With the 'what seems' to be the new natural craze these days

Just wondering what your reasons were to decide to go natural?

no reason too big, too small, or bad, or better

This is just for curiosity sake

It was just something I felt in my heart. I had never seen my natural texture before. I started stretching when I came to LHCF, and as I saw more of my newgrowth, I felt the urge even more.

It really peaked after I reached MBL. I felt I had basically reached my goals with relaxed hair, so I knew it was a good time to transition.
It was almost "accident" for me, but I'm so happy I had it, lol! I graduated from college in 2002, came home and didn't have a hairdresser so I went to my mothers. On my visit for my second retouch, she was in a horrible mood so she took it out on my hair. I was so scared my hair was going to fall out, but everything was cool, HOWEVER, I didn't trust her nor anyone else. So my plan was to wait it out until I found a hairdresser I thought I could trust...3 months passed, 6 months passed, 9 months...it was almost a year and I say to my friend "I need to hurry up and find a hairdresser to get a retouch!" She says to me "Why??? You've gone this long with out one...what do you need it for?"....That's when it clicked. I said "you're right" and that's when the decision was made.

Hey girlie! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. Your hair is gorgeous as always, and so are you. That yellow is so pretty against your skintone.:grin:
Me becoming a mother was the final straw. My hair grew significantly while pregnant (an inch or 2 above my waist) and now it took several hours to do in the salon. Precious time I couldn't afford with 2 babies!! Also, I began seeing my kid's curls and it made me nostalgic for my long ago texture and wonder what lurked under all of those inches of perm.

Also I'd begun working out regularly and would sweat my hair out so it didn't seem proactical to keep on relaxing.

I've been natural for many years now and don't regret a minute of it!!

Another cool story! New Motherhood steered you in that direction!

kiss ur babies! they aint babies no more I know......lol
It was just something I felt in my heart. I had never seen my natural texture before. I started stretching when I came to LHCF, and as I saw more of my newgrowth, I felt the urge even more.

It really peaked after I reached MBL. I felt I had basically reached my goals with relaxed hair, so I knew it was a good time to transition.

another lhcf convert! or at least thats how it began!
I've been natural for ten years, locked for 5 of them in the middle. :lol:

I went natural because relaxers were - pointless on me. My hair was so soft and limp that I couldn't do any style, and I'm not a fan of the 1a look on myself - too straight, too flat, too boring.

So, I 'transitioned' (before I even knew the term!) in 200.00 braid sets, cutting off an inch or so of hair every time I got them redone. Once I had all natural hair, I did twists, because I really had no CLUE what else to do with my hair. As it started getting longer, I got more and more frustrated with it - the tangles, the knots, the drieness, the breakage, the tangles - and decided to lock it, as that would be the cheapest and simplest alternative - and the only other 'style' I know. Afro, twists, or dreadlocks - that was it, in my mind, when it came to natural hair. :nono:

5 years down the road, my locs weren't looking as fabulous as they previously were, and I decided to take them out, and to actually learn how to take care of MY hair. 28 years old, and had no CLUE how to take care of the hair actually growing out of my head - damn shame, is what it was.

2 years later - I'm in awe over my hair. It's amazing how much SIMPLER things are when you have the right knowledge and the right tools to manage it - I plan on being natural - forever. Can't imagine a reason I would want to not be natural, anymore. Can't wait til I get to the five year mark - imagine the hair I'll have!
It was almost "accident" for me, but I'm so happy I had it, lol! I graduated from college in 2002, came home and didn't have a hairdresser so I went to my mothers. On my visit for my second retouch, she was in a horrible mood so she took it out on my hair. I was so scared my hair was going to fall out, but everything was cool, HOWEVER, I didn't trust her nor anyone else. So my plan was to wait it out until I found a hairdresser I thought I could trust...3 months passed, 6 months passed, 9 months...it was almost a year and I say to my friend "I need to hurry up and find a hairdresser to get a retouch!" She says to me "Why??? You've gone this long with out one...what do you need it for?"....That's when it clicked. I said "you're right" and that's when the decision was made.

yeah I love the yellow too! pretty! & pretty hair and make up!
Hey girlie! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. Your hair is gorgeous as always, and so are you. That yellow is so pretty against your skintone.:grin:

It has been a while!!! You are all natural!!! See, I've missed so much! CONGRATULATIONS and you're hair is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!
My hair did well with the chemicals and daily heat for years. It stayed at or just below shoulder length. In the summer of 2003, the decision was made for me because my hair was just too over-processed and putting more chemicals on pretty much destroyed hair was not a good idea. I did not do the big chop and the transition was hellacious, but I still stayed with it because relaxing again just was not an option. Two years later (2005) I found LHCF and I haven't looked back. I have gone from having the driest/coarsest/ shrunkenest hair in all the world that broke big rake combs to hair I get complimented on daily even in my bun.
I've been natural for ten years, locked for 5 of them in the middle. :lol:

I went natural because relaxers were - pointless on me. My hair was so soft and limp that I couldn't do any style, and I'm not a fan of the 1a look on myself - too straight, too flat, too boring.

