Doyou think long and healthy hair will ever be the norm for bw??

Do you think LHCF and the ladies here can have a influence on bw's hair in general?

  • No things will never change

    Votes: 76 17.6%
  • Yes we can have a impact on some women

    Votes: 203 47.0%
  • Yes one day healthy hair will be the norm for most bw

    Votes: 153 35.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
nope. . . simply because going to the salon has become like a status symbol. . . and most salons are more about STYLE than health. if you don't go to the salon every 2 weeks, folks think you are broke and can't afford it. Only thing I can't afford is any more split ends. No one is going to care about my hair the way I do. . . it is MY head and I have to deal with it DAILY. . . someone that sees my hair once every 2 weeks cant possibly know more about MY hair than ME. :ohwell:
I think it will be the norm for healthy hair and eventually there will be more bw with long hair. Now , let think of all of us who had bad ahir habit prior to the board and now know better arent we going to pass it down to our kids , cousins, siblings ? Most Probably! So think about all of us just on this board who teach good habits to your kids , siblings and how this will be passed on in the future. Im pretty sure it will change for a lot of bw. When I look back 5 years ago just in my small neighborhood in the suburbs of wouldnt see a bw with long hair it was hard to find...Nowadays a lot of them are conscious about what their hair needs and what is good and bad. You see a lot of bw with healthy hair rather its short or long.
Yes we can have a impact on some women and hopefully healthy hair at any desired length will be the norm.:grin:
Yes we can have a impact on some women and hopefully healthy hair at any desired length will be the norm.:grin:

I agree! This can be the norm.

I Thank God for this site, for us and our DD'S sake. We now know how to take better care of Our hair & DD'S hair whether it's relaxed or natural. Thanks to a bunch of wonderful unselfish women, sharing their knowledge about healthy haircare practices.
I think long and healthy hair can be normal for women of color if we stop using relaxers and other chemicals that damage our scalps.
I think more black women will achieve longer hair than was previously the norm and one day yes healthy hair will definately be normal in our community, but I don't think that everyone wants hair as long as mine persay.

As knowledge is aquired we will pass on what we know to future generations and we'll be able to teach our children, nieces, cousins, etc. what our mothers couldn't teach us. And as we teach others, eventually companies will take notice and products will become better. By default, with better products some will have better hair without even trying. No, we can't reach everyone, but that in the very least with have an impact.
co-sign but I have to add a side note that this will probably be true for some of us, whereas others will ignore this information. Even now, people just talk about my hair as if I am an anomaly. Some of us will dismiss long haired women as just being able to grow hair because they are "mixed" or just have "good hair", or a varying amount of other excuses which will cause them to remain stagnate in the hair care category. Whereas others I believe will be open like mentioned above in quotes.
i think it can be if more and more black women become 'enlightened'. You have no idea to how many women i give this forum website to? They are so pleased and so willing to learn and improve they just did not know better and have no clue what they are doing. And if we are more sensitive, less uppity when it comes to our hair and willing to help (trust me i remember once asking a lady in my job where she does her hair, she gave me the look as if i had killed someone in her family very mean look and proceeded to act like she did not hear me) i do share, and i have a few 'students' lol that i help with their hair in france, belgium, my country congo rdc, south africa, i m so happy so many women want to make a change and believe they can be more than their chewed up strands, heat damaged tresses they holding on too, with some we proceeded to a big chop and we regrowing it clean, vits, right products et all and that make me smile that i was able to learn everything i learn here thank you LHCF and give it back to my sisters outside the forum without forgetting to let them know where i learn it from hihi come to the source they may not join and may remain lurkers forever but one thing is sure KNOWLEDGE IS KING AND THE REVOLUTION IS ON. lol guess what on my new album there s even a shoutout to LHCF in the thank you notes as well as DEN1 AND CHICORO for all the breath of knowledge you gave me sis and to all of lhcf sisters and also a shoutout to my fotki ladies love u all enjoy your sunday LADIES.
I don't believe that things will change w/ bw concerning their hair because many stylist are in the business to style hair proper hair care is not taught to bw and they go on thinking that the stylist knows their hair. Oh, and not to mention fake hair especially the stuff you have to bond in with that wretched glue. Bw ( the majority) loves them some glued in hair.
I say no. I see hair problems among Black women becoming worse and worse. Most Black women are more into style and bone straight hair and are scared to death of nappy new growth. No one wants to stretch out their relaxers, no one wants to wear a protective style, no one wants to give up the tight braids and ponytails, and no one wants to give up on grease and water.
I say no. I see hair problems among Black women becoming worse and worse. Most Black women are more into style and bone straight hair and are scared to death of nappy new growth. No one wants to stretch out their relaxers, no one wants to wear a protective style, no one wants to give up the tight braids and ponytails, and no one wants to give up on grease and water.

