What do you call this behavior?


Well-Known Member
Sexual innuendos from the first week and by the second week he was talking about what he likes to do in bed. All in the guise of us being adults when I said I'm not comfortable discussing things like this so soon. He wanted to come to my place, but I said no. He wanted a picture of me every day, I also said no. He wanted to do a video call, but I said I didn't want to. He went on about how it's not a big deal, we are adults. Called me with a video twice the same day.

I had mentioned to him about an issue with my eyes. It is only noticeable sometimes. He brought it up during our first date that he noticed. No one has mentioned this eye issue to me in years including people close to me and new acquaintances. It made me self-conscious but I brushed it off. After our date, he mentioned how he noticed my gray hair (I dyed my hair two weeks before so it was tiny signs at my roots), the dark mark on my neck, and other things. He said these things nonchalantly. As if he noticed I have these things but it's ok. This also made me self-conscious, which I brushed off. My thing is, why bring them up at all?

The other thing is, he is always making assumptions about me and projecting. I told him to wait to get to know me instead of making assumptions about me. He responded that he doesn't have to get to know me that well to date me and that he likes the little he knows, yet he kept making stuff up about me in his head and blurting them out. He was married and he said his ex changed or he didn't really know her after many years of marriage so you never really know anyone. I told him it takes me a while to warm up to people and I like to get to know people. Then he started asking how long it would take me, months, or years. Meanwhile, I have known this guy for only three weeks. Met him twice. First at a church during my friend's birthday (my friend introduced us) and a date a week later.

I told him last night that I'm not buying what he is selling and that I'm no longer interested. He said, "You don't believe anyone can like you?". He always makes assumptions like this and what he comes up with is so different from who I am or what I'm thinking. It's so weird.

I don't know what to make of how I'm feeling but his personality doesn't agree with me. I feel he is always imposing things on me and he doesn't think or care about what comes out of his mouth. What do you call men like this?
This behavior is called Asśhole. The condition has existed since time immemorial.

After the sexual innuendo in the first week, I would have likely blocked him, definitely after he started pushing clearly stated boundaries. Learn to recognize red flags earlier so you can avoid wasting weeks on foolishness, sparing yourself hurt self-esteem and confusion.
Sexual innuendos from the first week and by the second week he was talking about what he likes to do in bed. All in the guise of us being adults when I said I'm not comfortable discussing things like this so soon. He wanted to come to my place, but I said no. He wanted a picture of me every day, I also said no. He wanted to do a video call, but I said I didn't want to. He went on about how it's not a big deal, we are adults. Called me with a video twice the same day.

I had mentioned to him about an issue with my eyes. It is only noticeable sometimes. He brought it up during our first date that he noticed. No one has mentioned this eye issue to me in years including people close to me and new acquaintances. It made me self-conscious but I brushed it off. After our date, he mentioned how he noticed my gray hair (I dyed my hair two weeks before so it was tiny signs at my roots), the dark mark on my neck, and other things. He said these things nonchalantly. As if he noticed I have these things but it's ok. This also made me self-conscious, which I brushed off. My thing is, why bring them up at all?

The other thing is, he is always making assumptions about me and projecting. I told him to wait to get to know me instead of making assumptions about me. He responded that he doesn't have to get to know me that well to date me and that he likes the little he knows, yet he kept making stuff up about me in his head and blurting them out. He was married and he said his ex changed or he didn't really know her after many years of marriage so you never really know anyone. I told him it takes me a while to warm up to people and I like to get to know people. Then he started asking how long it would take me, months, or years. Meanwhile, I have known this guy for only three weeks. Met him twice. First at a church during my friend's birthday (my friend introduced us) and a date a week later.

I told him last night that I'm not buying what he is selling and that I'm no longer interested. He said, "You don't believe anyone can like you?". He always makes assumptions like this and what he comes up with is so different from who I am or what I'm thinking. It's so weird.

I don't know what to make of how I'm feeling but his personality doesn't agree with me. I feel he is always imposing things on me and he doesn't think or care about what comes out of his mouth. What do you call men like this?
Problem #1 - Sexual innuendos + met in church = incongruous
Problem #2 - You said no to various things and he said it was no big deal = disrespecting your boundaries
Problem #2b - Him trying to get you on a video call feels like he wants to then manipulate you into something sexual; same with asking for pictures
Problem #3 - He made unnecessary comments about your appearance/mentioned them like they were flaws but iT's OkAy bY hIm = negging you/trying to put you down or make you feel insecure
Problem #4 - the projecting = either him trying to control or mould you and/or not truly wanting to get to know you
Problem #5 - all in 3 weeks?? = too much too soon
Problem #6 - "You don't believe anyone can like you" - manipulation + negging again

You started this thread because you knew he was trouble. Maybe he's not got help or support after his divorce. Maybe all he's done is in error. Oh well, you two are not compatible. Please move on with your life.

