What do you think about the BGEA and Mormonism issue?

That voting system is whack! I had to vote for the candidates in order so I chose Rocky as the second and Gary last...ei yi yi:nono:
Nice & Wavy said:
That voting system is whack! I had to vote for the candidates in order so I chose Rocky as the second and Gary last...ei yi yi:nono:

Me too! Lolol! Gary was seriously off the chain!!
That voting system is whack! I had to vote for the candidates in order so I chose Rocky as the second and Gary last...ei yi yi:nono:

Me too! Lolol! Gary was seriously off the chain!!

Okay... FINALLY :thud: :lol:

I got my vote in. I really did not wish to include the other three clowns. Virgil is #1. The 'high' guy gary was last on my list... Jill was 3rd and the other guy was 2.

Oh well...

I love you angels. Thanks for this 'interesting' evening. Hmmmmm, I've learned some things for sure. I really do like Virgil. He does not back down and I like that.

You are blessed, both of you, truly and so are both of your Hubbies.

Sweet sleep :sleep2:
Me too! Lolol! Gary was seriously off the chain!!
He was...crazy!:lol:

Okay... FINALLY :thud: :lol:

I got my vote in. I really did not wish to include the other three clowns. Virgil is #1. The 'high' guy gary was last on my list... Jill was 3rd and the other guy was 2.

Oh well...

I love you angels. Thanks for this 'interesting' evening. Hmmmmm, I've learned some things for sure. I really do like Virgil. He does not back down and I like that.

You are blessed, both of you, truly and so are both of your Hubbies.

Sweet sleep :sleep2:
I voted the same way. I sent him a note and I know he will appreciate it!

Love you both...you are the best!

God is in control!

Have a goodnight!

Nice & Wavy said:
He was...crazy!:lol:

I voted the same way. I sent him a note and I know he will appreciate it!

Love you both...you are the best!

God is in control!

Have a goodnight!


Aww thanks Shimmie and Nice & Wavy!! Yes this was definitely an interesting evening lolol!! Good night ladies :)
Do you think that the BGEA's actions in removing mormonism were acceptable?


Just because someone is anti-abortion (cause that's what a lot of conservative evangelicals lean towards) doesn't automatically mean "GOOD"....
IMO I think its a way to rationalize not voting for someone who....Worships under the same doctrine they do....but has different opinions on the role of government. For example, Obama's Christian beliefs DO NOT include "adding their own spin" to Christian doctrine.

Look at Bush. He ran under the same Christian platform and made a Devil's mess of the economy and started wars that killed thousands of innocents. I think they are just as innocent as babies who have been aborted. Thats one reason I think religion and politics should be as separate as possible. If we truly follwed religion as it should be Christians would stay 100% away from politics.
Well, I guess I should have come back to visit this thread sooner. I came up with Goode too (he's from VA, right? - my boss talks about him all the time) and I asked him today why this man wasn't a GOP nominee considering he fits the GOP mold more closely than Romney. My boss is a staunch Repub and has held various public offices in North Carolina (I'm "unaffiliated" according to my voter registration card). Even he admits that both Romney and Obama are a sad choice but he feels that he has no other choice but to vote for Romney. I told him about my desire to vote for Goode (after I took your suggestion to find another candidate...I was shocked come come back and see a discussion in the works about him). He fussed at me (even after he was the one that brought him up) saying a vote for Goode is a vote for Obama (because it takes votes away from Romney). Anyway, I finally don't feel sick to my stomach and I may actually be able to make it to the computer this time to cast my vote.
letskeepntouch said:
Well, I guess I should have come back to visit this thread sooner. I came up with Goode too (he's from VA, right? - my boss talks about him all the time) and I asked him today why this man wasn't a GOP nominee considering he fits the GOP mold more closely than Romney. My boss is a staunch Repub and has held various public offices in North Carolina (I'm "unaffiliated" according to my voter registration card). Even he admits that both Romney and Obama are a sad choice but he feels that he has no other choice but to vote for Romney. I told him about my desire to vote for Goode (after I took your suggestion to find another candidate...I was shocked come come back and see a discussion in the works about him). He fussed at me (even after he was the one that brought him up) saying a vote for Goode is a vote for Obama (because it takes votes away from Romney). Anyway, I finally don't feel sick to my stomach and I may actually be able to make it to the computer this time to cast my vote.

