What is your religion?

To Classimami,

The Orthodox Church does not have a pope like the Roman Church, That is on e of the many "issues" the Roman Church develope on their own whic is why the rest of the Orthodox Churches an thr roman church are not in communion. They are considered added on dogma which conflict with the teachings of scripture or the Apostles. The Roman Church also as a response to the reformation which was brought on by these added on dogm's responded with trying to update and modernize the church like many protestants did and contine to do. The orthodox believe that the teachings are in no need of updating or modernizing. The teachings have remained the same since Christ began the Church on that day of Pentacost.
You did not say if you were Roman Catholic or did you just attend their school. Not being Catholic and going to their school you would most likeley not have a clue as to the full teachings. That would have been confusing.

here is a web site that talks briefly of the Orthodox Church and one that shows the difference's that developed between the Church causing the separation.


If you are of protestant it would take more than one web site to show the differences between Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Protestant because there are as many dogma's and doctrines as there are Protestant Churches. It took me a long time and a lot of different churches to realize just how vast the differences were in the protestants and that it was growing faster than I could keep up.
After all my wanting to find the "perfect" religion, I decided to stick the the *basics* and just worship THE LORD and little by little to develop a STRONG relationship with JESUS CHRIST my savior. So basically I have no religion. I go to a non/inter-denominational church that has helped me in my walk with Jesus far more than my "other" church.

I don't want to be bothered anymore being entangled in doctrines and the politics of religion and churches. For ME, it took away from what the MAIN focus should be--- a true and pure relationship with Jesus.
I just know that I am a Christian... who is a believer and follower of Jesus Christ and has a personal relationship with my Lord... and a doer of God's Holy Word and His Will for my life...

I do believe Christianity is the one true religion... I was raised under the Baptist denomination, but you know what??? I don't go by religion and denomination so much because some denominations within Christianity do not go by the full authority of the Bible; some will twist and use words in the Bible to fit their agenda...

So I think that any belief that goes by the Holy Bible completely and wholeheartedly is the one true religion.
pet said:
I would like to know what is everyone's religion, and why do you believe it is the true religion?

I know this is a controversial topic, but I would just like to know.

I'll go first:

I am a Seventh-Day Adventist, and I believe my religion is the true religion, because Seventh-Day Adventists support everything that they believe in from the bible.

I know people are always saying that all churches are the same and they all preach God, but that's not true. If all churches were the same, they would only be one religion.

So, what's your story?

I don't have a religion, and I really dis-like that word. I have a relationship with God. I believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. I believe John 3:16. I don't believe that I can do whatever I want and it is cool. I believe that I am not my own and that I am God's property. I could go on and on but I will stop.

I have a personal relationship with God, and discernment. Therefore I would never make a comment stating that a denomination's doctrine is "all knowing and all true". It's like the old folks say. You got to know him for your self.
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Zeal said:
I don't have a religion, and I really dis-like that word. I have a relationship with God. I believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. I believe John 3:16. I don't believe that I can do whatever I want and it is cool. I believe that I am not my own and that I am God's property. I could go on and on but I will stop.

I have a personal relationship with God, and discernment. Therefore I would never make a comment stating that a denomination's doctrine is "all knowing and all true". It's like the old folks say. You got to know him for your self.

Amen, sista! I too am in agreement. :)
The church that I attend is non-denominational.
LOL. Thank yall !!

Although I do belong to a Baptist Church. I am just saying use your head. Search the scriptures for yourself. Ask God to reveal things that you don't understand and he will.
Zeal said:
I don't have a religion, and I really dis-like that word. I have a relationship with God. I believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. I believe John 3:16. I don't believe that I can do whatever I want and it is cool. I believe that I am not my own and that I am God's property. I could go on and on but I will stop.

I have a personal relationship with God, and discernment. Therefore I would never make a comment stating that a denomination's doctrine is "all knowing and all true". It's like the old folks say. You got to know him for your self.

ITA, I personally gave up on organized religion months ago and have never been happier. My non denom church, bible, and 24/7 access to Jesus via the "prayer line" is all I need
MissJ said:
I'm Baptist, not to be confused with Southern Baptist.

Well whats the difference? I fell as though we as God fearing people are too divided over small nominal things. I really dont think God would deny his holy kingdom to a faithful follower just because he went to church on the wrong day. To be concerned with such small stuff is so petty! Singing the wrong songs or praying in the wrong direction are so minute!

The bible also says not to wear cotton and wool together so I guess were all going to hell huh? Its says dont eat pork also. So I guess everyone but Muslims will be keeping Satan company...

The title of the thread was "what's your religion?" Mind you this question was posted in a Christian Fellowship Forum! Im a Christian. Period! I believe in God and will try my best to follow his word.
good2uuuu said:
I totally agree! I'm also Seventh-day Adventist. Do I belive that SDAs are the only ones who will be saved? Not at all. In fact, I'm sure a lot will not see the pearly gates up close. And I am highly offended and upset when my fellow SDAs propigate that we are the only ones who will be saved. God has those who will be saved in every denomination, or non denomination, for that matter. Those who prayerfully study the Word and seek and trust God's guidance will be led to what is truth. If they accept truth,they will be saved. We all need to check ourselves and our relationship with God and 'do' our religion, (show compassion, help the needy, feed the poor,things of that nature), not our denomintaion. I remain SDA because I wholeheartedly believe that the Sabbath, as God ordained it, is still binding and that the 10 commandments are still binding in their entirety.

