What seems harder for you to find?


New Member
What products seems harder for you to find that works? Protein conditioners, moisturizing conditioners, shampoo, or daily moisturizer? For me it is moisturzing condtioners and daily moisturizers. I think it is because my hair totally changes about 4 weeks post relaxer and it wants to act up. What about you all and what finally worked for you.
What initially put me on my quest for better products was the fact that I had no shine. Well, I had shine, but it was still dull- if that makes any sense.(lol)

I find that KeraCare makes great products for moisture and serums are a woman's best friend. Oh! And a ceramic iron is pretty cool too. They all add up to shine and softness that I had only imagined would be mine before.
I'm getting repetitive but nexxus products has been delivering awesome results for my 4b relaxed hair for 15 years. I've tried pretty much the entire line (as well as tons of other brands/products) but I always come back to my favorites:

-therappe is an awesome moisturizing 'poo, never fails me!
-humectress is DA BOMB best moisturizing conditioner in DA WORLD, hands down!
-headdress is an excellent creamy leave-in that leaves hair light and bouncy every time!

-emergencee is DA BOMB best hard core protein reconstructor in DA ENTIRE WORLD, period! (or should I say "exclamation"!)
-keraphix is an excellent soft core protein which I rotate with Aubrey GPB, I honestly can't decide which is better - they're BOTH excellent!
-ensure is a great acidifying final rinse which I used for years but recently slacked off because I'm getting similar results with ACV rinses, which is kepting cash in my wallet.
Nexxus is a favorite of mine too, its a tie between nexxus and Design Essentials, both give great results! I just bought the liters of therappe and humectress so that should last a while!

Anyway, answering the question at hand, the hardest products for me to find are definitely daily moisturizers! Everything I try seems to dry my hair out more than anything, but one thing Ive found thats cheap and works(almost used the whole bottle!) is Elasta QP recovery! I use it on wet and dry hair and it works great! Got that tip from Adrienne!
I have a hard time finding a product that will leave my hair with shine and not a greasy feeling to it.
A good gel. With a texturizer, gel is essential but it seems after a few hours the gel just melts away and I am left with a frizzy mess. Either that or it works too well and my hair is stiff and stringy the rest of the day. I go with the stringy gel, (Elasta Glaze and Jam) because I keep my hair pulled back most of the time. The only stuff that works well is Wanakee/BJ whatever they call it now, Hairline Essential Creme. I go through that little $10 jar in less than a month though and the shipping costs add up like a
! Sigh. I wish someone would hurry up and make a cheap knock off of Wanakee products already!
I'm still looking for a great moisturizer. It seems that I need a different one based on weather conditions and for the various stages of my hair.
Shampoo. Always. I have very specific requirements for shampoos and most shampoos don't meet them. Lanza PP (the old formula) is the only shampoo I have ever truly LOVED. Nature gate Keratin and Penthenol is growing on me - but most shampoo, I hate.