Good luck and God bless.

What do you call this behavior?​

Creepy. He's definitely a creep. Definitely sounds like he's too old for this behavior too.

eta: @blessedandfavoured, this was an amazing breakdown. Thank you.
Problem #1 - Sexual innuendos + met in church = incongruous
Problem #2 - You said no to various things and he said it was no big deal = disrespecting your boundaries
Problem #2b - Him trying to get you on a video call feels like he wants to then manipulate you into something sexual; same with asking for pictures
Problem #3 - He made unnecessary comments about your appearance/mentioned them like they were flaws but iT's OkAy bY hIm = negging you/trying to put you down or make you feel insecure
Problem #4 - the projecting = either him trying to control or mould you and/or not truly wanting to get to know you
Problem #5 - all in 3 weeks?? = too much too soon
Problem #6 - "You don't believe anyone can like you" - manipulation + negging again

You started this thread because you knew he was trouble. Maybe he's not got help or support after his divorce. Maybe all he's done is in error. Oh well, you two are not compatible. Please move on with your life.

Good luck and God bless.

Better luck with the next guy.
This is a very low quality man. Sexually aggressive, manipulative and insecure.

First sign of disrespect, delete and block them. The moment they display any one of those behaviours you know you're not dealing with a gentleman - no point wasting any more time IMO.

I'm surprised a friend introduced him - though I'm hoping it was just a polite, party introduction rather than some type of love match set-up
I saw this online last week. I had to go back & find it to share.

Disclaimer- I don't watch this show (or follow this IG account) but this commentary was spot on.

Some of these men are master manipulators whether intentional or not.

Best to leave at the 1st red flag vs. investigating the "why" or "what" does xyz mean ... which will only delay the inevitable ending..and cause you longer time wasted and unnecessary mental anguish.

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Thank you ladies. It's weird how you read about things and when it's actually happening to you it feels wrong but you can't explain it. I ended things the night before I made this thread. I gave him a chance out of boredom. He has two kids and I don't date men with kids.
He should have been blocked from the moment kids were mentioned. I know as women we want to make some concessions but more times than not we always end up regretting it at the end. I am sorry you even had to experience that but your gut was already telling you everything you needed to know we just reaffirmed what you already knew.
He should have been blocked from the moment kids were mentioned. I know as women we want to make some concessions but more times than not we always end up regretting it at the end. I am sorry you even had to experience that but your gut was already telling you everything you needed to know we just reaffirmed what you already knew.
Yeah we as women tend to ignore what your gut is telling us. I was so guilty of that when I was younger in my 20s and early 30s. Thought that the issue was with me and I just had to push through and accept the situation. Now I see it had to do with self esteem and self worth.

Now, once I get that feeling that something isn't right or feeling uncomfortable or I am sensing red/yellow flags, I am out. And the feeling of relief that comes over me when I do that. I feel so much lighter as the dead weight is lifted from my shoulders.

We got to listen to our intuition!!! It is the sources from above protecting us.
Thank you ladies. It's weird how you read about things and when it's actually happening to you it feels wrong but you can't explain it. I ended things the night before I made this thread. I gave him a chance out of boredom. He has two kids and I don't date men with kids.
I completely understand where you are coming from. I was conditioned to dismiss my feelings and always see things from others’ perspective. Glad you ended that potential castastrophe of a situationship.
^^^^ This is EXACTLY the problem. Women are conditioned to ignore our feelings to make other people feel comfortable (especially black women) in so many areas of society starting as children. We are taught from a young age not to have develop boundaries and healthy emotions that would be consistent with protecting ourselves because that’s not what “nice girls do.” It leads to unhealthy people pleasing and sets us up for dysfunctional relationships and patterns of behavior that cause more harm than good.
He is working on breaking you. The subtle negging and pushing boundaries and projection by way of oversharing is big red flags but this is something you remove completely from as some turn violent or cause harm in other ways. Plz don’t give another chance or time as this communicates your under his spell.