Yay!!! It feels good not to have to compromise my beliefs or pick the "lesser of 2 evils" no way no way.
Yay!!! It feels good not to have to compromise my beliefs or pick the "lesser of 2 evils" no way no way.

I cannot even explain it. I feel like a weight has been lifted. I don't have to answer to the Spirit within me as to why I compromised my morals now. I cannot even tell you how heavyhearted I was the first time I went to the polls only to turn around and go back to my car. I felt like I was carrying to large bricks on my shoulders. I feel liberated. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
letskeepntouch said:
I cannot even explain it. I feel like a weight has been lifted. I don't have to answer to the Spirit within me as to why I compromised my morals now. I cannot even tell you how heavyhearted I was the first time I went to the polls only to turn around and go back to my car. I felt like I was carrying to large bricks on my shoulders. I feel liberated. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

I completely understand! I'm so sensitive now to this for some reason. I was nauseous thinking that I may have to really vote for one of the 2 and I'm so glad God gave me a way out!! He always does!! I'm praying for our country and for our current president and for the future of America. Im grateful for Shimmie and her suggestion to look outside of the choices being shoved down our throats.
The Lord will never leave us Fatherless!!!

He, as Our Father, will take care of His children. The bible says that "The LORD will perfect that which concerns me: your mercy, O LORD, endures for ever: forsake not the works of your own hands." Psalm 138:8

I'm so happy to be a Child of God!!! I hear the Father's voice and the voice of a stranger I will not follow!!!
Nice & Wavy said:
The Lord will never leave us Fatherless!!!

He, as Our Father, will take care of His children. The bible says that "The LORD will perfect that which concerns me: your mercy, O LORD, endures for ever: forsake not the works of your own hands." Psalm 138:8

I'm so happy to be a Child of God!!! I hear the Father's voice and the voice of a stranger I will not follow!!!

Amen amen AMEN!!!! I love that scripture!
Well, I guess I should have come back to visit this thread sooner. I came up with Goode too (he's from VA, right? - my boss talks about him all the time) and I asked him today why this man wasn't a GOP nominee considering he fits the GOP mold more closely than Romney. My boss is a staunch Repub and has held various public offices in North Carolina (I'm "unaffiliated" according to my voter registration card). Even he admits that both Romney and Obama are a sad choice but he feels that he has no other choice but to vote for Romney. I told him about my desire to vote for Goode (after I took your suggestion to find another candidate...I was shocked come come back and see a discussion in the works about him). He fussed at me (even after he was the one that brought him up) saying a vote for Goode is a vote for Obama (because it takes votes away from Romney).

Anyway, I finally don't feel sick to my stomach and I may actually be able to make it to the computer this time to cast my vote.

Question regarding the bolded: You're able to vote online?

Please forgive me if I misunderstood and thanks for your response. :yep:
I cannot even explain it. I feel like a weight has been lifted.
I don't have to answer to the Spirit within me as to why I compromised my morals now. I cannot even tell you how heavyhearted I was the first time I went to the polls only to turn around and go back to my car. I felt like I was carrying to large bricks on my shoulders. I feel liberated. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
That's how I was feeling and so many others. We are not alone!
Nice & Wavy said:
Guess I'm not watching this one :nono:...our guy was last on the list. That's ok...I'm still voting for Goode!!!


Crazy Gary got the most votes....people that voted are a bunch of Pot heads too:ohwell:

I guess we shouldn't be surprised. The crowd boo'ed one of his responses. They didn't like him and he didn't care! Lol it's ok though I'm still excited he is on 40 ballots!! Go GOODE!!!
Guess I'm not watching this one :nono:...our guy was last on the list. That's ok...I'm still voting for Goode!!!


Crazy Gary got the most votes....people that voted are a bunch of Pot heads too:ohwell:

I guess we shouldn't be surprised. The crowd boo'ed one of his responses. They didn't like him and he didn't care! Lol it's ok though I'm still excited he is on 40 ballots!! Go GOODE!!!

