Going natural

Hi Samaria--I decided to go natural because I realized that the Lord didn't not give me straight hair so why should I endure sores, breakage and other torture just to have it?

I'm going with what my hair does naturally. I used to go four months between touch ups too but when I was just about to do my last one in October, I just couldn't go through with it!

In anycase, whatever makes you feel comfortable is what you should do. Health of the hair is more important
i went natural for various reasons. I didnt like the relaxing process at all. Just the thought of applying such a harsh chemical to my scalp once every 1-2 months indefinitely for the life of my hair bothered me. Also my hair was never really bone straight with the relaxer and my hair was dry and it shed a lot. And plus we really dont know the long term effects of relaxing. To my knowledge no long term study has been done on the effects of relaxers and since this process became popular in the late 70's early 80's it will be interesting to see if the chems in relaxers are attributed to certain diseases that are prevalent in black women eventually.

Also from the time i was a little girl i always admired natural hair. It always bothered me as to why some black women believed that only straightened hair was acceptable?
So part of my going natural was also to embrace my natural texture. And the biggest plus is that my hair is the healthiest that its ever been in my whole life and I dont fear water anymore
Sorry for going off topic...........
But babyblue, your hair is truly an inspiration, just beautiful!

ok, back to the topic
I could never wear my hair straight relaxed, only if I used alot of heat, probably just as much as I would use to get my natural hair straight. Plus my hair seemed thinner.

Now I am seeing how many ways there are to style natural hair and how beautiful it can look. I also like the way big hair stands out, my favorite way to wear my natural hair is a fro.
Samaria said:
I'm new here and so I've been basically reading everything I possibly can. And I see alot of people are going natural. And those that are going natural have really nice lenghts of hair. I was just curious what made you decide to go natural? Is relaxing really that bad?
I'm curious because I'm the type to go like 4 months at a time without touching up. I'm just really curious. Hopefully this makes sense.

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Check out Nay's and babyblue's album, they both have gorgeous hair.
Nay said:
I've been natural all my life, but I'd say that people go natural for different reasons.

Some people are tired of perming. Some people are just curious and want to embrace their natural hair. Some people have had bad perm experiences. There are a ton of different reasons.

You can have healthy relaxed hair and even unhealthy natural hair. The bottom line is no matter what, you have to put in the time and TLC to take care of your hair, whatever state it is in

I'm sure some of the other ladies will give you their opinions.

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For me, I never had a decision on relaxing my hair. My mother or aunt relaxed my hair in fifth grade. I have been relaxing ever sense. I remember when I was younger I had very thick, pretty hair that was pressed. As I am getting older, My hair does not have thickness it use to. I decided to try transitioning with braids. Every summer for most of my life I would wear braids and get alot of grown. I don't use a very strong relaxer now. I use a mild relaxer. Ms. Kenesha and Sweet Cocoa have me seriously thinking of going natural. It's one thing to see someone with 2 or 3 hair being natural. The 4s natural hair really has inspired me to go natural. I saw MissBrown hair's and it is beautiful and thick. She looks like she has a perm in her hair but it's just pressed. This board has helped me to see that natural doesn't have to be negative. I recall a conversation I had with my cousin on Mother's day. I told her that I going to start wearing my natural hair. She made a face and said she couldn't deal with the nappy hair. Women need to appreciate their natural hair but men need to embrace it too. I think brothers inadverterly may make a sister think twice about going natural.
originally i went natural because I wanted to dye my hair and i couldn't because my hair would fall out with the relaxer and my hair was horribly overprocessed. Aaliyah wore her hair pressed so wheni went natural i pressed it all the time, but eventually i fell in love with my real texture.
brittanynic16 said:
i went natural because I figured out that it was stupid to destroy something that was so beautiful and unique.

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Hiya Britt!! I have been thinking about you!!

Personally,I love the thickness natural hair gives. You don't have to do anything extra to natural hair to make it appear thick,ie, big braids,curls, wearing a ponytail then taking it down for the waves, or even layering. Natural hair is already thick,no extra manipulation required
Why Natural Hair??? There are a lot of reasons why I want to make the move to wearing my natural hair.

1. It is my natural hair! I mean seriously except for when my new growth comes in and I'm about to go to the hairdresser for a relaxer touch-up I haven't seen my natural hair since I was about 9 yrs old! And the feeling I get from the new growth isn't an accurate portrayal of my natural hair so I want to see it, know how to care for it, and most importantly be PROUD OF IT!!!

2. Black Pride, it seems like the masking of my natural hair texture is an admittance of being ashamed of it and thereby being ashamed of my blackness. Now, that has not been my conscious reason for relaxing my hair, but the reason why so many black women relax is because someone at one time told them (either through actions or words) that their natural hair was unmanageable, unattractive, and unacceptable! Well, I don't buy into that notion (not anymore) and I want my hair to follow what is inside of my head. I don't wanna be a hypocrite saying "Natural hair is great!" and have a relaxer in my own hair.

3. For the kids... Okay, I don't have any children yet, but when I do I want them to be natural and again I don't want to be a hypocrite telling them to be natural and I'm getting a relaxer touch-up every six weeks! Also, for any younger people that see me maybe I can be their natural hair inspiration. They can look at me and say, "She's pretty, happy, successful and she doesn't have a relaxer; maybe I can do that too!"