So, I 'transitioned' (before I even knew the term!) in 200.00 braid sets, cutting off an inch or so of hair every time I got them redone. Once I had all natural hair, I did twists, because I really had no CLUE what else to do with my hair. As it started getting longer, I got more and more frustrated with it - the tangles, the knots, the drieness, the breakage, the tangles - and decided to lock it, as that would be the cheapest and simplest alternative - and the only other 'style' I know. Afro, twists, or dreadlocks - that was it, in my mind, when it came to natural hair. :nono:

5 years down the road, my locs weren't looking as fabulous as they previously were, and I decided to take them out, and to actually learn how to take care of MY hair. 28 years old, and had no CLUE how to take care of the hair actually growing out of my head - damn shame, is what it was.

2 years later - I'm in awe over my hair. It's amazing how much SIMPLER things are when you have the right knowledge and the right tools to manage it - I plan on being natural - forever. Can't imagine a reason I would want to not be natural, anymore. Can't wait til I get to the five year mark - imagine the hair I'll have!
yeah that was me 26/ 27 and didnt even know what my hair looked like! let alone what to do with it, grease and pressing was ALL i knew from childhood and pigtail braids LOL
My hair did well with the chemicals and daily heat for years. It stayed at or just below shoulder length. In the summer of 2003, the decision was made for me because my hair was just too over-processed and putting more chemicals on pretty much destroyed hair was not a good idea. I did not do the big chop and the transition was hellacious, but I still stayed with it because relaxing again just was not an option. Two years later (2005) I found LHCF and I haven't looked back. I have gone from having the driest/coarsest/ shrunkenest hair in all the world that broke big rake combs to hair I get complimented on daily even in my bun.
Wowsers! it broke rake combs?

So glad you stuck with it! thats they key is getting through the challenges you run into and over coming them!

another ONE goes to LHCF!
I'm just starting now at 10 weeks post touchup. Procrastinating week after week not going to the salon and realizing I'm liking my natural roots texture, questioning why I really relax my hair. The usage of ALTER EGO garlic and their COCONUT conditioner is making the decision 'softer' plus seeing how beautiful some of the transistioner's hair looks at LHCF is inspiring..just hoping I can stay with it.
I'm just starting now at 10 weeks post touchup. Procrastinating week after week not going to the salon and realizing I'm liking my natural roots texture, questioning why I really relax my hair. The usage of ALTER EGO garlic and their COCONUT conditioner is making the decision 'softer' plus seeing how beautiful some of the transistioner's hair looks at LHCF is inspiring..just hoping I can stay with it.
you can!!!!!!

just keep using the products that will help you make it through and styles and keep coming here for your doses of inspiration!
What is making go back natural is, that was my core. I wasn't one of the ladies who grew up never knowing my hair texture. I knew perfectly well what my hair texture was.:lachen: I have worn it short, and relaxed and loved it! But, I knew when it was time for me to grow my hair out, I would wear it longer and natural. My mother advised me this also. It's healthier, IMO, that way!
I always wanted to go back to natural hair especially as I got older. I decided to start during my 30th year. I don't want to go back. I love the versality of natural hair. I just needed guidance. I got it from the board.
  1. I never wanted one; mom put one in my hair.
  2. Watching my 80+ year old grandma getting a touch up at a salon. Her hair turn out great but there was something about it didn't sit well with me.
  3. My hair never went straight; it wanted to be curly so I decided to stop fighting it.
  4. Delivering the newspaper at night during a humid summer than going to a day job really seal the deal about going natural.
I tried transitioning before and did it successfully for about 5 months but then I caved in and relaxed.

But after seeing what happened to my mother, I decided it was time to stop relaxing. She went to a hair salon for a touch up, and her stylist (who had been her stylist for over a year) did a permanent color AND a texturizer in the same sitting. My mom never gets texturizers, she was getting relaxers. Next thing you know, the whole back of my mother's hair is sitting in the sink. No lie.

It was so bad, and they tried to lie and cover it up, so we took them to court we won. She finally let go of those botched ends in June of last year, and hasn't regretted it since.

Plus, my scalp is uber sensitive, I almost always get burns on my scalp when I perm.
I read about longterm effects of relaxer so I decided to stop relaxing. I tried in 2002 but I gave in to the relaxer. I got encouragment to really do it when I found LHCF in 06..... so here I am all natural now

I'm still not sure if I will stay natural...... I think I may as my hair grows
Well, I relaxed in February 2003 and found out later that month that I was pregnant. So I decided to lay off the relaxers and braid my hair up. I gave birth and started breast feeding. Still didn't want a relaxer. I took my hair down from the braids and realized that my hair was much more thicker and growing much more faster without relaxing it. Well my son was hard to wean so two years went by. I then had 3 years of no relaxer and loved my natural hair so much I decided to leave it natural. I'm so glad I did.
I wanted a change and I got tired of relaxers. Even though I have to care for my hair, I wanted that "I dont care" feeling. (know what I mean?) I don't have to worry about running to get out of the rain...I can just walk now.:grin:

This is the second time I've gone natural and it's here to stay!!
Seeing women on LHCF who were wearing their hair chemical free made me want to go natural. I thought all Black women relaxed their hair before discovering LHCF in 2004. I didn't care what my hair texture looked like, I was just tired of getting relaxer touch-ups so I went natural. Natural for life! :weird:
The upkeeping of relaxed hair seemed like more work. Which at present holds true.


