Going natural

I'm a baby transitioner. :baby2: A couple of reasons I'm going natural:

-I recently got a really bad relaxer that has since given me a rather noticeable bald spot.

-I'm just tired of dealing with overprocessing, split ends and dry hair. I want healthy hair again. I have been perming for 5 years and was natural before that.

-I know that I want my hair to grow long, but right now my permed hair is only neck length. I anticipate this to be a very long transition period.

I was just tired of the whole relaxed thing. It's a relationship that i'm glad I had but I have absolutely no desire to start up again. Plus I always new one day i was gonna go back to my natural hair.

People wanted to know why i chopped all my hair off but the thing i dont think most of them understood is that it wasnt a sacrifice for me to do it. I just looked at cutting the relaxer out as the way to reach my goal of natural hair. Especially since i knew i wanted to experience the entire natural experience -- twa and all. I wanted to grow with my hair.

Now i can just wash and go which I appreciate. I also enjoy the simple pleasures like a nice breezy day or a calm rainy afternoon without fear of having an anxiety attack about my hair getting messed up :lol:. -- jainygirl
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I was tired of getting a relaxer every 4 weeks because I was afraid of the "NAPS". I knew that I could not continue the rest of my life like this. So I woke up one day and said "Off with the relaxer" I went to a barber shop and got my head shaved. I do not regret one moment.
I am going natural because my hair would always break off at the shoulders when I was relaxing...I used to have hair down my back. I noticed that my hair would grow more the longer I waited between relaxers....plus, I wanted to see what my real texture was like since I had not really seen it since I was a little girl.
I can say that I feel so free now that I am natural. I see other women with bad weaves and think to myself you need to let your real self shine through. I was where they were years ago. I just really love the freedom.
When I first came to this site, I was really on the fence about whether to stay natural (my natural hair was always under braids prior) or relax/texturize. I even attempted unsuccessfully to buy phyto. But I decided to give my natural hair six months before moving. Now after less than five months, I know that I'm staying natural- never say never but I have no intentions of using a relaxer. My reasons in a nutshell:
1. I'm risk adverse and have experienced chemical trauma- so I know I'd be really devastated to get the chems only to have my hair fall from the roots...again. Or to have one bad stylist over process my hair. Or to have frizzy undefined hair. I'd rather not play russian roulette.
2. Really, aside from looking like a hot mess during the period when your learning how to style, natural hair isn't that hard. Well at least it hasn't been for me. People say its hard either because they want their hair to do something it doesn't do naturally, naturally (if that makes sense). Obviously if I wanted to have bone straight hair all the time natural hair would be a bit challenging. But I have discovered how to get looks w/o heat that don't sweat out. And I like kinda big but not crazy big hair.
3. The only thing that I have issues with is shrinkage but my hair doesn't shrink that much. It's at my shoulders when in a twist out. I think that if I had waistlength (stretched) hair, my twist outs and braid outs would be pretty long even with the shrinkage (like Nay's hair...here's hoping).
4. I love my curls! And I do rebel against the whole mentality that there is something wrong with kinky black hair.
5. I love my hair's super thickness.
6. I hate salons and don't want to be dependent on stylists.

So my reasons are not really culture conscious just pragmatic.