to know them better. I definitely think the approach you use when vetting your potentials is key. If it's too interview-like, impersonal and robotic, I don't know how many men will be okay with that.

Do you also fit all the requirements you're seeking?
I thought I asked some pretty interesting questions when I was dating.

I think it's good. I don't know many men that would not run for the hills upon hearing some of these.
How are you able to verify the bank statements and med history? Documents can easily be faked. Lie detector? You have this machine? Wearing braces? Is this seriously a deal breaker?
wow i'm kinda speechless and scared of you right now! :lachen: just kidding, but like others said, YOU GO HARD lady! :lachen: i would advise you to change your approach and to assess the answers to your questions on your own (like, get to know them and ask in a more subtle manner) cause i know if a dude was asking me all these questions @ once i'd be SUPER turned off and might even write a thread about it here :lachen: cause it's strange...but then again if it's working for you, who am i to knock it, all i'm saying is that you can find MORE men who fulfill your criterias if you don't scare them off (like the do you follow satan question...is that really necessary? Asking do you follow God is enough IMHO)
that being said i should learn from you and ask more questions :grin:
I ask a lot of questions to any man who wants to be in a monogamous/celibate relationship with me, in the hope of getting married if we are compatible. Here are a few questions I ask;

1) Do you have a strong connection with God or do you follow satan?

2) Do you have a degree, a masters? Tell me your educational background.

3) What are your short term, and long term goals?

4) Are you a Virgin? If not, I want to see your medical history and see if you've had Herpes, STD's or any sexual transimitted diseases.

5) When will you want to have children, and if so.. how many?

6) How much are you making right now? Please provide a bank statement for validity.

7) Are you a mummys boy? If there was a fire, who would you save first. Me or your mum.

8) How is your stamina? Can you take part in physical acitivites for a long time Or are you a 2-minute man?

9) Did you have braces as a child? Or are those natural pearly whites genetics :grin:

10) Will you be willing to take a lying detector test upon request?

A friend of mine leaked my questions to the wider public, and many men don't approach me because they know they don't fulfill my criteria.. I'm happy. Some guys are intimidated, but I've had many answer every question, and I've received copies of their medical history and bank statements. I must say I was impressed. I have 3 at the moment that have passed the 1st stage of assessment, and I will reply to them in 14 days to let them know if they've passed or not.

What sort of Qs do you ask?

I know these are things you want to know but if you asked any man that and he stuck around I would show you a man who is not in it about you. It may be your own way of avoiding relationships. ANY man who will show you his bank statements without your being his accountant or in a serious relationship with you has something hiding. Even if you are Miss Universe a REAL man who will stand the test of time will not want to give you these because he is not into any games or competition. He KNOWS his worth and would want someone who would prefer to get to know HIM instead of what he looks like on paper.

I'm a betting woman and I will bet that none of the 3 your have pan out in the end.
I know these are things you want to know but if you asked any man that and he stuck around I would show you a man who is not in it about you. It may be your own way of avoiding relationships. ANY man who will show you his bank statements without your being his accountant or in a serious relationship with you has something hiding. Even if you are Miss Universe a REAL man who will stand the test of time will not want to give you these because he is not into any games or competition. He KNOWS his worth and would want someone who would prefer to get to know HIM instead of what he looks like on paper.

I'm a betting woman and I will bet that none of the 3 your have pan out in the end.

I have to agree with you on this.

I must say, I have never heard of such.
If they fit my height requirement, and I like their overall look, then I proceed to ask these questions between the time span of 30-60 days. If they pass everything, then they're put on probation for a further 30days whilst I continue to assess them.

Ok, that's not too bad then, because I thought that you were asking all these on the first date in one night! I was like, dude must feel claustrophobic right now. :lachen: The only one that was a little off for me was the bank statement(s). Actually, you might want to check his FICO score, cause just because he has money in the bank, it doesn't mean that he's paying his bills.

lol I have a 150 item checklist. The first ten things are mandatory. Everything else I check off as I get to know them better. I definitely think the approach you use when vetting your potentials is key. If it's too interview-like, impersonal and robotic, I don't know how many men will be okay with that.

Dang, I must be slacking. Mine's in double digits, but not triple digits. :rofl:
Yall dis go hard fa tru. How long did it take to gather those 150 criteria?
This question here is :nono::down:

7) Are you a mummys boy? If there was a fire, who would you save first. Me or your mum.

So within 2 to 3 months you think a man will give you an HONEST answer to that? This can't be real.
I think people are focusing way too much on my questions.

The title reads 'What sort of questions do you ask? :grin:

:lachen:One thing I've learned about this board, a thread can go in any directions and completely off topic. Very rarely does a thread stay strictly on topic.
^^^ :lachen: yeeeaaaahhhh you ain't getting off the hook that easy, lol jk i, too, wanna hear what you guys ask.
I think it doesn't seem serious because they seem more like an interview rather than casual conversation in trying to get to know someone.

Ok, that's not too bad then, because I thought that you were asking all these on the first date in one night! I was like, dude must feel claustrophobic right now. :lachen: The only one that was a little off for me was the bank statement(s). Actually, you might want to check his FICO score, cause just because he has money in the bank, it doesn't mean that he's paying his bills.

Dang, I must be slacking. Mine's in double digits, but not triple digits. :rofl:
Yall dis go hard fa tru. How long did it take to gather those 150 criteria?

lol it was actually much longer, but my sister told me I needed to be a little more realistic so I trimmed it down.

It didn't take long to create at all. It's a list of some must haves and some would like to have. As I stated above, the 10 must haves are non-negotiable.

For everything else, I have to assess a whole lot of other stuff in addition to the things on my lost. My ex had all 150 things and we're still not together. For me, it's definitely not all about my list or how good a guy looks on paper. I've had too many of those.

ETA: if I was on my computer, I'd post my list. I use a checklist because after dating them and paying attention to certain habits/behaviors firsthand, it's not necessary for me to ask a lot of the things on my list.
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7) Are you a mummys boy? If there was a fire, who would you save first. Me or your mum.

If you ask that question to someone you hardly know, chances are they will rather save their mother first. Why would they sacrifice their mother for someone they don't even have a relationship with?

I think your questions are a little bit extreme. Most of the time, you can find out a lot of things just by spending time with someone. You can sort of tick off your list when you get home, without him even knowing that you're observing him like that. There's nothing wrong with questions, but sending out a questionnaire sounds a little business like.

I hope you find the kind of man you are looking for though. :)