what is your 2013 hair goal

Getting MBL is my 2012 goal.

One region of my hair reached mbl this summer, but I trimmed and I would say I am u-shape bra-strap. I am considering doing another 1 inch all over trim though to help thicken the look of my ends.

Waist length is my 2013 goal.
Healthy, thick hair that retains more moisture and has little to no split ends and single strand knots.

I'm also looking forward to my first Hide My Hair hairstyle for 2 months. I'm going to try and hide my hair for most of the colder months.

My 2012 goal was to find out more about my hair, nail down staple products, and straighten my hair for a length check on my big chop anniversary. I've done most of it, including finding an entire line that my hair adores. I will not straighten this year because my hair needs a little more tlc. Will move that goal to September 2013.
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Healthy, thick hair that retains more moisture and has little to no split ends and single strand knots.

I'm also looking forward to my first Hide My Hair hairstyle for 2 months. I'm going to try and hide my hair for most of the colder months.

Arian how are you going to do that?
My goal is to be waist length but more importantly I'm trying to regain the hair I lost due to depression/stress a few years ago.
Italiano said:
Arian how are you going to do that?

I don't know. :lol:

But I'm just starting to incorporate more protein into my regimen. This is supposed to help with moisture retention which should help with split ends and knots. I may not be 100% rid of them like I would want. But to reduce them would be great. I also plan to get regular trims. I wasn't doing that before. :yep:
My 2012 hair goals are full APL, healthy hair and baby my edges and a thinning spot on my crown. It looks like I'm going to achieve it all and will do an assessment in December. 2013 will focus fully on healthy hair and growing it to full BSL.
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This year I was hoping to get to WL. I still have a few months to possibly graze it so we'll see. Next year I'm just going to try and keep it on my head. If I retain longer than WL by the end of 2013 then good ridden. Possibly will be too much hair for me to tolerate. But again, we'll see.
My goal for 2012 is to make APL and I'm almost there. What has helped me the most is PS, DCing and minimum heat. My goal for 2013 is full BSL or longer.
What was your hair goal for 2012?
Did you make your goal?
What is your 2013 goal?
What are you planning to do to reach your goal?

I don't remember if I had a hair goal for 2012. I think I finally made APL and may be a little past it now.

I hope to be BSL/MBL and approaching waist length by the end of 2013.

I plan to go low manipulation. I'm CGing it right now. I want to get long kinky twists soon. I may try to wear braids all winter.
What was your hair goal for 2012?
To reach APL
Have a more refined regimen

Did you make your goal?
Yes I made APL
I'm getting closer to creating a set regimen, but I'm still tweaking some things

What is your 2013 goal?
Concrete regimen with very inexpensive products
Better at styling

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
PSing with braids beneath wigs for a year
Trying some more products, but doing as much research as possible first
Practicing different styles during the few times my hair is out
I didn't really make a goal for 2012. I had a major set back at the end of 2011 so my focus was nursing my hair back to good health :)... In May I cut of 2 inches is from the front half of my hair in order to even it out with the back that had broken off. That took me from SL back to NL.

Now I'm hovering on SL stretched. I have not used heat on my hair since February. Improper use of heat was what caused my breakage. I hope to be back to full SL by December.

I don't want to make any goals for 2013... I just want to figure out what works best for my hair and stick with that. I've been fighting this hair battle for 4 years now :(
What was your hair goal for 2012?
Since I am a tranny, I would like to be 6 inches of natural NG.

Did you make your goal?
Year is not over yet!

What is your 2013 goal?
12 inches of NG.....

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
Drink my water and keep up with my vits :lick: while hiding it in the process.
What was your hair goal for 2012?
Since I am a tranny, I would like to be 6 inches of natural NG.

@ the bolded: my first thought was "well, everyone should be welcome here regardless of their inclinations" my second thought was "well, what has being a tranny got to do with hair?" and i kept thinking, till it clicked! :lol:
@ the bolded: my first thought was "well, everyone should be welcome here regardless of their inclinations" my second thought was "well, what has being a tranny got to do with hair?" and i kept thinking, till it clicked! :lol:

:lachen:@ZebraPrintLover tasked me with coming up with another alternative, but I couldn't think of one. I told her this shortened version has been taken and cannot be successfully re-purposed.
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What was your hair goal for 2012?
To reach APL
and have a set reggie

Did you make your goal?
Yes I made APL
and created a good reggie, but fell off this summer

What is your 2013 goal?
continue with sticking to my reggie and staying away from the blow dryer for awhile.

have thicker fuller buns!

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
washing/dc'ing/roller setting my hair 2x week or every 3-4 days
wearing my hair up during the winter again. pin ups and buns
staying on top of moisturizing and sealing.
What was your hair goal for 2012?

