What do you think about the BGEA and Mormonism issue?

They're corrupting children with this mess. Children need 'structure' and solid leading in their homes and the government. If their parents are getting high because it's legal, the kids will fall short. Marijuana smoke is dangerous, just cigarette smoke is; it a combustion to the lungs and it harms a child's brain, let alone an adult's brain..

(As Madea (Tyler Perry) would say, Children need 'constructure') :lol:

@Laela post a beautiful scripture today in RT Thread:

I Samuel 2:35

I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who will do according to what is in my heart and mind. I will firmly establish his house, and he will minister before my anointed one always.

This blessed my heart so much... :yep:

God has righteous leaders in this earth and before Jesus returns, I praise God that they will indeed rule and reign upon this earth. Jesus commanded 'US' (not the united states) but 'WE' His Church to occupy until He comes. We are the rulers and those who reign. Bless God... Bless God, Bless God, who rules and reigns forever.
Yes, yes and YES!!!:yep:
Amen, Sis. :yep:

This is what I don't get about the article: It says the debate addressed the "War on Drugs".

Okay, now obviously someone didn't get it, because it was definitely a celebration on drugs by all of the candidates except Virgil Goode, who was and still is the only one with 'Goode' sense. :lol:
Yes, but when you watch the video, he was stating the fact that the media is not sharing with the people that there are still 3rd party candidates out there. I'm glad that he did because I'm hoping that people like us would see it, and realize that there is a "Ram in the Bush!"
Yes, but when you watch the video, he was stating the fact that the media is not sharing with the people that there are still 3rd party candidates out there. I'm glad that he did because I'm hoping that people like us would see it, and realize that there is a "Ram in the Bush!"

Amen, I definitely agree, that someone has taken notice and publically and of ALL Places, the Great Big 'HUFFINGTON' post.

I'm glad the article was written and shared with so much exposure. :yep: