what is your 2013 hair goal

What was your hair goal for 2012? Didn't really have one, didn't get back focus on my hair regi until Nov-Dec 2012.

Hair length? I'm mbl

What is your 2013 goal? Full WSL

What are you planning to do to reach your goal? Protective style 99% of the time. DC and protein treatments balance, co-wash daily, continue to take Vitamins and green drinks and use some form of topical aid such as monistat/sulfur
What was your hair goal for 2012? Full shoulder stretched (natural)

Did you make your goal? Not really. The sides and the back are grazing past shoulder length, however, I want all of my hair to be shoulder length and beyond (including the hair at the top of my head and front of my head, which is shorter than the rest).

What is your 2013 goal? Full shoulder to APL
Bangs -- Midneck (shoulder length)
Sides -- APL
Back -- APL

What are you planning to do to reach your goal? Wash and deep condition once a week while hair is in twists. Detangle once a month. Moisturize and seal daily. Use less heat and more protective styles. Do protein treatments every now and then. Dust/trim my ends every 4 to 6 months or as needed. Cut hair according to moon phases. Figure out a way to reduce single strand knots and tangles.
What was your hair goal for 2012? Didn't really have one...slacked off regarding haircare for most of the year.

Hair length? I'm APL

What is your 2013 goal? Full BSL

What are you planning to do to reach your goal? PSing, limited heat, oiling daily, vitamins, weekly DC.
New goal: 16" all around by December 31 which would put me at around MBL.

What are you planning to do to reach your goal: Stick to my hair regimen consistently, no heat, M&S and PS daily.
brown_skin_poppin said:
What was your hair goal for 2012?
My goal was to get to APL

Did you make your goal?
Nope made it early 2013 feb which I wasn't to mad abwt

What is your 2013 goal?
I think I'm going to set my sight for MBL , atm I'm closing in on BSL

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?

I will be psing my butt off bc it's getting warmer and hopefully I will get my growth spurt soon :). I'm diligently taking my vits aswell I'm planning to get a little more active so that should help also!!!
I was hoping to hit HL by the end of the year. However, seeing how there's only 6 months in the year left (3 inches on average) I maybe hit WHIP or something. Although my hair has surprised me on many occasions so we'll see. :)
What was your hair goal for 2012?

Did you make your goal?
Yes. Twice to be exact.

What is your 2013 goal?

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
I'm planning on taking care of my ends, stretching my relaxers and psing as usual. My last goal is HL, but I don't plan on being there until the end of 2014. I want healthy hair first.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together
What was your hair goal for 2012? Didn't really have one...hence my setbacks :(

Hair length? I'm a sad Ear Length :(

What is your 2013 goal? Full NL, grazing SL

What are you planning to do to reach your goal? keeping it simple, vitamins, up water intake
What was your hair goal for 2012?

Did you make your goal?
No was clipping off bleached & coloured ends

What is your 2013 goal?

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
Frequent moisturizing of ends

I'm still clipping off the coloured and bleached ends but it would still be nice to reach my goal
What was your hair goal for 2012? Didn't have one

Did you make your goal? I guess so, by default

What is your 2013 goal? APL (currently at collar bone)

What are you planning to do to reach your goal? Quarterly trims, steaming, vitamins, DC, no heat, stretched styles to reduce tangling.
At this point of my life, I am gonna take what I can get. My hair has not been doing what I want it to do so I'll just continue doing healthy hair practices and see what becomes of it. Anyway, here goes:

What was your hair goal for 2012? - to be collarbone length
Did you make your goal? - yes on the sides, but the back and front can't seem to catch-up.
What is your 2013 goal? - nursing my edges and nape back to health
What are you planning to do to reach your goal? - relax in sections, try not to overlap, moisturize and seal and wait.
What was your hair goal for 2012? Armpit length

Did you make your goal? I made it to armpit length by the skin of my teeth. Dec 2012.

What is your 2013 goal? Bra strap length

What are you planning to do to reach your goal? Dcing, prepooing, keeping on top of my moisture/protein balance, more protective styles.
What was your hair goal for 2012? Did not have any.
Did you make your goal? N/A
What is your 2013 goal? Sl
What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
cowashing 3xweek, oil treatment weekly , DC weekly, vitamins, trying to keep it constant and reading the boards and learning from all of you.
What was your hair goal for 2012? To get my hair on the right track and learn about it.

Did you make your goal? YES!!

What is your 2013 goal? Shoulder Length

What are you planning to do to reach your goal? take biotin, PS with box braids, use mostly moisture products.