Did you make your goal?
No, too many trims after failed flat irons but I am not far and we still have 3 months left

What is your 2013 goal?
APL all around with less hair loss from shedding and breakage.

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
No more flat irons for atleast a year and low manipulation hairstyles. Continue to eat better and exercise.
Goal for 2012: to get my hair in a ponytail/bun, make APL, and get my regimen down.

Accomplished? Yes, I can get my hair in a ponytail. No, I have not made APL yet, but if all goes well, I am on track for a few layers to be there by the end of the year. I don't think I need I strict regimen; I do a combination of what I feel like and what my hair needs.

Goals for 2013: to get my hair into a very comfortable, loose ponytail/bun; to learn more styling options; and to get to maintenance length - MBL. To accomplish it, I will keep doing what I am doing.
After I (hopefully) make WL sometime this Dec-Feb, my goal is to continue to cut my hair at WL for most of 2013 to make my ends super thick.

Then next fall I'll decide if I want to go longer or continue to cut at WL.

Right now I think WL is a good length for me. As most of you know, long hair is hard to manage. Right now I'm 2.5 inches away from WL & it's a ton of work... However, it's manageable for me. Im not sure if I could comfortably handle longer than WL. I may change my mind, though.
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brown_skin_poppin said:
What was your hair goal for 2012?
Did you make your goal?
What is your 2013 goal?
What are you planning to do to reach your goal?

My goal for 2012 was BSL length hair and I'm maybe a half inch away (even though my friend says it's already there), so hopefully I can claim it fully by my birthday in December :yep:
My next goal is grazing midback by late April (in time for my graduation ceremony for my Master's degree). I want to be full midback by the end of next year. I'm going to keep up my minimum heat, maximum moisturizing, protective styling regimen. *fingers crossed*
What was your hair goal for 2012?
Did you make your goal?
What is your 2013 goal?
What are you planning to do to reach your goal?

What was your hair goal for 2012?

To have make APL in the bottom back and have Shoulder Length in the front and middle (my hair grows in weird layers AND I experienced breakage in the middle/crown area).

Did you make your goal?

It's not the end of the year yet, so I won't know until then. I know with diligence and care, I'll make APL.
What is your 2013 goal?

After I make APL 12/31/12, I plan to: 1. Roller set more often, 2. use braid or twist extensions and 3. trim my hair to a blunt, APL cut. By the end of 2013, I will be floating somewhere between BSB and BSL

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?

Use grape seed oil/castor oil combo, protect my ends. Leave direct heat alone. Also, no color. I've had a few grays since I was a freshman in college, but I have yet to stick with a regimen for my color treated hair. I start of great, but I get lazy and h.3!l breaks loose on my head. So, I don't even bother with color anymore. I wanted to try a rinse, but my second bottle of color showers turned over in the cupboard. De Lawd was trying to tell me something.
Did you make your goal?To be honest, I don't know. I haven't used heat since December 2011.

What is your 2013 goal? MBL or WL, whatever. Since I don't use heat often, whatever comes by the time I do use heat, I'm cool with, you know? :ohwell:

What are you planning to do to reach your goal? Keeping my hair regimen simple as always.
What was your hair goal for 2012? BSL

Did you make your goal? Almost. Should be there by December

What is your 2013 goal? MBL

What are you planning to do to reach your goal? Moisture and low manipulation
What was your hair goal for 2012?

Did you make your goal?
At my last length check at the beginning of August I was 1.5-2 inches away from WL. I hope to make it by December 31st!

What is your 2013 goal?
Full u-shaped WL, maybe WHIP
Get closer to completing this transition to being completed texlaxed

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
Follow my normal regimen: wash weekly, HOTs weekly, deep condition weekly, texlax minimum every 10 weeks, moisturize and seal daily, scalp massages, using my sulfur mix every other day, protective style, air dry, protein treatments when needed
My 2012 goal is to make sl after my yearly blunt trim I havent made it yet. My 2013 goal is MBL.

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What was your hair goal for 2012?
My hair goal for 2012 was BSL
Did you make your goal?
Nope. I am around Shoulder Blade in the back, but I’m waiting for December 31st to say something lol
What is your 2013 goal?
If I cannot make it to BSL this year, I guess BSL will be my goal. If I can make it to BSL, my goal will be MBL
What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
I am planning on PSing, sealing my ends, massaging my scalp, trimming twice a year and being extremely patient... or try to lol
What was your hair goal for 2012? APL and healthy hair

Did you make your goal? As of August, I did. Hopefully by the end of the year, I can claim full APL.

What is your 2013 goal? MBL by the end of the year and to finally have all of my staples established.

What are you planning to do to reach your goal? Keep doing what I'm doing- PS in Celies for 2 weeks at a time, M&S daily, shampoo and DC every 2 weeks, dust every 3 months.