Do you have mid strand/incomplete splits in your hair? What's your regimen?

I get these too. They are not everywhere but there are enough of them to be annoying. The thing is, is that I barely get split ends anymore! I suspect that it might be from detangling my hair while damp/wet but I'm not about to do that on dry hair (too much breakage, heavy use of butters/creams would be needed, and I'm too dang lazy. lol) I also cornrow my hair while it is damp to stretch it... that's the only other thing I can think of that would cause them.
I'm sorry I was not clear. It was not my stylist who stated not to cut above the holes. I read this online.
I trim my ends every 3-4 months .
I faithfully pre poo over night with coconut oil once a week. Since I started doing this there are no longer any holes in my hair mid-shaft. I do see a few holes along the last 2 inches of my hair , but not very many. I think this is because the ends are the oldest part of my hair.

So yes coconut oil has helped my hair :yep:. I also shampoo my hair with a non sulfate shampoo.
I've been using coconut oil more regularly as well. I use it as a pre poo. It's supposed to prevent protein loss. I'm hoping that will help keep the hair strong so that these types of splits and holes don't infest my hair again.

Otherwise, I'll just have to resort to coping with them. I don't think they'll hinder my growth retention if I'm careful. There is really no reliable explanation I can give for me getting them. I used heat 3 times since I've been natural (3-4 years), I protective style the majority of the time so there are periods where I detangle only once a month or once every couple of months. I never used a brush on my natural hair until I used the Denman, and by then I had already had the splits. Before then I was using Seamless combs. When I had the splits, I really wasn't even getting an alarming amount of breakage, which is surprising because when I looked at the hair I cut off it was so split and just damaged :nono:. Sure I've had periods where my hair felt like crap if I used the wrong product or did a bad treatment or something, but I also had periods where my hair felt amazing despite the damage.