What do you think about the BGEA and Mormonism issue?

Just ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you into 'all' Truth. He will never fail to do so. God loves us just that much and much, much more. I'd rather follow God than 'miss it' and endure the consequences thereof.

The Book of Daniel is one of the best resources which prove God's faithfulness when it comes to following those in leadership.

Thanks, Shimmie. I'm staying home today because my children and I have colds. I'm going to settle in with a cup of hot tea and my Bible.
My biggest fear concerning a Romney win is for the people who will be attracted to Mormonism. Christians (as the BGEA claims to be) are supposed to be concerned about souls of others, about spreading the Gospel. Many people could be lost as a result.

My concern with Obama is the complacency toward sin. It's just business/politics. I don't want to compartmentalize my faith, I want my entire life and all of my decisions to flow FROM my faith.

I'm tired of SEARCHING for reasons and excuses to make this OK..That's what I have been doing.

To be honest, that is the least of my concerns with Romney. I don't see anyone turning towards Mormonism because of Romney. It's simply not 'attractive' as a trend to follow. Folks who are voting for Romney are not doing so because he's a Mormon (other than those who already are of Mormon faith). Romney isn't even dedicated to being a Mormon; he may be playing the image of such, but that's only for the campaign.

I strongly oppose what Graham did, by the removal of Mormonism from the cult category. However, in this election campaign and even should Romney win, no one is going to be following Romney's faith. As I shared above, it has no 'attractive' lure to it; not in this world in which we live which wants no part of religion unless it allows homosexuality and aborted babies.

We now have a government which does not promote respect or adhering to any type of faith; we do not have a government which 'ministers' nor seeks to do so.

Mormonism is not a platform for this election; however gay marriage is and it's front and center, forward march, set your battalions, salute the leader of it. :nono:

Just to be clear, I'm not supporting Romney... :nono:
Thanks, Shimmie. I'm staying home today because my children and I have colds. I'm going to settle in with a cup of hot tea and my Bible.


Beyond words, you and your 'babies' are healed in Jesus' Name.

I'm offline for now. :yep:
I'm going to have to write in a candidate or vote third party. I absolutely refuse to get entangled in the wickedness that is obvious in both campaigns. I strongly feel, or rather I know based on God's word, that both Romney and Obama are the wrong leaders for this country. I will not give up my right to vote. As a Christian, I cannot express just how strongly I feel about voting based on my faith. Friends and even some family feel that I am in the wrong, but only I know what God has placed on my heart. If I have to stand on the straight and narrow path by myself, then I'll just have to stand alone. I do not wish to have to explain to the Lord on judgement day why I knowingly aligned myself with ideals and policies that are completely opposite to the word...so I cannot vote for either Romney or Obama.
To be honest, that is the least of my concerns with Romney. I don't see anyone turning towards Mormonism because of Romney. It's simply not 'attractive' as a trend to follow. Folks who are voting for Romney are not doing so because he's a Mormon (other than those who already are of Mormon faith). Romney isn't even dedicated to being a Mormon; he may be playing the image of such, but that's only for the campaign.

I strongly oppose what Graham did, by the removal of Mormonism from the cult category. However, in this election campaign and even should Romney win, no one is going to be following Romney's faith. As I shared above, it has no 'attractive' lure to it; not in this world in which we live which wants no part of religion unless it allows homosexuality and aborted babies.

We now have a government which does not promote respect or adhering to any type of faith; we do not have a government which 'ministers' nor seeks to do so.

Mormonism is not a platform for this election; however gay marriage is and it's front and center, forward march, set your battalions, salute the leader of it. :nono:

Just to be clear, I'm not supporting Romney... :nono:

This and this!!!!

Seems there are more folks looking at those other candidates in this election than before.

There are 3rd party candidates out there and others who are not on the ballots, yet support my values. I'm online looking up each name and what they represent and the ones who are of 'value' to my vote are the ones I'm writing in.

It goes back to Joshua: "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord."
Shimmie I was trying to convince you to vote Romney but even I changed my mind about voting for him. It didn't even occur to me to vote for somebody else that's not republican or democrat.

My Pastor confirmed everything you told me this morning. I will post the video tomorrow once my church uploads it. I was so thankful!
I found this website and I took the 'test'. :look:

What it did for me was bring up the 'other' names on the ballot and I was able to click on the links by their names and view where they stand.


