What is your take on this?


My friend, let's call Dudette, broke up with her boyfriend, Dude a week ago. They were together for I guess 8 months before she had to move for school so they've been long distance for about 5-6 months.

There's been an ongoing problem with him constantly taking her for granted, putting his videogames and his band first before her. She breaks up with him. Then (this has happened countless times) he calls and says they shouldn't break up and she takes him back. But then something breaks the pattern this time, he all of a sudden starts giving her reasons why they should break up (this is a week after their reconciliation) and that he didn't love her. So it's over (again).

Then he calls her a few days later :spinning: saying "I miss us" and "we should get back together". She blows him off. He keeps calling. I commend her for that though cause everyone has been saying she's been a doormat.

Anyways, she had booked a flight to see him (for a month) before the drama happened so she had to go anyway, she is at his house now (awkward), she's leaving for her friend's house the next day though and staying with her the whole duration of her trip. He's not home (on tour or something) but his roommates are there. She's IM'ing telling me crazy things like she wants him back so much, she doesn't care if he'll hurt her. A sample of the convo:

[6:54:10 PM] comatose: he misses being your priority while you're the back-burner to his band
[6:54:27 PM] Dudette: whats wrong with that comatose

He's been real selfish and refused to go see her, giving her excuses that he might be on tour. She even offered to pay for him to come see her. What do I tell her so she can snap out of this/general opinions? She's scaring me.
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Some lessons are just learned the hard way regardless of what anyone says. Speak your peace, but she has to break the cycle for herself. All you can do is love her and have the tissues and ice cream ready for when she breaks down in tears after she finally comes to terms with/accepts the facts of the situation.
Stay out of it. Your standard answer to all the nonsense she ask you since she insist on being stuck on stupid is, "Do what is best for you." Don't entertain her drama, it will never stop.
She has to stop this foolishness on her own. Nothing you can do about it. The good thing about this is if she stops it on her own, likely she won't get involved in this type relationship again.
On her own, she will have to come to the realization that she's in a terrible cycle and make the decision to break it. You are being a good friend - You've given your opinion and have expressed your concerns. There is no need to repeat this over and over to her.

Many of us choose to learn certain lessons the hard way. If she ends up getting hurt, console her. I don't think there will be a need for a "I told you so" lecture. Hopefully it will be a lesson learned that she may file away in her experience bank.
I had been on the whole "I won't say anything anymore" stage. But sometimes I just wanna :spank: UGHHHHH. But you guys are right, we learn on our own. I know I did! :grin: