Silk Amino are you using it and how is it working?

DominicanBrazilian82 said:
Just got some in the mail and I am going to take NaturalfienD recipe and add some aloe vera juice (just came in today as well), SAA, water and oil of choice to a spray bottle.

If this is similar to your application of choice, do you spray it on before, during or after wash, deep condition and rinse?

I typically use the mix once my hair is styled and on need of moisture. I've been known to throw a cap of SAA in my applicator bottle when I'm doing a co-wash too. I hope you enjoy the mix …

It's been a while but adding SAA into my reggie has given me softer hair and skin most definitely! The only thing that I haven't seen a change in is my eyelashes. Adding the SAA made my mascara super easy to apply, it glides right on but I don't see any change in the length or fullness of my lashes. No matter I will still repurchase when I run out.
JBunnie said:
It's been a while but adding SAA into my reggie has given me softer hair and skin most definitely! The only thing that I haven't seen a change in is my eyelashes. Adding the SAA made my mascara super easy to apply, it glides right on but I don't see any change in the length or fullness of my lashes. No matter I will still repurchase when I run out.

I've noticed fuller eyelashes. I usually look like I don't have eyelashes... But now there is a significant difference.

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me too! Need to stop buying new products my reggie is working out for me fine. Although so many good reviews I can't resist!
I see people saying their adding a "cap full". Can someone please give me a rough idea of how much is added to, let's say, an 8oz container? I'm just trying to get an idea, and I'm one of those people who just has trouble with vague

Also......let me get this straight:

SAA can be added to:

Anything else?
I see people saying their adding a "cap full". Can someone please give me a rough idea of how much is added to, let's say, an 8oz container? I'm just trying to get an idea, and I'm one of those people who just has trouble with vague

Also......let me get this straight:

SAA can be added to:

Anything else?

I add it to my conditioner. A capful is roughly a half teaspoon. I add a capful to 8ounces of condish. If u purchase from lotioncrafters and it comes in a little tiny bottle. I use the cap from that. Sometimes I have added two capfuls for a 16 oz bottle. I have never had an issue with it being too much.
Okay ladies so just for clarification, I can add SAA's to just about everything. I can spray my hair before a relaxer, and add it to my DC's, and leave ins and mascara and will experience increased silkiness maybe even growth and retention??? I think I will have to try it!

If I used this as the "L" in my LOC method will it block out the other products causing them to sit on my hair?
I add a few drops to my monthly face mask.
I also add some to my relaxer. I just did it for the first time so I can't say if it made a difference.

I have powdered hydrolyzed silk. It has an expiration date of 08/2014. I bought it in April so that would be about a year and 3 months. Do you have the liquid kind? Not sure about that.

I use it in my moisturizing spritz and my conditioner mixes. I may mix a tspn in my next texturizer.

ETA: I could also put some in my next tea rinse.
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I purchased three different SAA from Jo Mar Labs recently and I just used it last night for the first time; loved it. I followed Chicoro's recipe mentioned in her Youtube video. The recipe consists of 1/3 tsp of the above SAA, 1/4 cup of Aloe vera, any oil, and soft tofu then mix it up in a blender and let it sit on your hair for 30 minutes. She then applies coconut oil, on top of this treatment, and let it sit for 10 additional minutes. After rinsing this treatment out, I applied Giovanni Smooth as Silk deep moisture conditioner as an overnight conditioner.

Has anyone created their own sort of mascara using SAA and castor oil or something?
(that might be too thick but I am still curious)

This is what I've been wondering. I threw away my makeup and made myself vow not to wear it again. I dont want to go back on that, and, since I have castor/olive oil to coat my eyelashes, I am wondering what i have to do to get a good mix with SAA. Guar gum, maybe? I think emulsifying wax would be kinda crazy to put on my eylashes. not sure. HELP.
I purchased three different SAA from Jo Mar Labs recently and I just used it last night for the first time; loved it. I followed Chicoro's recipe mentioned in her Youtube video. The recipe consists of 1/3 tsp of the above SAA, 1/4 cup of Aloe vera, any oil, and soft tofu then mix it up in a blender and let it sit on your hair for 30 minutes. She then applies coconut oil, on top of this treatment, and let it sit for 10 additional minutes. After rinsing this treatment out, I applied Giovanni Smooth as Silk deep moisture conditioner as an overnight conditioner.

So how did ur hair turn out? Was it more smooth or silky? Any pics?

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I use mine along with Neutral Protein Filler and distilled water for a protein treatment.

I also use it with AVG or AVJ, distilled water and some rose water or EOs for a moisturizing spritz and cuticle sealer...
Ok I'm late but ladies I have a few questions:
Is silk amino acids the same thing as hydrolyzed silk protein?
And does buying it and adding it to products work differently than using products that already contain them? TIA
[USER=155092]lamaria211[/USER];19530295 said:
Ok I'm late but ladies I have a few questions:
Is silk amino acids the same thing as hydrolyzed silk protein?
And does buying it and adding it to products work differently than using products that already contain them? TIA

I'm on my phone, so I'll try to be brief on your first question. I did a blog post on protein that may help -

Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids. A hydrolyzed protein is a protein that has been broken down to smaller parts (I.e., shorter amino acid chains). Think of a bicycle chain. The amino acids are each link in the chain and the protein is the whole chain. Hydrolyzed proteins would be a piece of the chain.

Someone else can better answer your second question. I'm still experimenting with this.
I sure do.

I put a small amount in my spritz bottles as a leave in. Use this mostly only after wash days or overloads start

Also use extra in a reconstructor to make it a hard protein treatment.

Been using silk for about 4 or so months. I've noticed more elasticity to my hair.
I put a tsp of hydrolyzed silk powder in my texturizer mix this weekend. I usually just add some oil and cover my previously relaxed hair with keratin conditioner and oil. My hair feels a lot stronger for the past few days. Excellent results!

I put some in my last henna gloss abt 2 weeks ago. Hair was a lot shinier than usual but felt hard after rinsing and before cowashing.

Hoping to start seeing more elasticity like DarkJoy said

I LOVE this HHJ!!