I was first relaxed so my mom could "handle" my hair. I was ridiculed when it wasn't kept relaxed by classmates (mainly non-black) and in high school I relaxed to not stick out any more than I already did and avoid as much social persecution as possible.

Only on my way out of high school did I break into "Wash and wear", texlaxed hair.

I was tired of doing something that hurt me and caused a lot of grief just to make other people feel more comfortable around me.

Thus...I stopped relaxing.

I know I will NEVER relax again.

Maybe I'll texturize my ends to have coily ends (which does work so long as you don't texturize to a new hair type. IE, you start a 4a and end a 4a, but with no frizz. Not 4a to 3c).

But relax again? No way. I didn't even relax bone straight half of the time and it was awful.
Well ... I'm not natural yet (almost 15 months of transitioning here), but once I am, I'm telling you I'm not going back! My decision to even go natural in the first place was inspired by my sister and the ladies on LHCF. When I saw all of the beautiful natural heads on this site, I admired them in silence, all the while pondering whether or not I should (or even could) join in on the frey. Then when my twin sister went natural in 2005, I watched her journey cautiously and really started thinking about it. All of a sudden last year -- seemingly out of nowhere -- I decided that relaxers no longer had a place in my life. It was like a mental switch went off, but it makes sense why it did. If I think back, I realize that I have always liked big hair. I don't know why I was suppressing it. Also, my scalp had been trying to tell me for years that I should cool it with the relaxers (you know ... with the whole scabbing up and what not). I finally listened.

I gotta tell ya ... for a transitioner like myself, these stories are very insprirational to me. I always like these kinds of threads.
I made the decision to go back natural today. im just tired of relaxin. i got my hair cut in a short style, but once i wash it i cant style it without using tons of heat. plus im tired of my flaky scalp. i never had the flakes i have now.my last relaxer was 3weeks ago. so im officially transitioning. :grin: im still mad at myslef for caving in february and relaxing. i would still have my beautiful fro. i can only imagine how big it would be now. well ill be there again.
I got tired of spending countless hours in a hair salon, scalp burns from the relaxers and being scared of the elements. I also always wanted to be natural, but didn't know how to take care of it till I did research on the internet and found all the info that I could wish for.

Your story is similar to mine, and lived in an area where the city had water problems and our water would be off for hours without notice. I always thought "what would happen if I had a relaxer in my hair and the water was shut off:blush:". Anyway before I actually did the BC, I did research, saw beautiful women who cut all their hair off to twa's and I went for it and haven't looked back!
I wanted a change and I got tired of relaxers. Even though I have to care for my hair, I wanted that "I dont care" feeling. (know what I mean?) I don't have to worry about running to get out of the rain...I can just walk now.:grin:

This is the second time I've gone natural and it's here to stay!!
The I dont care feeling is wonderful!

The thing about natural hair is once you do it , its no worries after that the whole day or whatever
I made the decision to go back natural today. im just tired of relaxin. i got my hair cut in a short style, but once i wash it i cant style it without using tons of heat. plus im tired of my flaky scalp. i never had the flakes i have now.my last relaxer was 3weeks ago. so im officially transitioning. :grin: im still mad at myslef for caving in february and relaxing. i would still have my beautiful fro. i can only imagine how big it would be now. well ill be there again.

Its ok most of have had to do a 'do over'

I did the same thing

and yeah your scalp will do much better!
I went natural before it became the thing to do and it was because getting my hair relaxed was a nightmare every time. And I honestly didn't know how to take care of relaxed hair, if I'd found this site back in high school things may be different.
Well ... I'm not natural yet (almost 15 months of transitioning here), but once I am, I'm telling you I'm not going back! My decision to even go natural in the first place was inspired by my sister and the ladies on LHCF. When I saw all of the beautiful natural heads on this site, I admired them in silence, all the while pondering whether or not I should (or even could) join in on the frey. Then when my twin sister went natural in 2005, I watched her journey cautiously and really started thinking about it. All of a sudden last year -- seemingly out of nowhere -- I decided that relaxers no longer had a place in my life. It was like a mental switch went off, but it makes sense why it did. If I think back, I realize that I have always liked big hair. I don't know why I was suppressing it. Also, my scalp had been trying to tell me for years that I should cool it with the relaxers (you know ... with the whole scabbing up and what not). I finally listened.

I gotta tell ya ... for a transitioner like myself, these stories are very insprirational to me. I always like these kinds of threads.
you can call yourself natural after that long I think! your are definitely dealing with natural hair daily and well on your way to all natural!