what is your 2013 hair goal

What was your hair goal for 2012?
BSL by dec.

Did you make your goal?
Just cut over 2 inches - pretty sure I'm not gonna make it by Dec. But the year is not over yet, so.....

What is your 2013 goal?
Wanna hit FULL BSL (that's the final stop) by June 2013

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
Put down the scissors!!!
Protective styling.
NJOY's Hair Concoction challenge
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I hit 2 goals in 2012: Apl & Bsl stretched.

Goals for 2013: I hope to be WL by April or May and W'Hip by December 2013 :-)

I am gonna get back on the ball with weekly deep conditionings and sealing my ends. I may also do more stretched styles next year as my hair gets thicker/longer. At the end of 2013 i plan on doing a nice 1 inch trim and then just go into maintenance mode. :yep:

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My 2012 goal was APL and I reached it. I'm hoping to be full APL in December, and BSB in 2013. What I'm doing to achieve these goals is protective styling and oiling my scalp with my homemade sulfur oil.
Well since I'm having probs making mbl I guess its gonna be mbl. I need a trim and tho I have been massaging and dcing like a mad woman it doesn't seem as tho I'm retaining like I shud. Soooo--maybe I'll just put it away in senegalese for the next 4 months. Then there's the ever looming desire to go "natchal" again. I just dread the drama of transitioning. Damn, Damn, Damn!
What was your hair goal for 2012? To get to SL. Sept will be my 2 year bc anniversary. I've now been relaxed for 5 months.
Did you make your goal? Yes
What is your 2013 goal? Full apl, front and back.
What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
Wig it from Sep 2012 to May 2013 and relax every 4 months.
What was your hair goal for 2012? To improve my ends and reach bsb

Did you make your goal? Ends are looking decent and I'm confident that I'll be bsb by the end of the year

What is your 2013 goal? Keep my hair healthy. And get as close as I can to waist length hair but I'll be happy with full Mbl.

What are you planning to do to reach your goal? Same thing I've been doing. I dont really have a regimen. I just listen to my hair and do my best to keep it stretched.
What was your hair goal for 2012?

My goal was to reach shoulder length and I'm there, but I just want a more blunt shoulder length and that will take me until the end of the year.

Did you make your goal?

Made it, but I want fewer layers

What is your 2013 goal?

I am looking for APL, a slightly layered APL actually and that is my ultimate goal. I don't think I can maintain anything longer than that.

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?

Less heat. Updo's, braid-outs, and bantu knot outs more often. I also intend to have a more simplified regimen but with more concentration on deep conditioning on dry hair. I also need to find the balance between shampoo and cowashing.....haven't figured out how often I need to shampoo. I know I can't survive on cowashes alone.
I want to continue with healthy hair practices. I'm not crazy obsessed with length since my hair has done great for growth these past 2 yrs.
I am full WL, so yes, I've reached one 2012 goal. However, I want thicker ends so I will probably be losing an inch or so this weekend. By the end of this year, I want to have a least a few stands at W-hip length...but that will depend on how much I cut today.

If I don't reach W-hip this year, then I will reach it in 2013, as my final length goal, and just maintain full, thick ends from then on.

My regimen got me to WL, so I will continue doing what I'm doing.
What was your hair goal for 2012?
To reach shoulder length all around

Did you make your goal?
Just had a trim that took me from shoulder length in the back to nape length (dyed my hair red five months ago, became tired of the color since it never washed out) so no...

What is your 2013 goal?
I hope to return to my shoulder length or even go past and hit mid-back length (only 5'2 not that far to my mid-back)

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
I am planning on keeping my hair braided. Let it breathe every three months for two weeks with a DEEP condition, trim and flat iron. Moisturize daily and condition weekly and dry wash ever two weeks.
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What was your hair goal for 2012? - For my NG (I am transitioning) to be 7.5-8" by Dec 2012 which is full/blunt SL for me
Did you make your goal? - I will probably, yes.
What is your 2013 goal? - To get rid of my relaxed ends & reach BSL
What are you planning to do to reach your goal?- Continue with my regimen and just wait
What was your hair goal for 2012?
whip length.

Did you make your goal?
I'm 3 inches away so probably not but I can always hope. But I will definitely make WL! I've trimmed 4 inches this year. Hair grows in a v. Cut it off & it grew right back. SMH!

What is your 2013 goal?
Full HL With a u shape & healthy ends. My longest layer is 5 inches from HL & my shortest layer is 7 inches away. So if I grow at a normal rate & retain I should get there even with a nice trim.

