What product do you just love to buy?


New Member
Shampoo? Moisturizing conditioners? Protein conditioners? Leave-ins? Oils?

What do you love to buy? I love to buy protein conditioners. Something about the whole repairing process sucks me in. I imagine my hair strand with little people walking up and down filling in my damage holes with protein like construction workers:look:
I love buying conditioners, particularly protein ones. I see so many interesting salon reconstructors and treatments that I want to try, too.
I Love to Buy Suave Coconut Conditioner, I Love it!! I just have to buy several bottles everytime I go to the Store! I Love it. I Love Conditioners
HoneyDew said:
I love buying conditioners, particularly protein ones. I see so many interesting salon reconstructors and treatments that I want to try, too.

Yeah all of the salon "strength" protein stuff catches my eye. I just got relaxed so I am looking to try a new one for my heavy duty treatment in 2 weeks.
gymfreak336 said:
Yeah all of the salon "strength" protein stuff catches my eye. I just got relaxed so I am looking to try a new one for my heavy duty treatment in 2 weeks.

I would LOVE to try the Frédéric Fekkai Protein Rx Reparative Treatment Mask. But $28? :nono: Maybe that will be my B-day present. :D
HoneyDew said:
I would LOVE to try the Frédéric Fekkai Protein Rx Reparative Treatment Mask. But $28? :nono: Maybe that will be my B-day present. :D

I heard it was good too. I want the professional biolage treatments in the vials.
Anything with some kind of "butter" in it....I find that butter products work very well on both my hair and my daughter's hair.
Conditioners. The good smelly ones even if they are only 88 cent (VO5). I co-wash regulary so I can actually justify buying more conditioners.:D
gymfreak336 said:
Shampoo? Moisturizing conditioners? Protein conditioners? Leave-ins? Oils?

What do you love to buy? I love to buy protein conditioners. Something about the whole repairing process sucks me in. I imagine my hair strand with little people walking up and down filling in my damage holes with protein like construction workers:look:

How cute!

I love to buy any hair care product. It doesn't matter what it is, shampoo, conditioner, accessories...I love to be in the beauty supply store. I am even sucked to the hair care aisle in the grocery store....it so sad:lol:
I love buying ANY type of conditioners. Love it!!! I can stand in the aisle for hours just reading labels. I have tried but I can't seem to stop.
I really have to say, it ALL gets me excited. Just the thought of buying a new product for my hair and opening if for the first time is a pure thrill for me.
Protein conditioners and oil. Probably because I know they have instructions about using them with heat, and I love my heating cap for deep conditioning.
conditioners, leave-ins, and oils. lol Well, I just love them all. I couldn't pick one.

If I HAD to pick one, Moisturizing conditioners would be it.
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Conditioner! I found a store that sells sample/travel sizes of high end/salon lines. I'm bout to rack up.
deejoy said:
Conditioner! I found a store that sells sample/travel sizes of high end/salon lines. I'm bout to rack up.

I need some of these for traveling. This is also a great way to TRY out certain products.