Thanks for the update Precious Wavy... Oh Well, I'm still voting for him.

And you are right, Kila, we're not really suprised afterall, he's not a weed head like gary, nor is he pro choice and he believes and holds strong to Traditional Marriage, One Man, One Woman.

Isn't it sad, Ladies how the moral code of society is so tarnished and instead of leaders taking a stand against it, they fall for it instead. Well the 'fall' is on them.
Thanks for the update Precious Wavy... Oh Well, I'm still voting for him.

And you are right, Kila, we're not really suprised afterall, he's not a weed head like gary, nor is he pro choice and he believes and holds strong to Traditional Marriage, One Man, One Woman.

Isn't it sad, Ladies how the moral code of society is so tarnished and instead of leaders taking a stand against it, they fall for it instead. Well the 'fall' is on them.
Yes indeed! :nono:

I couldn't believe he had the most votes and then came Jill and her crazy behind.

The people have picked who they want...it does show the state of the people in America:nono:
Shimmie said:
Thanks for the update Precious Wavy... Oh Well, I'm still voting for him.

And you are right, Kila, we're not really suprised afterall, he's not a weed head like gary, nor is he pro choice and he believes and holds strong to Traditional Marriage, One Man, One Woman.

Isn't it sad, Ladies how the moral code of society is so tarnished and instead of leaders taking a stand against it, they fall for it instead. Well the 'fall' is on them.

Smh it really is. This is why we as Christians need to continue to support candidates like Goode and stop settling. Wow you're right Shimmie that 'fall' is all on them
Yes indeed! :nono:

I couldn't believe he had the most votes and then came Jill and her crazy behind.

The people have picked who they want...it does show the state of the people in America:nono:

Smh it really is. This is why we as Christians need to continue to support candidates like Goode and stop settling. Wow you're right Shimmie that 'fall' is all on them

God knew about this crazy moral code which is all the more reason that He gave us the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into ALL Truth.

I absolutely refuse to receive the 'backlash' (consequences) of these decisions of which I've taken no part of. It's not 'our' fruit; if they choose to eat the forbidden it's on them. As for 'we' and our houses, we choose the Lord. Joshua was on point, and I'm taking a lesson from him for sure.

If gary and jill want to go up the hill and smoke, let em'. Let em' build their houses from the grass and see how strong it holds against the winds when the storm blows in their direction. They need to get 'stoned' on Jesus who is the Rock of stability and of all Ages.
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God knew about this crazy moral code which is all the more reason that He gave us the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into ALL Truth.

I absolutely refuse to receive the 'backlash' (consequences) of these decisions of which I've taken no part of. It's not 'our' fruit; if they choose to eat the forbidden it's on them. As for 'we' and our houses, we choose the Lord. Joshua was on point, and I'm taking a lesson from him for sure.

If gary and jill want to go up the hill and smoke, let em'. Let em' build their houses from the grass and see how strong it holds against the winds when the storm blows in their direction. They need to get 'stoned' on Jesus who is the Rock of stability and of all Ages.
Tell it, Shimmie!!!!!
Tell it, Shimmie!!!!!

They're corrupting children with this mess. Children need 'structure' and solid leading in their homes and the government. If their parents are getting high because it's legal, the kids will fall short. Marijuana smoke is dangerous, just cigarette smoke is; it a combustion to the lungs and it harms a child's brain, let alone an adult's brain..

(As Madea (Tyler Perry) would say, Children need 'constructure') :lol:

Laela post a beautiful scripture today in RT Thread:

I Samuel 2:35

I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who will do according to what is in my heart and mind. I will firmly establish his house, and he will minister before my anointed one always.

This blessed my heart so much... :yep:

God has righteous leaders in this earth and before Jesus returns, I praise God that they will indeed rule and reign upon this earth. Jesus commanded 'US' (not the united states) but 'WE' His Church to occupy until He comes. We are the rulers and those who reign. Bless God... Bless God, Bless God, who rules and reigns forever.