What do you think about this video?


New Member

A wife (who is black) gives much praise to her husband (who is white). One of my black male friends sent me this and he was offended because he felt she was praising her husband just because he was white.

Honestly, I didn't see anything wrong with it. What do you guys think?
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Ummph. I don't know SHE seems to be happy with her husband. And I don't know too many brothers that will help you sew in your Tracts. If she likes it I love it. He is surely not my type. But hey to each his own. Hey she is Married and not shacking up.
Oddest Youtube I've seen in a while. Why would any woman do this? Makes her happy, alrighty then but I find it odd to trumpet your spouse in this way.
LOL! I just think she sounds like a newlywed. My hubby is white, but I hardly talk about him like that. LOL
I think she's harmless and silly. When I first got married I talked about how wonderful hubby was to anyone who would listen (or not listen! lol). And since being married, I've noticed a trend with newlyweds and realized I unfortunately had not discovered anything brand new. lol
Mind you, I'd never get on youtube and put myself out there, and I certainly didn't go on all like that (and I really could care less that he's white)!
Sillyness all over the place in her video.
Ummph. I don't know SHE seems to be happy with her husband. And I don't know too many brothers that will help you sew in your Tracts. If she likes it I love it. He is surely not my type. But hey to each his own. Hey she is Married and not shacking up.

Yeah I know, most men that I know act disgusted about weaves and wigs
Seems like she's happy. I mean, what do people want? Do they want every black woman crying and complaining about being 'unwanted', 'unmarried', and 'unhappy' or do they want to see a sister who is married to a man (regardless of color) being happy in her marriage and very much in love? What does the world want? He's white, oh well, I guess we're expected to be bitter, angry, lonely black women sitting around complaining about how Tiger Woods and Kobe Bryant didn't marry one of us--please don't let a sister open options for herself and be content with the outcome.
Seems like she's happy. I mean, what do people want? Do they want every black woman crying and complaining about being 'unwanted', 'unmarried', and 'unhappy' or do they want to see a sister who is married to a man (regardless of color) being happy in her marriage and very much in love? What does the world want? He's white, oh well, I guess we're expected to be bitter, angry, lonely black women sitting around complaining about how Tiger Woods and Kobe Bryant didn't marry one of us--please don't let a sister open options for herself and be content with the outcome.

Aww now I feel bad, but there just seemed to be something "off" about how she was going on and on. Maybe it is the newlywed thing, maybe she is just so in love. I couldn't imagine going that much in detail with a really close/good friend but that's just me. I am happy for her. redRiot you made some excellent points in your post.
I'm glad she's happy, and he is cute and has a nice body. If anything, it seems like she's bragging, and also that she might be a tad bit obsessed with him ("I will be pimpin' the ish out of his a** on YouTube." :huh:). Whether it's because he's white or because she just thinks he's that hot (the body of a god?), I don't know. The tracks and toenail polish was sweet, though.

I think it's kinda weird to post something like that regardless.

ETA: So I just watched the "My Husband Is Sooo Hot Pt.2" and I think she's just weird. It's not deeper than that. :laugh: But she does express her self pretty clearly on the race issue here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXHT0Bpf9CE
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Aww now I feel bad, but there just seemed to be something "off" about how she was going on and on. Maybe it is the newlywed thing, maybe she is just so in love. I couldn't imagine going that much in detail with a really close/good friend but that's just me. I am happy for her. redRiot you made some excellent points in your post.

:lachen: Okay I see where you are coming from. Yea, if she was one of my friends I'd be like--girl, don't come around here with that craziness.

He's in the military, so she's away from him for extended periods of time, and so I'd understand her missing her husband and maybe that is why she's talking the way she is.
She's so stupid!!! Don't she know one of those hood rats will come around and take "Josh" from her braggin' puttn' my man on a pedstal, business all out in da sreet tail!:rolleyes:
She is putting some much of her business out there. I couldn't get pass 2 mins.
I agree. TMI. But I've never been married to a hot,god before, perhaps i'll take out a billboard. (we shall see...)
I wonder what her hubby thinks. I mean I think I'd be a lil embarassed for so much of my personal life to be put out there, esp. on Youtube of all places. ANYONE can go there and that's what's wierd about it to me.
I've seen this before. I think her husband is away in the military. At least at the time of the video. I'm guessing she did that cause she misses him and has too much time on her hands. :lol: And she's young, 21.