In the Senate tab, it showed that I was paired with Ben Cardin, but this was based upon he is anti abortion, HOWEVER, Ben Cardin is pro gay marriage, which I am not.

The other candidate is Dan Bongino who is both anti-gay marriage and anti-abortion. We also agree against legalizing marijuana, the theory of evolution, and a number of other issues. To be honest, I'm more matched to Bongino. How this test determined Ben Cardin is a wonder. He and I would be fighting issues for sure. :fistshake: :lol:

The results of the test showed that I'm 72% Republican...HOWEVER this was based upon my answers for social issues (gay marriage, abortion), which does not place me in agreement with Romney. Just because he says he's anti gay marriage and anti abortion, doesn't link me as his supporter. Romney has a side to him that I do not trust, he's sneaky; he's also strongly impresses me as being anti-Black. I do not trust his running mate, Paul Ryan. :nono:

There's another search that I did to help 'enlighten' me on who's who...

Type into Google: Ballot: State of ....................... Board of Elections 2012

I'm looking up every name online to confirm where each person stands and who represents my values. If no one does, my prayer is "Holy Spirit, please instruct me whom to write in who will give you glory". In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Shimmie said:
I found this website and I took the 'test'. :look:

What it did for me was bring up the 'other' names on the ballot and I was able to click on the links by their names and view where they stand.


In the Senate tab, it showed that I was paired with Ben Cardin, but this was based upon he is anti abortion, HOWEVER, Ben Cardin is pro gay marriage, which I am not.

The other candidate is Dan Bongino who is both anti-gay marriage and anti-abortion. We also agree against legalizing marijuana, the theory of evolution, and a number of other issues. To be honest, I'm more matched to Bongino. How this test determined Ben Cardin is a wonder. He and I would be fighting issues for sure. :fistshake: :lol:

The results of the test showed that I'm 72% Republican...HOWEVER this was based upon my answers for social issues (gay marriage, abortion), which does not place me in agreement with Romney. Just because he says he's anti gay marriage and anti abortion, doesn't link me as his supporter. Romney has a side to him that I do not trust, he's sneaky; he's also strongly impresses me as being anti-Black. I do not trust his running mate, Paul Ryan. :nono:

There's another search that I did to help 'enlighten' me on who's who...

Type into Google: Ballot: State of ....................... Board of Elections 2012

I'm looking up every name online to confirm where each person stands and who represents my values. If no one does, my prayer is "Holy Spirit, please instruct me whom to write in who will give you glory". In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Hey Shimmie,

I know we've had our disagreements in the past. But, the part about Romney being sneaky and anti black. I couldn't agree with you more!

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I found this website and I took the 'test'. :look:

What it did for me was bring up the 'other' names on the ballot and I was able to click on the links by their names and view where they stand.


In the Senate tab, it showed that I was paired with Ben Cardin, but this was based upon he is anti abortion, HOWEVER, Ben Cardin is pro gay marriage, which I am not.

The other candidate is Dan Bongino who is both anti-gay marriage and anti-abortion. We also agree against legalizing marijuana, the theory of evolution, and a number of other issues. To be honest, I'm more matched to Bongino. How this test determined Ben Cardin is a wonder. He and I would be fighting issues for sure. :fistshake: :lol:

The results of the test showed that I'm 72% Republican...HOWEVER this was based upon my answers for social issues (gay marriage, abortion), which does not place me in agreement with Romney. Just because he says he's anti gay marriage and anti abortion, doesn't link me as his supporter. Romney has a side to him that I do not trust, he's sneaky; he's also strongly impresses me as being anti-Black. I do not trust his running mate, Paul Ryan. :nono:

There's another search that I did to help 'enlighten' me on who's who on my local ballot. Even though the ballots are mailed out to us, I don't have mine yet and in addtion, the mailed ones do not tell you what each candidate is about; however the Internet does.

Type into Google: Ballot: State of ....................... Board of Elections 2012

I'm looking up every name online to confirm where each person stands and who represents my values. If no one does, my prayer is "Holy Spirit, please instruct me whom to write in who will give you glory". In Jesus' Name, Amen.

