What is the worst that's happened to you while doing your hair?


Active Member
:perplexedSo yesterday I decided to deep condition my hair and as I was doing so I also decided to drive to walmart for some groceries anyway long story short I was in a car accident with a plastic baggy on my head with conditioner dripping down my eyes, Thank God Im still here and well.
OMG... So sorry to hear that :bighug: ....Glad your ok

Worse thing to happen...When I stayed in the dorms..I was doing my hair..deep conditioning of course.. Well my sister called and needed me to bring her something.. Yea well..I left my id(which was the key to get in the dorm and my apt) in my room.. and ummmm no roommates were home..and I was in a robe.. Yeah.... I had fun trying to get back in..
Nucienuce1: I'm glad you're ok, and like you said still here and well.

The worst thing that has happen to me was I was relaxing my hair (about a year ago) and the power went out and the water turned off *lol*..I started to panic, got in the car, drove to my parents house (7 minutes away), washed it out..My hair wasn't damaged or burnt, but really scary and the worst thing that has happen while doing my hair.
Worse thing for me was that I had just finished applying the last of my relaxer and I realized that I was out of neutralizing shampoo. I had to jump in my car and drive to Wal-Mart to pick some up.....with the relaxer creme in my hair :nono:

it was not pretty at all :blush:
:ohwell:I burned off my entire bang in high school trying to rush out for the school bus! Needless to say I didn't go to school that day.
The most embarassing hair story was me trying to make homemade conditioner and I tripped and fell down in my bathroom on the way to my hair dryer. And also, I fell on my way back to wash it out. Needless to say, I never done a homemade conditioner ever again.
I was in the middle of deep conditioning when the water in my apt complex was shut off due to a broken pipe. Luckily I showered when I washed my hair. I had an important appt later that day so I went to my mom's house to rinse the conditioner out and blow dry my hair. Major inconvenience.
Many years ago, I was in the middle of relaxing my hair when the plumber turned off the water. I was desperately trying to rise and neutralize with bottled water - small bottles for that matter, screaming for and at the plumber and my son to get me some water. It was not pretty, nor were the end results.
The worst thing that ever happened to me is that I slipped and fell headfirst into the tub. I was washing my hair over the tub about 9 or 10 years ago (when my daughter was a toddler) and it was late at night. For whatever reason, DD got out of bed and came in the bathroom to "see mommy."

Not expecting her, I startled and slipped some kind of way, lost my footing and fell headfirst into the tub.

Not cute.

When I was blowdrying my hair I was using this round brush the one that is cylinder and my hair got caught in it and wouldnt come out. I stood in the mirror for about 20 mins till I could get most of my hair out! I dont blow dry any more lol
Lets see-

-Round brush drama
-Someone flushes while washing out relaxer (years ago) and we have awful water pressure. No biggie unless you're already burning and the water goes super-nova hot
-New boyfriend walked in on relaxer (just not how I wanted to impress him. we're married now)
-Bird thought I was an outhouse
- Braid fell out in front of entire class in high school

Glad you're ok after the accident. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.
I was pregnant and tired so I got braids. A week later I didn't like them so I started to take them out. My month decides to help by cutting them. Unfortunately she cut 3 or 4 braids right along with about four inches of my real hair LMAO next day I was at the salon getting my hair cut :-/
Nucienuce1: I'm glad you're ok, and like you said still here and well.

The worst thing that has happen to me was I was relaxing my hair (about a year ago) and the power went out and the water turned off *lol*..I started to panic, got in the car, drove to my parents house (7 minutes away), washed it out..My hair wasn't damaged or burnt, but really scary and the worst thing that has happen while doing my hair.

You know that's my biggest fear when I'm relaxing my hair. OMG, I would have to drive 17 miles if that happened to me. I'll be in Walmart (2 mins) away trying to use the sink in the public restroom. LOL! Your hair is so pretty!