I will PS & dust often, no flat iron & blow dryer, air dry or roller set under hair dryer only.
**SaSSy** said:
I want to continue with healthy hair practices. I'm not crazy obsessed with length since my hair has done great for growth these past 2 yrs.

Same here, just focus on healtj
I can see that my texlaxed hair is shoulder length for 2013 hope to up my dedication to my healthy hair adventure. I would hope to obtain arm pit length by December 2013
What was your hair goal for 2012?

Did you make your goal?
not yet but I should by December

What is your 2013 goal?

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
up protein treatments
continue no poo cleansing
continue moisture DCs
PS or bust
My goal was to reach APL this year. I am juuuuuuuuust about there (will update my profile pic at the end of Sept when I get my touch up) and should definitely make it by the end of the year.

Next stop for 2013, BSL and beyond! I'm short, so I think I can even make it to just kissing MBL by the end of 2013, so that will be my ambitious goal, but BSL definitely, God willing! :yep:
My goal was TBL for this year. I'm not there. Hopefully I'll at least be HL in December. For next year I'm just maintaining and thickening my hemline. I'm tired of length challenges. I plan to keep PSing and stick to the same regimen.

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What was your hair goal for 2012? APL
Did you make your goal? Yes! As of yesterday's length check, I am APL.
What is your 2013 goal? MBL - Waist Length!
What are you planning to do to reach your goal? By continuing with what works for me.

- Co-cleansing 2-3x's a week
- Oil rinsing
- Using my Tresseme Naturals as a leave-in
- Using my MT Mix weekly
- No Heat/Low heat use in the winter
- Reular self trims every 3-4 months
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My 2012 goal was to grow healthy long hair closest to TBL as possible
My 2013 goal is the same (which I should be there by Dec or sooner)
Also: stay focus with my regi & protective styling
Full waist length or near hip length with thick even ends and to maintain the health of my hair. I'm about waist length now, but my ends aren't as full as I'd like. I'll probably have to do sew-ins for a couple of months, I retain length best that way.

Andreaschoice and Leobody from YT are my inspirations. Their hair is so gorgeous!


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What was your hair goal for 2012?
Did you make your goal?
What is your 2013 goal?
What are you planning to do to reach your goal?

My goal for 2012 was to make it to BSL. I did make that goal in Apr. My goal for 2013 is to get to MBL and then thicken up the ends.

My goal was to be full MBL by Feb 2013 and after I get to that goal I plan to trim my hair every 2-3 months.
What was your hair goal for 2012?
APL stretched.

Did you make your goal?
I believe so. I am not doing a length
check till December.When I stretch though,it reaches my armpit.

What is your 2013 goal?
Healthy relaxed bsl.

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
Weekly washing,dcing and airdrying. Also using salon quality products.
For 2012 my plan was just to maintain a healthy head of natural hair. I managed to do that, so, yes, I met my goal.

For 2013, I would like to reach bra strap length. I think I will try to focus on tracking length in the coming year. The 2nd goal is to learn to style my hair. I'm so lazy when it comes to styling and now my hair is at a length where puffs just don't look right.

Another thing, I need to plan to get my hair shaped. I'm so scared of letting some stylist do my natural hair. I am going to have to do some praying and shopping around for the right person because I don't want to have whoop a h e f f a for messing up my hair.
I didnt really have a goal, just to keep growing, stay healthy.
For 2013, I want to learn how to do a presentable wash & go & deal more w my natural texture vs. constant blowouts.
Id also like to visit one of the 'Reneice-trained' stylists in my area for a proper trim/cut.
My 2012 goal was to be waistlength. I battled split ends throughout the year so it won't happen for me this year. I was grazing MBL up until last week when I had to cut off 2inches of split ends. Now I'm an inch above BSL.

My 2013 goal will be the same - make WL with a head full of healthy hair. I just stumbled upon Wen and I'm in love so I'll be using these products almost exclusively. I will continue protective styling with wigs and with working out 3-4x a week as I do now. I will also continue with my current wash/dc routine and incorporate a sulphur mix for my scalp.

But most importantly, and to combat split ends, I'll be doing scheduled trims. This way I'll be proactive by cutting off my ends before splits even appear.
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What was your hair goal for 2012? To make it to SL

Did you make your goal? not yet hoping December 2012

What is your 2013 goal? I have two goals for 2013: reach full SL by end of January and grazing APL by 2yr post BC may 20. I should be getting one inch a month

What are you planning to do to reach your goal? wash biweekly steam treatments once a month hair trigger twice a day wig challenge until next summer