I also went here to obtain each of the names of those in the Senate of this entire country. This will enable me to pray for the other states in our country.


The Supreme Court Judges:


Here also:


I'm just allowing God to lead me in His direction, I'm tired of making the wrong decisions with this process.

And we beseech you, brothers, to know them which labor among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you;

I Thessolonians 5:12
Hey Shimmie,

I know we've had our disagreements in the past. But, the part about Romney being sneaky and anti black. I couldn't agree with you more!

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF


I feel like Paul Ryan is wearing a halloween mask, which behind it is the same as the mask...not trustworthy. Ryan spells KKK to me. Romney spells, 'he doesn't really care.

To bring this on topic, I wish that leaders such as Graham and others, would not take the 'easy' road and simply refuse to vote for them, just because they are Republican. I believe that there are honest and Black loving Republicans, however, Romney and Ryan do not fit the bill.

The Grahams should have taken a stronger stand among all the others in leadership supporting Romney.
Shimmie said:

I feel like Paul Ryan is wearing a halloween mask, which behind it is the same as the mask...not trustworthy. Ryan spells KKK to me. Romney spells, 'he doesn't really care.

To bring this on topic, I wish that leaders such as Graham and others, would not take the 'easy' road and simply refuse to vote for them, just because they are Republican. I believe that there are honest and Black loving Republicans, however, Romney and Ryan do not fit the bill.

The Grahams should have taken a stronger stand among all the others in leadership supporting Romney.

I just can't deal with a man who follows a religion that thought it was wrong to be black, up until like just 30 yrs ago or so. The God we pray to, told us we shouldn't judge one by their color. Because we're all God's children. Being sworn into secrecy and not accepting someone because of their skin color in a religion rubs me the wrong way. Treating a soup kitchen as a photo op and teaching that to your kids, rub me the wrong way. It doesn't sit we'll with me.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I just can't deal with a man who follows a religion that thought it was wrong to be black, up until like just 30 yrs ago or so. The God we pray to, told us we shouldn't judge one by their color. Because we're all God's children. Being sworn into secrecy and not accepting someone because of their skin color in a religion rubs me the wrong way. Treating a soup kitchen as a photo op and teaching that to your kids, rub me the wrong way. It doesn't sit we'll with me.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

Thank God not all Mormons feel Blacks are inferior. I know a few people who are Mormon; you can tell when someone is 'real' or not. I believe that Romney and Ryan are opposed to Blacks beyond the Mormon theology. They simply think that they are above us; it's the snot up their brains which brings them to this confusion.

MizzKutieQ... I don't feel good about them. You know? You ever have a 'feeling'; a sense about someone that they just aren't right? I don't feel right about these two characters. Their hearts are hollow towards Blacks.
Shimmie, I just took the test and It revealed that a Conservative is on the ballot for President in my state of Florida that best fits my values...Virgil Goode. He will be like the "Ralph Nader" of this time. I'm so glad that you put this website out there or I wouldn't have known.

So glad I don't have to vote for Romney or Obama!

letskeepntouch said:
Do you think that the BGEA's actions in removing mormonism were acceptable?

Just another campaigning strategy. I'm sure Grahm(sp) will save lots of money with Romney's plan.
Shimmie, I just took the test and It revealed that a Conservative is on the ballot for President in my state of Florida that best fits my values...Virgil Goode. He will be like the "Ralph Nader" of this time. I'm so glad that you put this website out there or I wouldn't have known.

So glad I don't have to vote for Romney or Obama!


Sis... He's on my list too (but of course, cause I live in the same country as you do.... I think :spinning: :rofl: ) I took the test again, same answers but utilized more of the importance levels to 'More and Most'. Romney came down a point on my percentage list. He needs to stop looking at my answers... copycat :lol:

Okay... so :yay: Virgil Goode. I'm going to send him a brief message to encourage him and to let him know to stand strong and not succomb to any of the social pressures.

BTW: Precious Wavy... I LOVE your siggy. The 'message' is so beautiful and clear. Thank you for putting it there. :love3:
Sis... He's on my list too (but of course, cause I live in the same country as you do.... I think :spinning: :rofl: ) I took the test again, same answers but utilized more of the importance levels to 'More and Most'. Romney came down a point on my percentage list. He needs to stop looking at my answers... copycat :lol:

Okay... so :yay: Virgil Goode. I'm going to send him a brief message to encourage him and to let him know to stand strong and not succomb to any of the social pressures.

