What Was Your Deciding Factor in Going Natural?

It was a goal that I seemed to fail to reach. Now, I think I'll be able to be natural for as long as I want.:yep:
It seemed as if my hair wouldn't go past MBL while relaxed. The longer it got, the thinner it got, despite stretching relaxer applications for 4 mos at a time, and low-manipulation regimens. The chemicals just didn't do well with my hair, and I was determined to grow it to unprecedented lengths...that made me transition the 1st time and BC after 9 mos...I wasn't up to relaxing while preggs, so that was my chance to transition for good in 07-08. Now that I'm transitioning again (out of a texlaxer), the goals are the same...to grow my hair long and healthy, without chemical applications. Plus, I just ADORE big, natural LEELA JAMES/DIANA ROSS-like hair. Its like a drug for me...I just love long, natural hair.
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