What is the most important change.....


Peace & Love
What is the most important change you have made to your haircare routine since participating in the Long Haircare Forum?
washing my own hair every week.
Airdrying instead of blowdrying - BIG difference in keeping the moisture in my hair until the next wash.
i would say that i elimanted trying so many products that claim to mke your hair grow wgich i know nothing can really make you hair grow but tlc. to really grow my hair it takes time not overnight
Daily conditioner washes
Misting with distilled water
Air drying
Less combing and brushing
stopped using excessive heat(no curlers,hand blowdrying, flat ironing)
started roller setting/wrapping
using EFA
stopped using so many products on my hair
*Minimizing Heat
*Washing/Conditioning More Frequently
*Gentle hair combing
*Moisturizing Ends
*Protective Styles to retain length
I have started a pre-wash scalp stimulation, direct heat once a week instead of 3 or 4 times a week, and taking biotin. It is really paying off too, I'm closer to mid-back than I thought I would be
Air drying instead blow drying, supplements to help boost growth and texture, conditioner washes, protect ends to retain length.
conditioner washes
stretching out relaxer from 8 to 12 weeks
protecting ends
vitamins and protein to strengthen and grow hair
air drying
rollersetting instead of blowdrying
not using shampoos with sls
trimming my hair only when needed
washing my hair in the shower
using heat only about once every 2-3 months
overall just taking better care of my hair