BTW: Precious Wavy... I LOVE your siggy. The 'message' is so beautiful and clear. Thank you for putting it there. :love3:
Did you check him out? I think he is a great candidate for this election...this just may be an upset:lol:...but, it said on the website that he is only on the ballot in 23 states and trying to at least get to 40 states before the election. He is much more popular in Virginia. Apparently, the Republican party tried to stop him from getting on the ballot to no avail.

I love the pic in my siggy...no better way to say it than to actually show the scripture!
Did you check him out? I think he is a great candidate for this election...this just may be an upset:lol:...but, it said on the website that he is only on the ballot in 23 states and trying to at least get to 40 states before the election. He is much more popular in Virginia. Apparently, the Republican party tried to stop him from getting on the ballot to no avail.

I love the pic in my siggy...no better way to say it than to actually show the scripture!

I found his page online:


I'm like... ' Man where you been?' :lol:

It's the money; I think all candidates should have an equal amount of money and airtime alloted them...that's true equality. Though some may disagree, however it's still true equality; no candidate should have more than the other, all things equal when campaigning.

And those wedding rings in your siggy are resting right there on Genesis 2:21-25; what are people who support gay marriage not 'seeing'? Changing the Bible won't change the truth. :nono:

Too many compromises are going on; I pray that Billy Graham's ministry puts the truth back on their website regarding Mormonism. The truth should not be hidden.
I found his page online:


I'm like... ' Man where you been?' :lol:

It's the money; I think all candidates should have an equal amount of money and airtime alloted them...that's true equality. Though some may disagree, however it's still true equality; no candidate should have more than the other, all things equal when campaigning.

And those wedding rings in your siggy are resting right there on Genesis 2:21-25; what are people who support gay marriage not 'seeing'? Changing the Bible won't change the truth. :nono:

Too many compromises are going on; I pray that Billy Graham's ministry puts the truth back on their website regarding Mormonism. The truth should not be hidden.
That's what I said "Where have you been?" :lol:

Exactly, I agree...there should be the same money across the board that way others have a chance...equal!

They are not seeing God's Word...they don't care about it either...:nono:

*sigh* about Billy Graham's ministry.:nono:
Nice & Wavy said:
Shimmie, I just took the test and It revealed that a Conservative is on the ballot for President in my state of Florida that best fits my values...Virgil Goode. He will be like the "Ralph Nader" of this time. I'm so glad that you put this website out there or I wouldn't have known.

So glad I don't have to vote for Romney or Obama!


This is who I'm voting for!!
Shimmie said:
I found his page online:


I'm like... ' Man where you been?' :lol:

It's the money; I think all candidates should have an equal amount of money and airtime alloted them...that's true equality. Though some may disagree, however it's still true equality; no candidate should have more than the other, all things equal when campaigning.

And those wedding rings in your siggy are resting right there on Genesis 2:21-25; what are people who support gay marriage not 'seeing'? Changing the Bible won't change the truth. :nono:

Too many compromises are going on; I pray that Billy Graham's ministry puts the truth back on their website regarding Mormonism. The truth should not be hidden.

Shimmie I found him yesterday too!!! He consistently votes for what I believe in! Here are the states he has a ballot in. I'm in NJ so yay!!

We are on the ballot in:

Alabama, *Arizona, Colorado, Florida, *Georgia, Idaho, *Illinois, *Indiana, Iowa, *Kentucky, Louisiana, *Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, *Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York *North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, *Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, *West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming
That's what I said "Where have you been?" :lol:

Exactly, I agree...there should be the same money across the board that way others have a chance...equal!

They are not seeing God's Word...they don't care about it either...:nono:

*sigh* about Billy Graham's ministry.:nono:

Shimmie I found him yesterday too!!! He consistently votes for what I believe in! Here are the states he has a ballot in. I'm in NJ so yay!!