I want to know and embrace my natural hair once again. I want the freedom of not having to worry about going for a relaxer touch up every 12 weeks, I want the freedom to not worry about my hair frizzing up because I got caught in the rain, I want the freedom to not have to worry about the long term side effects of using caustic chemicals in my hair, I want my hair to be just as free as I am........
ms_kenesha said:

2. Black Pride, it seems like the masking of my natural hair texture is an admittance of being ashamed of it and thereby being ashamed of my blackness. Now, that has not been my conscious reason for relaxing my hair, but the reason why so many black women relax is because someone at one time told them (either through actions or words) that their natural hair was unmanageable, unattractive, and unacceptable! Well, I don't buy into that notion (not anymore) and I want my hair to follow what is inside of my head.I don't wanna be a hypocrite saying "Natural hair is great!" and have a relaxer in my own hair.

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Hi, Ms K-

Questions for you: Are you saying that anyone who does say this is being a hypocrite b/c I DO think that natural hair is great, however, I am relaxed. Also, do you feel that ALL relaxed heads do so b/c of what society deems as beautiful, whether it be consciously or subconsciously?
'why so many black women relax'

Not to dip in the convo, but I think she meant "many" not all, do to her above quote.
I went natural cause i was straight fed up with the damage that kept happening to my hair while relaxed. the constant start overs, with a new cut, that never worked anyway. the vicious cycle of a weave to cover what i wasnt happy with. i took the last weave out jan 1993 and had no clue what to do...my hair was just in such bad shape there was nothing i could do but leave it alone and not press/relax or weave again.....so it was the only option. then i slowly but surely fell in love with my natural hair
It's cool, Netta1
. I was just curious and looking for clarity from Ms. K. I'm honestly interested in her view on this, esp my first question.
SherryLove said:
I want to know and embrace my natural hair once again. I want the freedom of not having to worry about going for a relaxer touch up every 12 weeks, I want the freedom to not worry about my hair frizzing up because I got caught in the rain, I want the freedom to not have to worry about the long term side effects of using caustic chemicals in my hair, I want my hair to be just as free as I am........

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that was BEAUTIFUL! i too love being free like that! sitting in the sauna, steam rooms for as LONG as i want every day if i wish....being able to work out with out worrying about my hair (i sweat profusely from the scalp.) not being in a hurry to get out of rain..etc..only for the reason of my clothes not getting too wet.
Dolce_Dawn said:
ms_kenesha said:

2. Black Pride, it seems like the masking of my natural hair texture is an admittance of being ashamed of it and thereby being ashamed of my blackness. Now, that has not been my conscious reason for relaxing my hair, but the reason why so many black women relax is because someone at one time told them (either through actions or words) that their natural hair was unmanageable, unattractive, and unacceptable! Well, I don't buy into that notion (not anymore) and I want my hair to follow what is inside of my head.I don't wanna be a hypocrite saying "Natural hair is great!" and have a relaxer in my own hair.

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Hi, Ms K-

Questions for you: Are you saying that anyone who does say this is being a hypocrite b/c I DO think that natural hair is great, however, I am relaxed. Also, do you feel that ALL relaxed heads do so b/c of what society deems as beautiful, whether it be consciously or subconsciously?

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No I don't think people that say natural hair is great yet relax are hypocrites. I meant more like me telling my children that and then never having worn my natural hair for any of my adult life I would feel like a hypocrite.

I truly feel that MOST people relax/straighten because consciously or un, they know that the world deems unstraight hair as less than. (I know it's not a popular opinion, but it is mine
) Also this goes for other races besides black as well.
You ladies r truly an inspiring bunch. I too want to be natural, but never did due to pressures on what supposed beauty is. I'm hoping to change that in the near future.
Natrlchallenge said:
You ladies r truly an inspiring bunch. I too want to be natural, but never did due to pressures on what supposed beauty is. I'm hoping to change that in the near future.
When you're ready, you will. ;)
Natrlchallenge said:
You ladies r truly an inspiring bunch. I too want to be natural, but never did due to pressures on what supposed beauty is. I'm hoping to change that in the near future.

You definitely will when you're ready. We are here to support you. :)
i had pretty long relaxed hair, transitioned for a bit and now i have natural hair...and i'm so happy with every single strand of it. i think the trick is knowing that anything you do with your hair can be flattering to your features, might take some getting used to...but you should be the one defining any defition of beauty that you adhere to. :) have fun with whatever u decide to do
I decided to transition just to see what my natural hair is like and for versatility. The reason it took so long was because I didn't want to go natural to prove to someone that I didn't want to be "white". She also made it seem like there was only one way to be natural-locks. Since I am Jamaican, IMO locks are a part a religion/way of life. Sort of like wearing a bindi when I am not Hindu. (I know others disagree but that's my opinion). I didn't want locks and I didnt have unhealthy hair with a relaxer. It wasn't until I met people who wore other styles that I realized you don't have to be like someone else while being natural. Hair care forums also help. I look forward to my 4a wavy hair knowing that it was MY decision and not forced or done out guilt.