What If She Sent Him A Picture Of Herself?

I don't trust it. Girl bought a new car. DH (he was then boyfriend) loved cars. He asked tonsee the car. She sends a pic with her posing in front of the car. He claimed it was innocent but we all know her intentions were not. A girl only sends a pic like that if she doesn't want you to forget her.
He needed to see a car from some girl, when he's sees cars all the time?:look:
Not an inappropriate, provocative or indecent picture, just a regular picture of herself.
My male friend told me that his gf got upset because a female sent him a picture. She does not know this woman and I think she may be a new acquaintance (I didn't ask him)

MY opinion is, innocent or not, I don't see why I would send my current male friends a pic let alone a new acquaintance.

What do you think?
Not appropriate and suspect.
I send pictures to my older guy friend because we see each other so infrequently and he is a photographer. He lives in MA.

I do not send my picture to other men. They can see me on IG if they are my friend.
Are you fully clothed in these pics you send your photographer friend?
He needed to see a car from some girl, when he's sees cars all the time?:look:
Exactly. I got it. It was a sexy antique car that was fixed up. Had a beautiful paint job and the inside was pristine. So she knew he would like it. But nahhh one girl was grabbing for straws. It was reaaaal early in our relationship so maybe she didn't know we were official. *shrugs* Ole girl had to be cut off.
I won't have much more to ad tbh.
When I told him my opinion, he was like oh thanks for the advice type of thing and we kept it moving.
Thought it would be fun to ask the board 'tis all.
I exchange pics with my friends (both male and female) all the time. this - past weekend it was about Halloween Costumes. Sometimes it's hair cuts/styles. Sometimes it's do you like this outfit. Sometimes one of us is doing something really cool and want to rub it in the other's face. Not everything is sinister, but you have to know your SO and place these things in the box they belong.
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I exchange pics with my friends (both male and female) all the time. this - past weekend it was about Halloween Costumes. Sometimes it's hair cuts/styles. Sometimes it's do you like this outfit. Sometimes one of us is doing something really cool and want to rub it in the other's face. Not everything is sinister, but you have to know your SO and place these things in the box they belong.

I think this is why I have difficulty saying it's flat out wrong, because as you said it's not always shady.
In the end it always comes down to your partner. Can you trust them or nah?
I exchange pics with my friends (both male and female) all the time. this - past weekend it was about Halloween Costumes. Sometimes it's hair cuts/styles. Sometimes it's do you like this outfit. Sometimes one of us is doing something really cool and want to rub it in the other's face. Not everything is sinister, but you have to know your SO and place these things in the box they belong.

These are old friends you send pics to though right? Not new male friends you make while in a romantic relationship.