What if you found your classmates on a dating site?


New Member
To preface, I go to a small college in a small town. I have a friend who's bi but never got to "experiment." She's in an LTR, and lately it's been bothering her so she told her man. Her man said he didn't care what she did (with women) as long as romantic feelings weren't involved.

She decides to sign up for this dating site, sets up her profile, and finds two classmates. (And yes, I know who both of them are... I thought it was funny but she doesn't agree, lol.)

They're a fairly popular couple (as in, everyone knows she's with this guy) and she doesn't want people in their relationship business. She's freaking out and wants to take down her pic/info, because she doesn't want word getting out. But she doesn't know how else to meet people other than at a bar/club, both of which she's opposed to.

So I told her I'd ask you guys what she should do. (and yes, she told me what to write, lol.)
I'd tell everyone I know, but I'm a big mouth and I don't think it's the right thing to do. She's absolutely right to want to take her info down. If she doesn't want it to get out, she needs to do whatever she can to prevent people from knowing about it, because people like me (and there are plenty of those) will tell someone else about it.

A few years after I graduated from high school, I was reading the local paper at work, and I saw an article about a woman who was arrested for having sex with an adolescent boy. She taught at the junior high school that he went to and lived in his building. I immediately recognized the name, and the details about her age and the area this took place revealed that I went to high school with this person. The first thing I did was call my b/f who went to the same school and graduated in her year (they're a year older than me), and sent him off to call his friends from that year to get the dirt. When I got home that night, my inbox was full of people from that school (we were a small school and everyone knew everyone) who had details about it. She got off with probation and no jail time and is now a registered sex offender, and isn't allowed on social networking sites. This was years ago, but we still talk about it. Oh, the drama!

Not too long after that, our headmaster was caught trying to snare young girls online, it was also in the newspapers, and I had friends from high school calling me to ask if I had seen the story. We're still giggling our asses off about that one too.
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Bene, I must admit, when I saw them there my first instinct was to go tell the first person I saw... but that wouldn't be fair to my friend.

"Oh wow, how'd you see them there?"

"Uh... well..."

Lol, as you can see I am still tickled about this.