What do you do if your SO other wants it every night?

you guys must live together...

if you dont want it that much, sit down and talk to him. praise him for wanting you the way he does. be thankful he is attracted to you. and then tell him your body cant always take "him" (if he has a lil size, that could boost his ego). or, maybe compromise and do it three days out the week instead of four, but rock the mic a lil one day. not all guys understand no and sex in the same sentence. the last thing you want is to have him seeking out lovin from someplace else. just reassure him you are all about him, however you like to maybe work up a bit of "tension" throughout the week. idk girl. make up something believable!

im sorry youre in this situation. mine is the other way around. i chase that boy around the room
im moving on from the total opposite situation. coming from where ive been, i see that situation as a major plus, lol
DrC said:
Wait...what? Huh? Why?

We all differentiate in sex drives just like many other things. I don't even want it so much and I'm young. I think it's more fun to lust than to actually give in, it keeps it interesting
We all differentiate in sex drives just like many other things. I don't even want it so much and I'm young. I think it's more fun to lust than to actually give in, it keeps it interesting

That's true, but saying that she doesn't like it AT ALL? :eek2: That's weird. He ain't doin it right! :lachen: j/k a little :look:
IDK what's got into him lately but he's been on an every other day kick and well...I'm not in that space these days so I'm glad they're not marathons :)