what has changed the game for you in your haircare journey


Well-Known Member
what i mean is, what has been your "EUREKA!" moment. the thing(s) that has (have) revolutionized the way your care for your hair. im sure a lot of us have gone through frustration after frustration trying to figure out what our hair likes, what it doesnt, why it won't grow, why it doesn't seem to like any product, why it's so hard to detangle, why this, why that...

i know that many of us have tried various products and techniques...and have researched...and somehow still most things have just not worked.

and then you finally found success in something...something that made your hair life MUUUUUUCH easier. that thing (or those things) that made you want to scream from the rooftops.

here are mine:

  • more protein (especially in the form of hydrolyzed keratin).
  • LOC moisture method.
  • trimming when i need to instead of waiting 3 years in between.
  • only leaving protectives in for a week at most. i usually change my protective style every 3 to 7 days...no longer. my hair doesnt like staying in the same style for 2,3,4 weeks at a time. i used to force myself to hold onto styles for many weeks at a time because i was thinking "retention...less manuipulation...cant.touch.hair" but for me, it wasnt a good thing to do.
  • finger detangling. this is something i fell off of and recently went back to. i regret ever stopping.

now only, if i could just learn how to style my hair...i'll be all freakin set.

this isnt really meant to be a "try this and it'll work for you" kind of post...or an "advice" post...i mean, you could take the things people say and see if they work for you (and they might or might not...remember that), but it's not the thread's real intention. i really just want to know what made you and your hair sing and dance after so many tears and frustrations.
cowashing (with products formulated for that purpose)
light protein every 2 weeks
tea spritzes
aloe vera juice

wonders !!!!!!
Moisturizing and washing/conditioning my hair under my sew ins. Doing protein treAtments before and after installs. And protecting my ends when out of them. And my hair loves scurl and Jamaican castor oil :lick:
- Deep conditioning
- Trimming as needed
- Sealing conditioners with oil
- Air-drying hair
- Switching to a compatible hair-dresser
Doing more reading and research is #1.
My new mason Pearson comb.
Learning how to and when to use protein properly.
Low manipulation
Weekly protein
Washing and detangling in sections
Conditioner as leave-in
Managing porosity
There have been many Ah-Hah moments, but the ones that have Really rocked my world were:

- Pinappling with the LocSoc/Buff. It was like a watershed moment for me...suddenly my hair was looking the way I wanted it to look for days at a time. And it really keeps my hair moist, and protected at night. I was SO HAPPY when I started using it!

- The Curly Girl Method. I couldn't understand what kinda hair I had...it was just so weird! It didn't coil like type 4 hair...I never had matting, or tangling, or any other type 4 problems. But it didn't curl either. It just turned into a bush. It would curl while I was showering, but upon drying...big bush. Then in Embyra siggy I read "Frizz is a curl waiting to happen", and it hit me like scripture. I read the book, and started using the techniques, and voila! Curly Hair! I mix it with the TC Method, since I use a brush to detangle. And I've wanted curly hair my entire life, so this just made me dance in the streets!

- My Hair Needs To Be Wild & Free. I've known for many years that my hair can't stand the stress of braids, so I've only used that style very rarely. I'll do twists in the winter, and they're ok, but nothing beats having my hair out in the wind. I retain with no problems, especially since I use hard proteins & trim 3-4x's a year, and my hair responds better to being left alone. I only manipulate it while I'm detangling, and everything else is moisturize, shake & go. WnG's are my hairs Best protective style!
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Pre-Poo Deep Conditioning with protein
Terressentials Mud Wash
Tea rinses and tea spritzes (traditional herbal and ayurvedic)
Crochet braids (best protective style ever)
Dry detangling /removing sheds with coconut/vatika oil BEFORE letting water touch my hair
Steaming my DCs
Using conditioner that was created to deep condition
Sealing my ends with oil or butter
Adding protein to my regimen
Finger detangling
Using ceramide rich oils instead of EVOO
Stretching relaxer
No to low heat
Tea rinsing
Finger combing
Dusting (@Nonie I'm finally adopting this:look:)
DC'ing regularly
Quality products
I'm sure there are more, these have rocked my world once discovered:yep:
Stretching relaxer
Bone Combs
Regular protein treatments
weekly DC
Ayurveda tea rinses and pastes
Behentrimonium Methosulfate
Using products with no silicones .

