What do you think about the BGEA and Mormonism issue?

Yeah I like Virgil too, he's got the bipartisan appeal that is necessary for leaders in this country to get anything done right...
I'm sharing this information to many of my friends and family who didn't want to vote....but now we have a 'RAM IN THE BUSH'!!! Love it!
Nice & Wavy, Laela, kila82... I'm really relieved. God is so letting us know that we do indeed have Bible conscience men in the goverrnment. And look how close 'Goode' is. He's not at the bottom of the list. He's THERE, full front and center.

This country has been so manipulated by the two parties, dems and repubs (parties as a whole, not individuals), that the third parties were not able to get a spotlight.

Just imagine if Billy Graham and other Christian leaders had taken ahold of this candidate 'Mr. GOODE (thanks Laela, I love that name by the way); but just imagine if more Christians and even non Christians with these same values had taken more notice of this man, there'd be no Romney as a forerunner.

I'm going to write him a note tonight; thanking him for being our Ram in the Bush. As least I know that next election, there's someone that I can ralley harder for and get him into the White House, eliminating All COUNTERFIETS. :yay: :woot: :reddancer:

Thank you Lord God... :amen:

I gotta give Jesus a great big hug:

:bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

God sure is 'GOODE'. to all of us. :up:
@Nice & Wavy, @Laela, @kila82... I'm really relieved. God is so letting us know that we do indeed have Bible conscience men in the goverrnment. And look how close 'Goode' is. He's not at the bottom of the list. He's THERE, full front and center.

This country has been so manipulated by the two parties, dems and repubs (parties as a whole, not individuals), that the third parties were not able to get a spotlight.

Just imagine if Billy Graham and other Christian leaders had taken ahold of this candidate 'Mr. GOODE (thanks @Laela, I love that name by the way); but just imagine if more Christians and even non Christians with these same values had taken more notice of this man, there'd be no Romney as a forerunner.

I'm going to write him a note tonight; thanking him for being our Ram in the Bush. As least I know that next election, there's someone that I can ralley harder for and get him into the White House, eliminating All COUNTERFIETS. :yay: :woot: :reddancer:

Thank you Lord God... :amen:

I gotta give Jesus a great big hug:

:bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

God sure is 'GOODE'. to all of us. :up:
@ the bolded:yep:!

I feel so relieved today...and I'm so grateful, truly grateful!

God surely is GOOD!!!
Here's some quotes on his FB page!

Virgil Goode for President!

October 12

My opponents do not want to talk about immigration, the NDAA, the Patriot Act, or gay marriage! I will talk about any issue, any time.
Virgil Goode for President!

October 15

We the People, not They the Politicians. It is high time we understood the difference.
Virgil Goode for President!

October 11

Nothing is so precious as the right to life. Romney's flip-flopping on the issue shows how important it is to him.

Virgil Goode for President!

October 17

Want to see a real debate? Larry King will be moderating a debate between former Congressman Virgil Goode, Dr. Jill Stein, former Mayor Rocky Anderson, and former Governor Gary Johnson. October 23rd, 7pm, online only.
There's a debate online tonight at 7pm live with Mr. Goode and other candidates right here: http://freeandequal.org/live/

I'm watching :yay:

Here's some quotes on his FB page!

Thank you sooooooo much Precious Wavy. I'm back at my desk catching up on posts.

I'm sharing this with my family. And Sis, he's in both of my homes, MD and Florida. We also have family in Virginia (I have to go back and check both yours and kila82 's state information).

And Precious Wavy, thank you so much for posting from his FB page. I don't spend much time there. I utilize the 'like' feature for different websites. I'll make it a point to 'like' his page.

I'm asking God to put more in leadership like him and beyond. We need some strong Black leaders, because the NAACP, Sharpton and all of em' have backslid. I'm sad to say that Billy Graham has done the same with his website regarding the Mormons.

