What do you think that the best relaxer is for me?


New Member
Ok, I think that I have weird hair. It's 4b/a and 3c (Not sure about the 3c, it may just be more loosely curled 4a, but how the heck do I tell?) Anyways the problem is that I have differeent textures on my head. Some of my hair is super fine, some of it is thick, some of it is in between. And there's a lot of each all over. I remember a few years ago I was actually pulling hairs out of my head and comparing them and they did not look like All of them came from the same head! My friend agreed with me when he saw. On top of that, I think that my hair is resistant.

I wanted to try Dudley's because everyone I see with that relaxer has beautiful silky hair, but I'm not sure if it's the right one for my hair.

It's kinda interesting really, My hair is three colors (3/4 dark brown, A little less than 1/4 medium brown and a few very light brown hairs here and there), then I have 2 or three hairtypes and they can't even be all thick, or all fine.

I wonder if it's normal to have hair like mine, or if I'm an alein. I see people who say I have thick hair, or fine hair. I've never seen anyone say they have both...

help? Advice?

Im no expert and i use dudleys and i love what it does to my hair. Maybe you should use the conditioning one thats the one i use. hope my advice was helpfull.
purtygurly, i have many textures like yourself. The back section of my hair is very loosely curled like a 3a, and the sides are 3b/c'ish and thge rest (and larger portion) of my hair is 4a.

I relax those parts last, since they have less curl. The best relaxer for me is Revlon realistic mild (it get my hair really straight in 20 minutes). I 've used motions, mizani and affirm in the past. I hated the mizani the most, and affirm always left my hair looking straight for the fisrt 3 weeks but after that it looked like nothing ever touched it! That was with both mild and regular strengths.

PCJ for delicate hair the LYE version is pretty good also.