what has changed the game for you in your haircare journey

really understanding how low porous hair works. it has helped me with purchasing products, hair care practices, etc....
Doing everything myself
Air drying
Avoiding salons and SHS
Stopped using direct heat
Stopped wrapping my hair (thins it out)
Ayurvedic and natural products
Stretching relaxers (texlaxing)
Using herbs and tea rinses
Trimming a lot less
Scarf method
Finger combing and low manipulation
M&S'ing hair and using the LOCO/LOCS method (S is for serum)
Ive grown my hair to WL twice since 2009 by being consistent with these main things.
Now it is headed to WHIP length very quickly.
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A lot of what Jewell said applies to me, so I just editted her list:

Doing everything myself/Avoiding salons and SHS

Stopped using direct heat so often. I only flat iron my roots after rollersetting as needed.

Cross wrapping


Stretching relaxers (texlaxing)

Trimming a lot less

Finger combing and low manipulation

M&S'ing hair and using the LOCO
Doing less to my hair...before I had the most rediculously complex regimen. Now my hair is mostly in protective styles that last 2-3 weeks and wash day is simple 4 step process once a week
1)Shampoo my scalp with diluted shampoowith rosemary, peppermint and tea tree oil once a week
2)Dc with moisture or protein(depending on my hair)
3)Leave-in is aloe vera juice mix
4) Seal with coconut oil
Doing my hair myself
Learning my hair and not being afraid to handle it myself
Air drying my hair
Stopped using direct heat
Stretching relaxers for 12 weeks
Texlaxing my hair
Protective styling more often
M&S'ing hair and using the LOC method.
In a nutshell the generous natural and relaxed ladies on LHCF have changed my hair game. I had no idea about deep conditioning or protein (despite the fact that I’ve been going to the salon regularly for 25 ++ years).
Here is what I have found has helped my very fine grazing APL strands. To all the ladies who recognize their contribution or who have passed these golden nuggets of knowledge along please pat yourselves on the back and accept my heartfelt THANK YOU!!!!!! :yep::yep::yep:

1) Self texlax (9-10 week stretches; using the sectioning method; mid-step protein)
2) Very diluted sulfate shampoo (My hair no longer seems to like cowashing)
3) 80% moisture 20% protein DC method after every wash (layer DC, then apply castor oil, steam, seal DC with instant conditioner, rinse)
4) LOC method (I’m kicking myself for only starting this 4 months ago):drunk::drunk::drunk:
5) SAA in everything
6) Sealing with a ceramide oils
7) Rollersetting (my ends are thanking me)
8) Air drying + Protective styling to hide my ends
9) Henna (adding cacao powder + molasses for more of a brown tone)
10) MSM (very little shedding & great for joint pain)
11) Aloe vera juice + ceramide oil + coconut oil prepoo = magic to rehydrate rough dry hair (when needed)
12) Dusting (although I miss every ¼ inch trimmed)
13) Paying attention to my tresses and adjust when needed

Picture on left was taken on August 29th, 2012. Picture on right = January 2013
Once again thank you ladies!:yep::yep::yep:


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Staying far away from salons
Using natural products and high quality products
Not using small tooth combs or wig brushes
Relaxing with Lye
Water soluble cones
Protective styling
Knowing how to use protein and moisture
Not feeding into hair typing and using products based on hair condition
Being patient