Here here! I completely agree with this statement. No one is better than anyone and I have come across this behavior from many SDA's even my own family. Now I believe EVERY religion has a bit of truth from the bible and if we are going to talk about original religions, the only religion that is original is the JEWISH religion. All other religions are MAN-Made. So unless God himself appoints a new religion -the rest in my opinion is for power and control. My relationship with God is not religious, it is private and spiritural. This " holier than thou" attitude towards religion is why I no longer practice the SDA religion or any other religion for that matter. All the bible thumpin in the world will not get anyone in the pearly gates. You have to be humble within yourself and towards others in order to see the Kingdom of heaven.
lolla2005 said:
In my humble opinion, i think it is not a matter of denomination or religion but it is about your relationship with God and that should be at the core of your belief...further, it is not about being religious, because everyone can be religious, but God want us to have a true and personal relationship with him..

that's my opinion and it is not meant to be offensive to anyone..

Stay bless. ;)

I couldn't agree more. I attended Catholic chuch as a young girl, AME during pre-teen early teen years and Baptist church for late teen to present. I have been disappointed by all and am more convinced than ever that religion is so much less about God than it is about man-made rules. I try to focus on learning more about Jesus and giving more of my life over to God so that I can live for him. I spend the first and last moments of each day studying. I would like to attend church once per month to fellowship with other Christians, hear God's word and contribute to my home church, but it's a real turn-off when I hear so-called Christians speak and I don't "recognize Jesus" in any of their hateful, judgemental and intolerent stances (as if they were always holy and sanctified!).
I'm a Southern Baptist (I guess), but I know for sure I'm a Christian. I've had an awakening these last few years and have come much closer to Jesus (strangley enough it was borne out of my friends conversion to Islam).

As far as the denomination, I sometimes have trouble accepting what they pearch to us, as I believe it's outside of what God wants, and more of what the Church wants. I'm looking around different sects, and I've founf a wonderful progressive Baptist church to be a part of.
pet said:
I would like to know what is everyone's religion, and why do you believe it is the true religion?

I know this is a controversial topic, but I would just like to know.

I'll go first:

I am a Seventh-Day Adventist, and I believe my religion is the true religion, because Seventh-Day Adventists support everything that they believe in from the bible.

I know people are always saying that all churches are the same and they all preach God, but that's not true. If all churches were the same, they would only be one religion.

So, what's your story?

:look: Oh yeah! So what you trying to say others religions do not? Clauude hav mercy! You couldn't be do a lil bit of judging could ya?
Enchantmt said:
I've always thought this...LOL

You still need Jesus for salvation, but once you've accepted Christ, you're His whether you'r in fellowship or carnality. Face it Blossom, you're family... :)

Ditto! B is my sista B is my sista!!! :lol:
In my humble opinion, i think it is not a matter of denomination or religion but it is about your relationship with God and that should be at the core of your belief...further, it is not about being religious, because everyone can be religious, but God want us to have a true and personal relationship with him..

that's my opinion and it is not meant to be offensive to anyone..

Stay bless. ;)
lolla2005, this is EXACTLY how I feel. :yep:

Denominations are just categories that keep Christians from being united.
Simply put, I am a Christian! Delving deeper...Jesus is my Saviour. I believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I believe that you have to confess Him as your Lord & Savior in order to get to God the Father and into the Kingdom of Heaven. I don't believe that merely being a member of a certain "man-made" denomination or non-denomination guarantees you entry into God's Kingdom. I don't believe that merely doing good deeds or being a good person guarantees entry. I believe wholeheartedly in having a personal relationship with God.

I have been a member of 2 different Baptist churches for most of my life, the 2nd of which I am still a member. I have visited many different churches, most Baptist, some Methodist, some Lutheran, some non-denominational, a couple COGIC, an AME or two and even a Messianic Jewish temple (Messianic Jews believe Jesus is the Messiah)...probably some others that I can't recall at the moment. The church I belong to now is one that I've chosen for various reasons. If I had to sum it up, I feel at home there.

Why do I believe what I believe? Because my beliefs have been substantiated by my personal testimonies. God manifests Himself over and over and over again in my life. I love Him for all the things He has done for me thus far. If He never does another thing for me, what He has done to-date is more than enough for me to praise Him for the rest of my days. His grace and mercy are ever-present in my life. I thank Him for being the God of another chance, not just a 2nd chance. After all, I am a work in progress! :yep:
lolla2005 said:
In my humble opinion, i think it is not a matter of denomination or religion but it is about your relationship with God and that should be at the core of your belief...further, it is not about being religious, because everyone can be religious, but God want us to have a true and personal relationship with him..

that's my opinion and it is not meant to be offensive to anyone..

Stay bless.
lolla2005, this is EXACTLY how I feel.

Denominations are just categories that keep Christians from being united.

I agree with both of you! :yep: