What If She Sent Him A Picture Of Herself?

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
Not an inappropriate, provocative or indecent picture, just a regular picture of herself.
My male friend told me that his gf got upset because a female sent him a picture. She does not know this woman and I think she may be a new acquaintance (I didn't ask him)

MY opinion is, innocent or not, I don't see why I would send my current male friends a pic let alone a new acquaintance.

What do you think?
Hmmm... Is the only reason for sending someone a picture so they don't forget what you look like?
Is it possible that it really didn't mean anything?
I can't quite pin point why I'd be upset...with logic.

ETA- playing devil's advocate to test my crazy :)
Hmmm... Is the only reason for sending someone a picture so they don't forget what you look like?
Is it possible that it really didn't mean anything?
I can't quite pin point why I'd be upset...with logic.

ETA- playing devil's advocate to test my crazy :)

B/c there is no reason for her to do so. Is he in a business where he needs to receive pics of women, like a model scout or something? Are they old friends and she's sending him a childhood pic or a group pic of a get-tether? Why just her by herself?

There was no reason for her to send it. Most likely case, she has ulterior motives. Best case, she's just stupid and clueless.
Why does one need a REASON to do anything in life? Isn't a mere because we want to enough?
Say, she asks for his opinion on something including on her look, her outfit, her hair or just to be playful. Would it be different if it was a silly pic?
Is it possible that there are no ulterior motives? When does the possibility turn into a confirmation.
These darn gray areas.....

See @Lucie I've sent a male close friend a pic when I needed his opinion on something.
But he's like my bestie. But I have other male friends that I could see myself sending innocent fun pics to. At what point is it shady though? Does it depend on the relationship between the too, is the picture playful? etc etc.
I would be suspicious of her intentions and I would also question whether he requested the picture.

Generally, men don't care about receiving pics from women who are just friends. They want pics from pretty women as souvenirs and for bragging rights to their friends and usually try to get some naked or semi-naked pics out of the deal. You know, as a lead up to sex.

He could delete the pic and we could move on after I determined whether he asked for it. If he gave push back, then I'd be on high alert regarding his communication and behavior with other women.
So when me and my ex were together, a girl sent him a picture of her feet. Normally, this would be no cause for concern. The difference is he has a foot fetish. So, there is a reason why she sent him a picture, even if it seems innocuous.
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Why does one need a REASON to do anything in life? Isn't a mere because we want to enough?
Say, she asks for his opinion on something including on her look, her outfit, her hair or just to be playful. Would it be different if it was a silly pic?
Is it possible that there are no ulterior motives? When does the possibility turn into a confirmation.
These darn gray areas.....

See @Lucie I've sent a male close friend a pic when I needed his opinion on something.
But he's like my bestie. But I have other male friends that I could see myself sending innocent fun pics to. At what point is it shady though? Does it depend on the relationship between the too, is the picture playful? etc etc.

It all depends on the woman. I send my guy friends memes and funny videos. They can see me in person or on IG.
Why does one need a REASON to do anything in life? Isn't a mere because we want to enough?
Say, she asks for his opinion on something including on her look, her outfit, her hair or just to be playful. Would it be different if it was a silly pic?
Is it possible that there are no ulterior motives? When does the possibility turn into a confirmation.
These darn gray areas.....

See @Lucie I've sent a male close friend a pic when I needed his opinion on something.
But he's like my bestie. But I have other male friends that I could see myself sending innocent fun pics to. At what point is it shady though? Does it depend on the relationship between the too, is the picture playful? etc etc.

She's a new acquaintance. It's shady.

Want to is a reason. Sometimes the reason is that we want that man. Rationalize all you want, something in the milk ain't clean on this one.
She's a new acquaintance. It's shady.

Want to is a reason. Sometimes the reason is that we want that man. Rationalize all you want, something in the milk ain't clean on this one.

See for me, I don't like to just go by MY feelings because well...I have issues lol
But because she's a new acquaintance, I think in THIS case, it's probably shady.
Say, she asks for his opinion on something including on her look, her outfit, her hair or just to be playful. Would it be different if it was a silly pic?
Is it possible that there are no ulterior motives? When does the possibility turn into a confirmation.

