What recent changes have you made in your hair regimen?


New Member
I've decided to start washing my hair in sections and keep it as stretched as possible to prevent knots from forming causing me to have to cut my hair and not retain so much length :ohwell:

But I feel so relieved knowing what my length retention problem was and that I can now start solving the problem. I'll also be more gentle with my hair, so this is my new change!

What's yours? I'd love to hear! :yep:
I no longer use a leave in conditioner, except on the rare occasion I airdry. My hair feels the same and my heat styling lasts longer with less product to weigh it down.
I have been air drying my hair for the past 8 weeks and I am really loving it. I am just now starting to see my fine hair thicken up at the ends.

I have also starting using Ultra Sheen satin creme press on my new growth only and it works like a charm, keep it moisturized during the week.
I have started adding aloe vera juice to my shampoos and conditioners. I also use aloe vera juice as a spritz and seal with an oil mix. It has made a world of difference. My hair is smoother and shinier; much easier to detangle.
After being a heat addict for years i have finally cut it out altogether. After just a couple of months the health of my hair has improved dramatically and can see the shorts hairs growing longer.
Washing and DCing my hair in sections. I had to adjust to the fact that my hair is longer.

Styling my hair more often and slowly moving away from the phony ponies, wigs, braids w/ extensions, etc. It's high time I learn how to style the hair on my head (other than straightening it).
I have cut out all heat, except with my hooded dryer for DC. That's a big deal for me cuz I used to go to the dominicans faithfully. I've started cowashing more often and moisturizing better. I grease or oil my scalp once a week now because I realized my scalp was dry. I make sure to detangle gently and I check most of the hair that comes out to look for bulbs. I also aim to DC at least once a week. And I read product ingredients like a crazy person lol. And I'm all abt PS. I hate having my hair on my shoulders now cuz I imagine the ends giving up
And breaking off onto my shirt. I also stretch my relaxers abt twelve weeks or so

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Stopped using Aloe Vera Juice (makes my hair crunchy and caused lots of breakage)
Started using EVCO (shoulda done this sooner)
Most importantly went back to my old regimen before LHCF and stopped trying every lil thing I read about.
Since my hair is getting longer, I can't airdry overnight so I'm doing away w/ daily washing. I've had to go back to some other products that allow for my hair to last longer and for wearing it down. I'm going to get a trim this weekend and may flatiron for a straighter look since my hair seems a bit fuller. It would be great if I could start wrapping my hair at night instead of rollersetting it;
Since I bc'ed, my hair regimen has been the simplest it has ever been. I rinse at night and apply megatek, cover with a plastic cap and go to bed. In the mornings, I rinse and apply my KC products. I shampoo and DC once a week.

My hair already feels healthier and I think it's shiny and moisturized.

Keeping it simple pays off....

washing hair in sections, dry detangling with coconut oil or grapeseed, stretching my hair nightly with big twists. changed my products, getting rid of commercial shampoos and conditioners. (well no more cones)
I've recently taken on the regimen of a person with MBL hair:

I rarely DC. I feel if I am going to be applying leave in throughout the week what is the point.

I'm even going to stop dcing when I flatiron I am going to try just applying the moisturizing conditioner and then blowdrying from there.

I alternate moisture leave-ins and balanced leave-ins. My hair is no longer breaking on the ends.

I no longer seal unless I am going to be out in the sun for a long time. I want the extra layers so my hair does not dry out.

My hair diet has become so simplified and I like what I see
This week I started using petrolatum jelly on just the ends and my hair is thanking me for it. I wish I would have started this experiment sooner.
My hair has grown faster than I had originally planned (which is good) in such a short period of time so I can't be as carefree with my hair. I have to DC in sections and thoroughly detangle my hair with 3 difference size combs on wash day.

With more hair, now takes more work. I have been exclusively doing twist, or puffs because they cause less tangles and work to maintained in between washes.
I've switched up the way I detangle my wet hair. I use a medium tooth comb rather than a wide tooth in smaller sections. As strange as it sounds, I get less breakage this way. It was almost like the wide tooth was too wide to actually catch and detangle the strands and I'd end up going over the section more than necessary.
I have started to section my hair into four sections as two are starting to be a bit much.

Also, returned to a schedule of using a growth aid and sulfur oil on my scalp. I have one last section to work on. I was pleasantly surprised to see that my on/off approach has yielded favorable results.
Using protein with EVERY WASH

Conditioning and then shampooing

Keeping products in my regimen on deck at all times
this month I ran out and tried to improvise smh o me of little hair

Leaving gels alone unless I put olive oil underneath

I have braids in so now i actually started oiling every other day and i had to cut out the everyday cowashing
I cut out the oil pre-poo. I don't need to detangle before washing anymore because of the new CON Argan Oil Shampoo. So I just separate my hair with my hands to get the shed hair out instead of pre-pooing, thus making my regimen simpler.
I decided two weeks ago to stop brushing my hair. The only time I will detangle and brush is on wash days which is about once a week.
I recently returned to the products and techniques that were most effective for me:

- Hunting down and hoarding the old formula of Elasta QP shampoo until I can find a suitable replacement
- Avoiding the ingredients that my hair dislikes (i.e., shea butter, aloe vera, cocoa butter, soy)
- No co-washing
- Protein treatments as needed rather than on a scheduled weekly basis
- Detangling prior to shampooing with Tresemme instead of sampling every alleged magical detangling product/method
I agree with everyone that washing your hair in sections is a must as it grows longer.

The only change I've made recently is to reduce daily moisturizing and sealing in the summer. I live in such a hot, humid environment that I don't need to do it every single day, but only as needed. In cooler months when I need to moisturize and seal on a regular basis, I add a clarifying shampoo to my weekly wash to take away the buildup from all of the moisturizing and sealing.
I'm gonna get serious abt oil rinses/HOT but my most recent chg has been sealing my hair w/ castor oil when using 2 strand twists or braiding. It locks in moisture & does not leave my hair oily. I like it!:up:

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I've had to start detangling/blow drying my hair in 6-8 sections instead of 4 as my hair's gotten longer. More hair=more work but that's what I want lol.:grin: I'm going to buy a heating cap to cut down on DC-time. In the summer I don't feel the need to moisturize as much so I've cut down on that and just focus on my ends.