What Do YOU Do to "Get in the Mood"?


So, it's coming up on two years with my SO and, usually, all he has to do is give me "that look" and I'm ready for :kissing4:. However, on some busy days, it's the last thing on my mind...but I can tell he's going to be tapping me on the shoulder as soon as I hit the sheets. Sometimes I pour myself a glass of wine or fix a martini, take a bubble bath, and slip into something sexy before bed to get my mind right. More often than not, that is all it takes. If that doesn't do the trick, I just tell SO that he needs to make a detour downtown :lick: (I couldn't resist that smiley!) if he wants some action.

I am curious though, what do you ladies do to help get in the mood after a long, busy day?
Depends on the circumstances. If I've already showered and all that jazz (I can't do it if I feel dirty! Physically anyway.), usually all he has to do is continue talking about his... area, and it just happens. Nothing really kinky either, just casual conversation that leads to more interesting discussion. I often get off topic and he has to steer me back there to keep me in the mood. :grin:

Other'n that, I use sex as a means to help me sleep after a long day, so long busy days are perfect for him!
A massage.
Some music.
Or sometimes, just sitting in the bed...goofing around and then the mood just kicks in after I am relaxed.