We need strong Believers who will not fall victim, misleading other Believers who look up to them. That's the danger, misleading other Believers whose faith is not strong. Far too many people look up to and respect Billy Graham and his ministry for decades. He can't make a diamond (the heart of Jesus) out of a plastic rhinestone (Romney).

It should be Romney and Obama who fall at the feet of Jesus and respect those who honour God, rather than Christians falling and fawning over them as if they were messengers of God. I feel like Graham and so many others are treating these two candidates as if they are celebraties who have 'holy powers'. :nono:

I can tell I've grown, because I can still love this man Graham with the love of the Lord and yet not 'follow' his bad decision.
Thank you sooooooo much Precious Wavy. I'm back at my desk catching up on posts.

I'm sharing this with my family. And Sis, he's in both of my homes, MD and Florida. We also have family in Virginia (I have to go back and check both yours and @kila82 's state information).

And Precious Wavy, thank you so much for posting from his FB page. I don't spend much time there. I utilize the 'like' feature for different websites. I'll make it a point to 'like' his page.

I'm asking God to put more in leadership like him and beyond. We need some strong Black leaders, because the NAACP, Sharpton and all of em' have backslid. I'm sad to say that Billy Graham has done the same with his website regarding the Mormons.

We need strong Believers who will not fall victim, misleading other Believers who look up to them. That's the danger, misleading other Believers whose faith is not strong. Far too many people look up to and respect Billy Graham and his ministry for decades. He can't make a diamond (the heart of Jesus) out of a plastic rhinestone (Romney).

It should be Romney and Obama who fall at the feet of Jesus and respect those who honour God, rather than Christians falling and fawning over them as if they were messengers of God. I feel like Graham and so many others are treating these two candidates as if they are celebraties who have 'holy powers'. :nono:

I can tell I've grown, because I can still love this man Graham with the love of the Lord and yet not 'follow' his bad decision.
I've shared it too with some family members and friends. One of my family members is upset he is not in her state of PA.

Like I said before, I'm very disappointed in Billy Graham because what he did was make a statement about the fact that Mormonism is a cult all these years, until it wasn't beneficial for him and so he took it off of his website. That's wrong. Period. I love him in the Lord, but I'm very disappointed.

Sis... He's in your siggy. :yay:

May I do the same?
Oh yes...please do!!!
I've shared it too with some family members and friends. One of my family members is upset he is not in her state of PA.

Like I said before, I'm very disappointed in Billy Graham because what he did was make a statement about the fact that Mormonism is a cult all these years, until it wasn't beneficial for him and so he took it off of his website. That's wrong. Period. I love him in the Lord, but I'm very disappointed.

Oh yes...please do!!!

Done! check me out... Now I'm siggy happy. :lol: :woot:

Precious Wavy.... :grouphug2:

Girl... I left work in a wind of dust behind me; came home on the Pony Express :cowgirl:

Had my Green Tea and Lemon ready in my Keurig :coffee:

And my snacks :popcorn:

I was ready... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Tomorrow's good as it gives me more time to share this with my Pastors and some other ministries.

There's a cure called "Ram in the Bush" for Christians who have Romnesia.... :look: And it's All Goode... :up:

Sis, why didn't Billy Graham, Pat Robertson and em' pick up on this man, Goode? They have the monies to support him. I don't get it. Yet they supported a Mormon instead.

This has to be a spirit of deception... it has to be. They could have funded 'Goode's' campaign big time.

And it's not the man 'Goode' that I'm supporting, but his principles which echo the Word of God, line by line, precept by precept, far more than the 'others' are claiming.

That's why this country is in trouble, we've been voting in too many men (women) and not God's principles.

Again, this brings this back to Billy Graham (bless his heart), Reverend Graham is voting for a man, and not God's principles. He can't do this. :nono: Too many people hold Graham's opinions at high esteem.