Couldn't agree more :clap:
I say no :nono: I feel that so many women are already set in their ways and wont want to change their lifestyle to incorporate healthy traditions into their normal hair care regimens. For example I have a close friend with beautiful hair but she never ever wears it. Everytime I have tried to convince her to get it done so she can see it she says " no thats too much work I will just stick with my wigs!" I think that eventually the lack of taking care of her hair will have a very bad effect :perplexed
I think that your hair will speak for itself -- if it's healthy whether short or long people maybe more inclined to inquire about your haircare techniques. So in that regard, I think we may inspire some but you're gonna always have some women who out of lack of knowledge abuse their hair by using improper products and processes.
I say no. I see hair problems among Black women becoming worse and worse. Most Black women are more into style and bone straight hair and are scared to death of nappy new growth. No one wants to stretch out their relaxers, no one wants to wear a protective style, no one wants to give up the tight braids and ponytails, and no one wants to give up on grease and water.
And too many people think that the tiniest bit of effort constitutes a major hassle. :nono: I know someone who washes her hair every 2-3 weeks, deep conditions, dries, and curls it and thinks of her regimen as a task and a half. As long as people think something as simple as washing their hair is a big deal, they'll never have healthy hair habits. :rolleyes:
Yes, I do!!

I am seeing more and more of us with longer hair.

I think a lot of us have progressed in taking better care of our hair whether we are relaxed or natural.

I was surprised to see my 17 yr. old Niece this weekend after not seeing her for a couple of years. She has relaxed and colored hair but it is mid back length now and not stringy but strong and thick. I asked my Sister what she ahd been doing to grow her hair out and she said just relaxing every 6 months keeping the ends trimmed and washing & DC. That's it.

I find that a lot of us still rely on a lot of weaves to the neglect of our own hair but overall I find that a lot of us have longer hair because of advance products, knowledge and hair care svces.
I don't know but I do KNOW that many of us on this site and others like it are going to make a HUGE dent in it. :yep:
I say yes, and it will come down to pure economics. Stylists who can't support what their clients want will starve. More and more bw will begin to demand healthy hair from their stylists, who, in response to the demand, will have to learn how to provide what their clients are asking for.

When someone whom a woman has always known can grow healthy BSL hair, she is not going to passively listen to a technique-challenged SHS tell her she can't do it because of the type of hair she has. As this happens over and over, the stylists with the proper techniques are going to take all the clients (like the Dominicans, for example).

I'm in full agreement. Don't you know that salons would earn more money if they had properly care for and help grow for black women's hair?

Hair stylists, and salons take note!!!
Nope on the issue of long hair and why do I say that? Most BW are incredibly style oriented. Long hair is almost the opposite of's "traditional". People read these hair boards and assume that everybody wants or should want long hair and that everyone cares about the "BW don't grow hair" stereotype and are determined to prove that wrong. Not so.

BW, like most women in the US and Europe, like changes to their appearance. Short hair is more versatile hence why you see so very little LONG hair at all in these countries. It's also changing in more "traditional" long hair cultures like India, China, Japan. It's somewhat arguable that super long hair isn't much compatible w/ a modern Western lifestyle. Hence short hair being popular since WW1.

Much of this "concern" about BW and hair length specifically is not about other BW, but about BW here and their egos. If other BW grow long hair, that validates YOUR long hair?! :nono: Sorry, but I can't get wid that PoV. Grow yours and let others do what they want. You'll be happier and so will they! :yep:

Frankly alot of BW are damaging their hair, even or esp. when natural, by working against their hair type. Many of the styles/techniques promoted simply will not yield good long term results. It remains to be seen that it'll happen.
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I'm in full agreement. Don't you know that salons would earn more money if they had properly care for and help grow for black women's hair?

Hair stylists, and salons take note!!!

Nah. Stylists make most of their money by "styling" (read cutting/coloring/relaxing/weaving) hair. There are VERY few salons that focus on long hair (and they cater to WW normally) for this reason. The maintenance of long hair is a money LOSING proposition for most stylists because relatively few longhairs will spend on their more pricey treatments.
I think it will if women who've used the methods on this board share with others. somehow i feel like one can be tempted to be feel "I done arrived, do you" attitude. hopefully this isn't the case. I'm new here but i have no problem blabbing on an on about baggying, dcing, moisturizing, etc. to anyone that will listen.
Yes, it will. We weren't fortunate enough to have hundreds of years of learning how to take care of our hair, we however have been taught to hate it, and that the only possible way a black girl can have healthy long hair is if she was born with that good 1a 2a hair.. leaving us with no hope and complacent.

First step is to realize that long healthier is a practical goal, once that happens there will be hope, the need/want for healthy and/or long hair will come naturally.
I think long and healthy hair will be the norm for black women, if that's what we decide we want. All we have to do is want it. Look at the dent we've made in the weave/extension industry in the last ten years alone.
I have a dream.....

i think one day we will know how to love what God has given us, and to care for our hair tenderly. It took me a while to un-learn all the harsh practices you so often see in our community. this forum gives me hope!
No... We all know that growing (and maintaining) long hair is a lot of work. It's pretty much a lifestyle change. All black women are not going to want to put all this effort into caring for their hair. There are always going to be some people that won't or don't know how. And on top of that, everybody doesn't like long hair either.

So true.

And a side note, LOVELY HAIR!
I think healthy hair (not necessarily long hair) with be the norm in the future. I like a lot of black woman didn't know how to properly care for my hair and believed the lie that my hair could not grow passed my chin unless I was white, mixed, or extremely blessed with "good" hair.
I'm new here, and in just these few days from combing through the archives, reading posts, and asking questions I have become incredibly informed and motivated to take care of my hair and make it healthy. I'm not too crazy about having to care for fairytale hair to my butt length hair but this forum has taught me that hair past my shoulders is achievable.