We are on the ballot in:

Alabama, *Arizona, Colorado, Florida, *Georgia, Idaho, *Illinois, *Indiana, Iowa, *Kentucky, Louisiana, *Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, *Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York *North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, *Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, *West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

Thanks Angels... I mean this. My heart has been so torn. I didn't want to not be a part of the election, yet my 'options' were nil when it came to voting for the President. Now I have a true 'button' to press on that panel which represents my views. :yep:

I'll be honest, this morning as I was prepping for work, I kept thinking about the scripture in I Chronicles 14:6-7....

"For there is no restraint (limitations) unto the Lord, be it by many or by few."

This man may appear to be 'few', however with God there are no restraints. I rremember praying weeks ago, 'Lord how do we do this? How do we overcome both Romney and Obama (Hey, you have not because you ask not... :look:). Lord, how do we bring them down from their misguidance and high horses? I remembered Esther, how she overcame by prayer and fasting.

I believe God gave us something more than a hope and a prayer. I have a big ole' smile because I don't have to compromise or settle when I vote on November 6.

Now if this man wins.........

Shimmie I found him yesterday too!!! He consistently votes for what I believe in! Here are the states he has a ballot in. I'm in NJ so yay!!

We are on the ballot in:

Alabama, *Arizona, Colorado, Florida, *Georgia, Idaho, *Illinois, *Indiana, Iowa, *Kentucky, Louisiana, *Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, *Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York *North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, *Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, *West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming


Well with all these states, I believe we have a Winner :cup:

:yep: :yep: :yep:
He's our ram in the bush :) I'm actually looking forward to voting now!

kila82... WOW! :up:

:thanks: THANK YOU. I like that, a lot. "Ram in the Bush".

I feel so blessed right now. I thank God that Nice & Wavy found this candidate and shared it with us.

Here's the thing: At least we KNOW that these candidates DO exist. Thank God for them. Thank God. :pray:

Thanks for the 'Ram in the Bush', Kila. It really made my day.

Now to hit these Senators.... :look:
Yeah I like Virgil too, he's got the bipartisan appeal that is necessary for leaders in this country to get anything done right...
..and look at his last name, Shimmie... lol


Shimmie;17096701 I feel so blessed right now. I thank God that @[URL="http://www.longhaircareforum.com/member.php?u=11613" said:
Nice & Wavy[/URL] found this candidate and shared it with us.
This is who I'm voting for!!

Shimmie I found him yesterday too!!! He consistently votes for what I believe in! Here are the states he has a ballot in. I'm in NJ so yay!!

We are on the ballot in:

Alabama, *Arizona, Colorado, Florida, *Georgia, Idaho, *Illinois, *Indiana, Iowa, *Kentucky, Louisiana, *Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, *Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York *North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, *Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, *West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

Thanks Angels... I mean this. My heart has been so torn. I didn't want to not be a part of the election, yet my 'options' were nil when it came to voting for the President. Now I have a true 'button' to press on that panel which represents my views. :yep:

I'll be honest, this morning as I was prepping for work, I kept thinking about the scripture in I Chronicles 14:6-7....

"For there is no restraint (limitations) unto the Lord, be it by many or by few."

This man may appear to be 'few', however with God there are no restraints. I rremember praying weeks ago, 'Lord how do we do this? How do we overcome both Romney and Obama (Hey, you have not because you ask not... :look:). Lord, how do we bring them down from their misguidance and high horses? I remembered Esther, how she overcame by prayer and fasting.

I believe God gave us something more than a hope and a prayer. I have a big ole' smile because I don't have to compromise or settle when I vote on November 6.

Now if this man wins.........

Yes girl....yes!!!! I will :thud: too! lol


Well with all these states, I believe we have a Winner :cup:

:yep: :yep: :yep:

He's our ram in the bush :) I'm actually looking forward to voting now!

@kila82... WOW! :up:

:thanks: THANK YOU. I like that, a lot. "Ram in the Bush".

I feel so blessed right now. I thank God that @Nice & Wavy found this candidate and shared it with us.

Here's the thing: At least we KNOW that these candidates DO exist. Thank God for them. Thank God. :pray:

Thanks for the 'Ram in the Bush', Kila. It really made my day.

Now to hit these Senators.... :look:
Shimmie, if it was not for you sharing that website to take the test, I wouldn't have known. I was looking up third party candidates, but you made it so easy...thank you, thank you!!!

I thank GOD for someone I can vote for....the Lord truly has given us a 'Ram in the Bush'!!!