Using foam wrap lotion after leave-in for extra hold.

Washing in sections.

Sent from my LHCF App.
Prepooing,protein, no heat/low manipulation, DCing weekly, bunning, baggying, sealing with oil. Honestly since finding this site my hair has been the healthiest/longest i can remember.
- Detangling while rinsing my shampoo (removing shed hairs and tangles prior to DCing has made things much simpler and more effective)

- Ignoring the urge to co-wash (since all it does is piss my hair off, causing tangles and breakage)

- Castor oil (the best oil on the planet)

- Ceramides (helps to keep my hair balanced and strong)
Finger die tangling when conditioning
Steaming is a super plus
Dcing more
Blow drying creates less ssks for me
Green house effect
Braids is genius
finger combing: i'm impatient with any type of comb (wide tooth or seamless). my fingers are all i need.
washing in braids: sectioning with clips or washing in twists never worked. just got more matted. wash in braids has saved my sanity. i just put my hair in 6-8 loose braids. hair and a scalp are always clean.
ceramides: when i started using sunflower oil its like a new world opened up.
LOC method: my hair is staying moisturized much longer with this method
mini braids: i have gotten the best retention while in mini braids. i like the fact that i can leave them in longer than twists because sometimes i really just don't like to be bothered. like right now i like that my hair is protected in the braids while i'm just focusing on other things. i'm not neglecting my hair but with braids i don't have to worry about styling or constantly moisturizing my hair like i would if i had my hair out.
- Overnight conditioning using natural DC's is the business :yep: I put my hair in large twists/plaits/buns, put on my cap, tie a scarf over it and voila! I'm good until the next day.

- Moisturizing every 1-3 days (depends on the moisturizer & sealant)

- Blended butters. My hair HATES shea butter... however I've found a few brands that my hair seems to love. (QB Aethiopika butter, Hydroquench 5 Day Moisture, Hairitage Hydration Avocado Cloud & Coconut Yuzu Love) :lick: I use them to seal. QB and HH leave my hair butter soft. I moisturize, seal with these, and plait/twist it up and I'm good to go. I hit up my ends to be safe and so far so good. :yep: The cool part is they can be used on the skin as well.

- If my hair is happy but my scalp is MISERABLE... I will be an unhappy camper. I started moving towards natural products for health reasons (skin sensitivity and carcinogenic ingredients) Although it SEEMS more expensive to buy natural... a majority of products that I have last a LONG time... even longer when you alternate between them. I've noticed less shedding with natural products. BTW I have PCOS so take it as you will.
deep conditioning in general, on dry hair specifically
finding out about sulfate free shampoos
tea rinsing my hair
using Lye relaxers instead of no-Lye relaxers
taking my time in handling my hair instead of rushing through because it's a chore
finding LHCF for sure
i tried my first tea rinse today...i did it on braids (my own hair)...so i dunno if i could really tell results...but i'd like to continue playing with it. just used regular black tea. i also added cocoa...just because of the caffeine.
For me, my AhHa Moment was:

Stretching 12+
Mild instead of Regular relaxers
DC (steam, dry heat, no heat..all of them)
Limiting direct heat to 5-6 times a year
Protective styling
Protective sleeping
Protein treatments (NEVER did them before)
Sealing after moisturizing
Learning wrapping my hair the same way every night for years was causing hair loss/slow growth around my edges

I have retained like never before and my strands are no longer wispy fine. I love LHCF!!
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