Nope. There are plenty of other people whose opinion she could ask for. Why does she need the opinion of some guy she just met...especially about how she looks? She doesn't. She's flirting and he probably asked for the picture.

Why did they even exchange numbers in the first place? If they're co-workers, I could understand it...but even then co-workers with a strictly work-based relationship shouldn't be sending pictures of themselves and asking for opinions about how they look. And if she's just some random girl he met there's no good reason to exchange numbers.
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Nope. There are plenty of other people whose opinion she could ask for. Why does she need the opinion of some guy she just met...especially about how she looks? She doesn't. She's flirting and he probably asked for the picture.

Why did they even exchange numbers in the first place? If they're co-workers, I could understand it...but even then co-workers with a strictly work-based relationship shouldn't be sending pictures of themselves and asking for opinions about how they look. And if she's just some random girl he met there's no good reason to exchange numbers.

Yeah, this just sounds like maybe he wants to smash, OP. Either way, he's looking for trouble.
Nope. There are plenty of other people whose opinion she could ask for. Why does she need the opinion of some guy she just met...especially about how she looks? She doesn't. She's flirting and he probably asked for the picture.

Why did they even exchange numbers in the first place? If they're co-workers, I could understand it...but even then co-workers with a strictly work-based relationship shouldn't be sending pictures of themselves and asking for opinions about how they look. And if she's just some random girl he met there's no good reason to exchange numbers.

That's a whoooooole other discussion that I'm still struggling with myself.
I don't know where I stand on this quite frankly as I don't believe people stop making friends once they are in a relationship. But that's a whole other topic.
Not an inappropriate, provocative or indecent picture, just a regular picture of herself.
My male friend told me that his gf got upset because a female sent him a picture. She does not know this woman and I think she may be a new acquaintance (I didn't ask him)

MY opinion is, innocent or not, I don't see why I would send my current male friends a pic let alone a new acquaintance.

What do you think?
Shady. He may have asked her to send him a pic.
This happened to me once with a guy I'd been dating for not even two months. He was in the middle of...doing something :look: and his phone was on the nightstand. It buzzes, I look over see the pic...nope. Done. I made him leave. He's been trying to get back in good since. I'm not interested
That's a whoooooole other discussion that I'm still struggling with myself.
I don't know where I stand on this quite frankly as I don't believe people stop making friends once they are in a relationship. But that's a whole other topic.

People shouldn't stop making friends when they are in a relationship, but a lot of people just aren't honest enough to call a spade a spade. I'm not saying women are innocent, but men are notorious for this.

(e.g. Why are you tripping? She's just a friend! So you mean to tell me I can't have friends now? You don't trust me???)

I have learned to ask very specific questions about most men's "friends." Most of the time it gets revealed that they are more than friends, or had some type of sordid past together which means he could still hit if he wanted to.

Your friend needs to find out who this woman is to her boyfriend and how long he's been receiving pics from her. That may not have been the only one. And if you say he's a troublemaker, then I know it probably won't be the only one. Men don't just stop at one pic, phone call, text, etc.

They take it as far as the next woman allows them to, and they only move on once they see she ain't giving up no play.
I have learned to ask very specific questions about most men's "friends." Most of the time it gets revealed that they are more than friends, or had some type of sordid past together which means he could still hit if he wanted to.

A lot of the time they've had a physical relationship in the past. Or, one person is sexually attracted to the other...or both are attracted to each other and just haven't had the right opportunity to act on it. This is why for the most part I don't believe straight men and straight women can remain just friends.

I don't think people should stop making friends once in a relationship but if a man is befriending women or claims to "get along best with women", it's shady.
I don't trust it. Girl bought a new car. DH (he was then boyfriend) loved cars. He asked tonsee the car. She sends a pic with her posing in front of the car. He claimed it was innocent but we all know her intentions were not. A girl only sends a pic like that if she doesn't want you to forget her.