Laela made this scripture crystal clear in a past thread... that 'IF POSSIBLE, satan would deceive the elect of God. IF POSSIBLE...IF POSSIBLE. IF POSSIBLE... Father God, let it not be possible in Jesus' Name, Amen.
Last edited:
Laela said:
^^ Shimmie, I'm fired up!

Me too Laela I can't wait to see him debate tomorrow :)

I've been spreading the GOODE news to my friends! Some have been looking at me like I'm crazy lol but I'm so excited to not feel compromised or forced into voting for someone. I think my mom will be voting for him too :)
Precious Wavy.... :grouphug2:

Girl... I left work in a wind of dust behind me; came home on the Pony Express :cowgirl:

Had my Green Tea and Lemon ready in my Keurig :coffee:

And my snacks :popcorn:

I was ready... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Tomorrow's good as it gives me more time to share this with my Pastors and some other ministries.

There's a cure called "Ram in the Bush" for Christians who have Romnesia.... :look: And it's All Goode... :up:
Sis, why didn't Billy Graham, Pat Robertson and em' pick up on this man, Goode? They have the monies to support him. I don't get it. Yet they supported a Mormon instead.

This has to be a spirit of deception... it has to be. They could have funded 'Goode's' campaign big time.

And it's not the man 'Goode' that I'm supporting, but his principles which echo the Word of God, line by line, precept by precept, far more than the 'others' are claiming.

That's why this country is in trouble, we've been voting in too many men (women) and not God's principles.

Again, this brings this back to Billy Graham (bless his heart), Reverend Graham is voting for a man, and not God's principles. He can't do this. :nono: Too many people hold Graham's opinions at high esteem.

@Laela made this scripture crystal clear in a past thread... that 'IF POSSIBLE, satan would deceive the elect of God. IF POSSIBLE...IF POSSIBLE. IF POSSIBLE... Father God, let it not be possible in Jesus' Name, Amen.
I wish I knew why they chose Romney over Goode, but I digress...It's so hard for me to speak about it because it reveals something to me that I'm not ready to face about the Church in America.:nono:
Me too Laela I can't wait to see him debate tomorrow :)

I've been spreading the GOODE news to my friends! Some have been looking at me like I'm crazy lol but I'm so excited to not feel compromised or forced into voting for someone. I think my mom will be voting for him too :)
I've been spreading it too. Some of my friends were like "Harpo, who dis man?" :lachen::lachen::lachen:





kila82 Shimmie Laela
I hope you all can see this article. I got it out of the Billy Graham Evangelical Association magazine.

BGEA is located where I live. I've been to the Library many times and I've always had a lot of respect for that Association.

Reading this article and the news about removing "mormonism" from the list of cults based on a meeting with Romney has me a little upset. I read the article by Franklin Graham in this magazine and wanted your thoughts on it.

Sounds like the ecumencial/false unity movement to justify their preferred candidate.

We are really at a crossroad.

Do we align ourselves with the candidate whom we consider morally loose? Or the one who's doctrine preverts the doctrine of our Savior?

I wants not part in any of it.:nono:

I think the problem is that Franklin Graham is in control of Billy Graham Ministries and has been since Bill Graham fell ill. I don't think you would have seen these actions out of Billy Graham Ministries if Billy Graham was still at the helm. Franklin Graham is a weasel and is interested in nothing more than $$$$$.
I couldn't agree more, Coily ... as much as I like Billy Graham...I'm also disappointed to hear about this political move on a religious platform...shaky.. I don't see where Romney's principles align with God's Word, if he clearly states that his plan is to give to the rich and take away from the poor. Romney doesnt have a bone in his body to care about the social welfare of Americans..the least of these. I'm not guessing, just going by the words that come out of his own mouth.

I think Franklin Graham is the one responsible for this.





kila82 Shimmie Laela

Precious Wavy... Thank you so much for this update. I got home later this evening (after 7) so this gives us time to settle in; the children will be settled with homework and prepared to rest .
I like what Larry King just said. They all deserve to be heard, whether they are the top runners or not. :yep: Good word, Larry. :up: